I feel literally frustrated, Lonely, and just i dont know i just cant understand myself anymore i-i feel like i wanna die but i know its bad, i have no one to vent to and i just feel depressed
I'm glad you found this place somewhere to vent. I think overall it's a great community and can be super supportive. I hope this place gives you some comfort and a sense of belonging.
That sensation is genuine. And it's like a quick sand. The harder you try, the deeper you sink. The mind feels trapped in a box. You must first remove it from the confine.
When was the last time you were joyful? What brought you joy? Start from there.
I know exactly how you feel. I am going through the end of a five year relationship and I feel all of that. Plus some even more profoundly confusing, conflicting emotions.
@cyberdude28 It’s not about “feeling or not feeling” but about how you cope with that feeling & shut the doors of your feelings to refuse their presence in your life
@xbandoleerx I'd rather not shut the door on them (bottle them up) so I do my best to let them out little by little in a healthy, rational, intelligent and humane way. However; I appreciate your concern and sentiment.