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BobaTea · 18-21, F
It’s unfortunate to hear that you are feeling so much hatred towards being black and towards yourself as a whole for not looking the way that society thinks you should look. It is natural to feel ugly or undesirable at times, but it’s important to learn to love yourself despite any imperfections or flaws you might have. Your appearance and skin color are part of who you are and what makes you unique, and it’s important to celebrate that uniqueness. It’s never okay for someone to say awful things about your nose or appearance or insult you for how you look.🩷

Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Occasionally in life you're going to run into those who have few filter brain cells and will be offensive without a thought as to whether what they say is either factual or whether they should keep their opinion to themselves.

These people are collectively known by many names. But for the purposes of this example, let's call them bigoted idiots.

Right ! Enough about them, let's talk about you !!

There's nobody like you !
That alone makes you special ! even if you don't recognize it.
Never compare your looks or shape to others. If you do you'll always find something on somebody else that looks way better in your opinion and that will start a self-loathing hatred of yourself that's neither true or helpful and clouds how you should see yourself.

Celebrate your difference.
Nanori · F
Uhh that can happen to anyone with any color in any country 🤷‍♀️ has nothing to do with your race specifically, bullies will always find something to try and humiliate others with. it's you who should believe in themself and work on your self esteem
[@Akira11] 👆 Listen to this woman. She's been through hell and back. Don't attribute what happened to you, but to that awful lady who insulted you.
wildbill83 · 41-45, M
I judge people by the content of their character, not the color of their skin...
sunsporter1649 · 70-79, M
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Do not care about those opinions of others. Your love and worth comes internal. And stop referring to yourself as a color. You are not a one is. No one can make you feel bad of something you yourself is proud of.
Applepiedom · 61-69, M
ALL lives matter
YoMomma ·
She don't sound like a good friend.. you should ex communicate her 😅
Ynotisay · M
One of the most important things we can do is to always consider the source. Of what we read, see or with interactions with others.

Think about what kind of a person would say that to someone else. And why. And if we do, then any power that we've given them should go up in a puff of smoke. THEY have the issues. THEY have shitty lives. THEY get something out of making people feel worse. So why let those kinds of people have any influence over you at all? They're beneath us. Rise above it. They're not worth your energy or attention.

Side note about noses. I've had my nose broken a handful of times, I'm sure it's not as nice as yours. And it means nothing. Especially in the eyes of people who look towards the things that matter. And there's a lot of them out there.
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
You're beautiful even if the whole world wants you to feel down about it

There's nothing wrong with how you look. Don't feel any self hatred and get some new people to hang out with. People who hurt you are mean and don't deserve your time. Especially if they work to break you down
I agree. The world is a toxic place to people who look different or who don’t fit the European beauty standards. But I’m sure you’re beautiful. Your nose does not define you it’s literally just a nose and you breathe through it so don’t worry about the shape of it.
specman · 51-55, MVIP
I think this is your alternate account.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Id about bet theyre wrong.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
I thought black people found other black people the most attractive. This seems the natural way of things.
Black is beautiful. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Talk to the liberals about that. They think because you are black, you automatically need their help.
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StanleyStark · 80-89, M
If you think you are ugly then you will be ugly. Try thinking nice thoughts about yourself and stop hanging it on others.
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
Not all black woman are ugly and hated for their skin colour, beyonces black Tyra banks is black aliyahha is black and they are all beautiful women ( I’m a straight woman, just making a point)
Didn’t your bsf even tell their 'friend' to knock it off?
One thing you need to do is get a sense of your own self worth. This person was being a jerk, an ignorant bully and there are many of them. Always have been and sad to say, always will be. You are you, we're all unique however we look. Please, fuck those who spit bitter and hateful words towards you, they do it to hurt and if you let it, it works to their advantage. Don't let it. I think you need new friends who will care enough about you to stick with you through thick and thin. I'd drop these two like hot potatoes.

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