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The whole world knows me

I am schizophrenic and have the thought-broadcasting syndrome. It's a syndrome where you think that people know your thoughts. When it is particularly strong, in the end of winter and the start of spring, I feel like everybody knows me... I think unappropriate thoughts, and people get irritated. It's like they know, or feel what I'm thinking. And most of the time they dislike it. I can watch a youtube video from 1964, while I'm born in 1993, and people in the video will react to my thoughts. It's like I'm a monster everybody tries to avoid. Feels bad man... This could be a bigger and more in-depth post but I'm too drunk. So yeah. This is what bugs me very much about my life.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
Mental illness is still an illness which is treatable. Hopefully you have good doctors who you trust and can communicate with easily that can help you in addressing your symptoms.
Schizophrenic101 · 31-35, M
@windinhishair I do have such a therapist. She knows me and my problems well. It's the one I'll return to this fall. :)
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@Schizophrenic101 That's excellent. Best of luck to you on your journey.
Schizophrenic101 · 31-35, M
@windinhishair Thank you stranger... :)
itsok · 31-35, F
I’m sorry. That sounds really hard
Lukeman · M
No one can know your thoughts. You have just imagined this.
Schizophrenic101 · 31-35, M
@Lukeman Thank you this is reassuring. I am always looking for evidence of this.
Lukeman · M
@Schizophrenic101 You can get some idea of how someone is feeling by the way they talk and behave, but they have to tell you what they are thinking for you to know this. Your private thoughts can only be guessed until you express them.
@Lukeman Good advice and good of you to offer it to OP.
gagan1999 · 31-35, M
I can understand your condition, schizophrenia is not a disease, it's a world of highly sensitive people who understand various things on deep level, we need special care, money and a lots of things that our society can't give us... Everyone treat us very badly, abuse us... That's makes our life very hard...
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
🤣 I feel you bother, it will be O.K. 👍 🙂
I understand. I feel like a monster too.
Schizophrenic101 · 31-35, M
@JustGoneNow Please ellaborate
Fukfacewillie · 56-60, M
I’m sorry, man. Must be very difficult.

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