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I Just Need To Vent

Today has been awful, working on the wards with "suspect" covid-19. A patient I had been looking after had previously been walking around and chatting, now lying there unconscious, gasping for breath and now on end of life. I just broke down after seeing her in such a state.

The news said we would start getting tested this weekend, matron says not until next week because we are low risk. 95% of our staff are off ill however and we have had confirmed cases previously.

We are not allowed to wear the gowns and masks when patients are just suspected, I feel so vulnerable and uncared for.
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Stay safe there. It must be tough for you all working with many patients.
TrunkZ · 56-60, M
This pandemic has caught everyone short of supplies and highlighted the flaws in whatever plans and preparation had been previously made. I hope they get you the protective gear you need to safely do your job. Those, like you, that are in the trenches are the true heroes in all of this. Thank you for helping those who truly need your help.
I don't envy you. What you do is a credit to us all and a huge service.
Im very sorry you have to work under such circumstances. Please keep safe and try to remain strong. It is a scary and difficult situation all around, you are very brave and strong to be fighting in the front lines.
We are all cheering for you. If there's any way we can help let us know ❤️
Livingwell · 61-69, M
I’m so sorry. Thank you for the compassion and tenderness you are offering your patients. I pray that you stay well and that the situation improves.
Peapod · 61-69, F
I cannot not imagine having to see that up close. 🥺

I hope none of you contract this horrific thing.

You don't deserve to fear for your life every time you come to work, but I certainly can see why you do.
Beatbox34 · 31-35, M
What you're doing is indeed commendable but I wish the authorities understand your position.

Please stay safe 🤗
Pfuzylogic · M
We can only give what we possess as a human. Don’t give up caring about others.
You are in a war that few were prepared for and many denied.
Jm31xxx · 46-50, M
Hey we all really appreciate all you're doing rn. Are you in the uk?
Zelllambert · 36-40, F
@Jm31xxx I am yeah, thank you.
Frank52 · 70-79, M
From my enforced isolation, I wish you well and hope that those responsible for the poor planning of resourcing this predicted pandemic will understand exactly what they have (not) done. We all owe a debt of gratitude to all of you who put yourselves in the way of danger for the sake of the vulnerable.
Luchs · 51-55, M
You've got a lot of courage and mental strength to do what you do.
Echoing · 61-69, F
(hug) I am so sorry. My prayers!
4meAndyou · F
The shortages of personal protective equipment are appalling. No wonder 95% of your staff are ill.

You are probably spreading the virus unknowingly, because you and your clothing are exposed on every shift to your patients who have not had test results returned.

I will pray for you.
Zelllambert · 36-40, F
@4meAndyou doesn't help that most of my patients are 70+, I'm so paranoid that I'm killing people but there's no one else able to work and no way to find out if any of us are actually safe to be working.
4meAndyou · F
@Zelllambert I will pray for all of you. 😢🙏💛
Joker2019 · 31-35, M
*Hugs from very far away* I'm so sorry :'( .

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