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What's the difference between a Prostitute and a Drug dealer?
A Prostitute can wash her crack and use it again.
A Prostitute can wash her crack and use it again.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
I made a completely original joke up the other day as I was drifting off to sleep but I forgot it. :(
Donald Trump
I picked up a hitch-hiker yesterday. He said "How do you know I'm not a serial murderer?"
I told him that the odds of two serial murderers being in the same car are astronomical.
I told him that the odds of two serial murderers being in the same car are astronomical.
exchrist · 31-35
Man walks into a bar with jumper cables around his neck. Bartender says ill serve you as long as you dont start nothing. Not my worst but my oldest.
@exchrist Almost went over my head 😂. Nice one
Man and his Friend. My Wife just died from the Crabs. "What, you don't die from the Crabs." You do if you give them to me!
@Pitchblue Gave me a chuckle
BarbossasSpouse · 36-40, F
Why did the little boy drop his ice cream cone?
He got hit by a truck
He got hit by a truck
@BarbossasSpouse Oh my, I didn't expect that 🤣
beermeplease · M
what do you say to a one legged hitch hiker?....
.....hop in.
.....hop in.
@beermeplease haha 😂.
3 Mice in a bar. Mouse 1 downs a shot and says, My Homeowner leaves poison pellets around the house but I crush them and snort them. Mouse 2 downs a shot and says, My Homeowner leaves mousetraps around the house but I lay on them and use them for a benchpress. Mouse 3 downs 3 shots and stands up. Hey, where are you going? Home To Fuck The Cat!
@Pitchblue 🤣😂🤣
bugeye · 26-30, F
[Insert set up here] and then [insert punchline here]
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Young cowhand enter cafe, he notices and old grisled cowboy sitting at a table just stairing. He has a steaming bowl of chili, just staring straight ahead.
Young cowboy says, if youre not going to eat that can i have it.
Young coowpoke scoops spoon fulls the stops.
Did you know there is a dead mouse in her
Yea, thats when i threw upe
Young cowboy says, if youre not going to eat that can i have it.
Young coowpoke scoops spoon fulls the stops.
Did you know there is a dead mouse in her
Yea, thats when i threw upe
CestManan · 46-50, F
Saw this on my other forum, THE lamest joke there is -
Two guys are talking, one says, "What is your favorite thing?" Other one goes, "Bread".
First one says, "No I mean like hobbies. Sports, TV, making things, whatever."
Other one says, "Smelling bread."
Yeah it is dumb as hell.
Two guys are talking, one says, "What is your favorite thing?" Other one goes, "Bread".
First one says, "No I mean like hobbies. Sports, TV, making things, whatever."
Other one says, "Smelling bread."
Yeah it is dumb as hell.
redredred · M
Did you hear about the guy who had a dog with no legs? Every day he took it out for a scrape.
Q. What’s the difference between a new Jaguar and a hundred dead bodies?
A. I don’t have a Jaguar in my garage
Q. What’s the difference between a new Jaguar and a hundred dead bodies?
A. I don’t have a Jaguar in my garage
DocSavage · M
The odds of there being a bomb on your plane are a thousand to one. The odds of there being two bombs on the same plane are a thousand times a thousand to one
Next time you travel, cut down the risk. Bring a bomb.
Next time you travel, cut down the risk. Bring a bomb.
DocSavage · M
What’s the difference between an Irish wedding and an Irish funeral ?
One Drunk
One Drunk
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Who was the first person to look at a cow and say, ‘I think I’ll squeeze these pink dangly things here, and drink whatever comes out?
@FeetAreFantastic That's an excellent question 😂
empanadas · 31-35, M
What's the difference between humans and pigs, pigs don't know they are eating shit
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