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why are some people so rude and inconsiderate?

went to a store with my dad earlier. it was one of those places that have forklifts and other big, loud things going on. because of this i had my earbuds in, at a low volume, just so i wouldn't get overstimmed or anything. mind you, i could still hear my dad (he was aware of this) and other people talking. i wasn't like, oblivious to my surroundings. but some people don't seem to get that.
some older guy started talking with my dad, started off not too bad. but eventually he asked if i kept my earbuds in a lot, which my dad didn't lie about and said yes. then he followed up with "does it not piss you off that she doesn't listen to you?". i wanted to say something, but i'm not good with confrontation, so i just kept my mouth shut.
but like, do some people not consider that people might be doing something for a reason? without my earbuds i could've easily had a meltdown in there, i wasn't just being rude for no reason.
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Do not get all riled up. He was concerned. Many people have to tune out the world. To escape it. You could have spoken up. That is a choice. Did you talk to your dad about it? And one has to be careful in those environments. Dangerous with buds in too. Rules though.
TomboyGirl · F
@PoetryNEmotion like i said, i'm not the best with confrontation. too afraid he would've become ruder if i said something
yes i did. he apologized to me, so i'm not upset at him
i am aware. i kept my music low enough that i could hear if a forklift was coming at me
@TomboyGirl Then it all turned out fine. Good for you.
maybe he was just being alittle too blunt. either way some people talk without thinking. that was kinda rude of him.
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
That’s not rude or inconsiderate. Since he could have ignored you completely. It’s more an age thing. Don’t worry about it.
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MarkPaul · 26-30, M
Well, your behaviour is just anti-social and rude.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@PrincessOfHell Yes, and we call that "reciprocation." The seeing world makes accommodations for blind people, and blind people make accommodations for a world they can't see by trying to fit in. They don't shut down and block out the world. What don't you still get?
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@PrincessOfHell Another example that is neither relevant, makes any sense regarding the topic, and another example that you never even read, let alone understood, the girl's original topic. Stop trying to lead with your anger and try using your head.
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iamelijah · 26-30, M
Maybe a bit rude but at the same time maybe he concerns. I am not generalizing all earbuds people, as I am also one of them and using earbuds can be dangerous if you nearby machine or mobile (edit: i mean cars, or any transportation).

I read some news people got accident because they didn't aware their surroundings maybe they playing too loud and got carried away with the mood and lack awareness what the outcome them back and forth.

If I were you, I would respond to him.
"Yes, I can hear you," with politely. But of course confrontation can be stressful and tense sometimes.
Autism is a relatively new condition... many older people don't understand it or it's effects on people who have it.
Gloomy · F
I'm so sorry this happened to you. People and older people can be ignorant and very rude at times.

When I was younger I got real bad anxiety when out in public and I had my eyes pinned down to the floor and never dared to look people in the eyes and one day a friend of my aunt asked her why my aunt doesn't slap me for behaving that way. I started crying and shacking cause of it.
TomboyGirl · F
@TrumpIsFinallyGone what does this have to do with my post?
People can be excuse me for the word , shitty.
Ignore it , it’s not like he will affect your life in any way . But I understand.
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