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Had Someone Mowing & Weed-Eating The Yard While I Went Shopping This Morning…

He was just finishing up and left about 10 minutes after we got back home. Then the Crazy Neighbor comes to ring my doorbell. I didn’t answer the doorbell this time. He was probably going to accuse the man of going over in his backyard to trim tree branches again. We just wanted him to mow & weed-eat. This guy is a male Karen who is complaining when we get our yard mowed every time as though we are encroaching on his property. He has an old dying tree not far from from our fence line that is full of dead branches that will drop off down in our yard if the wind blows a bit hard in a storm and that doesn’t seem to bother him a bit.
WillaKissing · 56-60
In Ohio if I had that dead tree or even a live one in my yard that dropped branches into your yard, I would be responsible for the any damages to your fence and property.

I would check and see if that applies in Oklahoma, and if it did, I would print that out and hand it to Mr. Karen every time he came over along with a no trespassing warning.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@WillaKissing Oh yes he would be responsible for damages but the key is trying to get him to shell out the money to pay for it. He inherited that house from his parents and it’s probably too much for him living by himself with the utility bills, property taxes & insurance. His parents were old when we moved here and they kept that place very tidy. When they died he got it and the backyard looks like a weed lot. There are some big branches piled up and have been for years on the side of his house, looks like something snakes would live under. That’s why feral cats are over there having babies.
@cherokeepatti Notify city code enforcement, they'll fine him until he gets it under control. If he racks up enough fines they'll put a lien on his property and foreclose him, then buh bye male karen.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@cherokeepatti I would get the authorities involved, then he has nothing to say about it seeing as he will know that he has no legs to stand on
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Prison1203 If we sold the house and the “right” people moved in this house he would get his clock cleaned. This is Oklahoma and rednecks aren’t the most patient people with this sort.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
Throw the branches into his yard
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Gibbon It’s like I feel the need to apologize in advance for anything I might say. The first 24 hours I’ll be pinned down to the bed and feel like a beetle that has been pinned to a piece of styrofoam. That’s bad enough even without any pain. Can’t move an arm much due to IV’s and monitors on me. I think they have those ports for plugging in electronics to charge on the hospital beds so I can recharge my phone & Ipad, if I can hold them long enough to use them.
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4meAndyou · F
You don't need the aggravation. Good for you for not answering the door!
4meAndyou · F
@cherokeepatti I would call the police and tell them what has been going on with the neighbor. He sounds unhinged. You don't want to be lying in bed trying to recover from surgery and have this nut job at your door, losing it.
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4meAndyou · F
@cherokeepatti No reason except he has lost what little mind he had to begin with.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I went over to my parents house a few day's ago. My mom got a weed eater in the mail. She asked me what she should use it on first. The front yard steps have a few weeds around it. So she was kind of excited to use it
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
Sad having a neighbour like this.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Quimliqer It’s aggravating that he won’t maintain his property right either. Let’s wild trees grow up next to the fence and tear it up. We replaced the fence between his yard and ours and he refused to go in half for it like other neighbors do. Then he gets angry when we cut the branches that are growing on top of our shed and growing towards the house and on the new fence. He has 3 ladders laying next to his house and could get on one and cut those branches. I have had to for years but am not in the best of health this past year so I don’t do it now.
Confined · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti May need to sue him for damages.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Confined and once again if he doesn’t have money to pay for half of a fence on one side of his property he wouldn’t have the money to pay for damages. It’d be taken out in payments for years & years at the best. He works at Walmart. I don’t know why they hire this sort of person.

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