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Do i deserve to live?

So my parents like my older brother and i dont really mind that its just that they told me they dont have favorites and when my brother does something bad they just let it slide but i do a tiny mistake they sudenly guilt trip me and threaten me and the worst part is they told me i was a mistake and that iwasnt suppose to be born, i know people have worser problems than mine and im sorry about this i really am so please dont be mad at me
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Evened · 51-55, M
Everyone deserves to live, no matter how they were brought up. The majority of your life will be shaped by your actions and your decisions and hopefully not from those of your producers. Try to keep a positive aspect from that (I know it's easier said than being done) and remember not to act like your parents in the future.
"You are a child of the Universe. You have a right to be here."

I had wonderful parents - unfortunately that's not guaranteed.

When mean, petty, angry people make babies they become mean, petty, angry parents. That's not YOUR doing. It's their doing.

Try to see this as temporary. I know the teens seem endless, but they're not. Hang in there until you can leave and find somewhere with love and oxygen to breathe.

Jungleman · M
of course you deserve to live, unfortunately we don't get to choose our family.
Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I ask myself the same question, sometimes.
oogirl · 13-15, F
Of course you deserve to live everybody does
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
You certainly deserve to live.
Your patients are horrible for saying that to you .. of course you deserve to live and happily .. nobody should ever say that sorta crap to kids .. idk whats wrong with them 😶
Isthisit · F
Im sorry your parents are so horrible to you!

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