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Should SimilarWorlds add an "Anonymous Confessions" feature? 👻 🤫

Poll - Total Votes: 114
Yes! - Give us Anonymous Confessions.
No! - Do Not add Anonymous Confessions.
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It has been brought to our attention that numerous users have requested over the years that we include an Anonymous Confessions feature on SimilarWorlds.

We've had some concerns about including such a features this on this platform, hence it hasn't yet been developed;

However, we do see that there have been numerous calls for Anonymous Confessions to be added,

and, we do understand that with with moderation (especially if we can delegate moderation to selected users, while maintaining the poster's anonymity),
the addition of such a feature may be viable, and relatively safe.

What are you thoughts about this? 🤔

Do you believe that SimilarWorlds should work on adding an Anonymous Confessions section?
🤫 👻
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I like the idea but I'm not sure we can be trusted with something like that. It might be doable with a ton of moderation.
If I remember correctly we had the option of gifting anonymously? We see how well that went.
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I think it would be helpful for some people. Perhaps only allow the gesture box and no comments too. This would give them more ease is getting their words out without fearing hurtful comments.
@Pinkstarburst yes to disabling comments
acupaday · 46-50, F
@Pinkstarburst A vote for disabling comments as well
Magenta · F
I concur to disabling comments as well.
Rutterman · 46-50, M
Thanks for asking us about this.

It's not something I'm interested in, but I think it would be okay to introduce it on a closely monitored, experimental basis. You can always modify it as needed or scrap it altogether if there are too many problems with it.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
Andrew you do a great job with this forum! I think the idea of anonymous confessions is congruent with the overall theme of the forum
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
There are consequences for doing this but I still like it so yes.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
It would be nice if people started focusing on what is said instead of who said it.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I can see an enormous potential for abuse of this, however I do think it’s an interesting idea. At the very least it could be entertaining, and maybe it could even give a voice to things that would otherwise go unsaid and could use some guidance from the community.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
I remember what chaos some of these anonymous confessions caused when targeted at other users and including negativity. If there was more moderation iy might work, but the site was meant to be anonymous anyway so I never understood why they had that section. I do not think I would personally use that section.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@FreestyleArt It got very nasty at times in that section. Lots of people got warnings too, bc although it was anonymous to us it wasn't to them and you kind of knew who it was bc of the warnings.
Fungirlmmm · 51-55, F
@FreestyleArt Jake (former ep admin) had told me that was one of their biggest headaches for moderation. They took it fown for that reason.
@Fungirlmmm and will you hear my confessions?
It will need to be closely moderated, its a yes from me.
acupaday · 46-50, F
I’m for it. I created a second account a good while back just so I could express what was weighing heavily on me without others knowing it was me. I don’t receive pity well and knew it would come if I shared those struggles from my main account. It would be a good venting option for those too reserved to do so openly, whether it’s because of the fear of infecting those closest to them here with darkness or because they fear the judgement that would follow by those hell bent on spouting unsupportive bs just for the sake of being an ass…which is why having comments disabled on anonymous posts (without having to pay for VIP) would be ideal if it comes to fruition. This site already doesn’t feel like the safe or even welcoming place as it once did, so it could just prove that even more if people are allowed to comment on what others are too fearful to share publicly.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
@acupaday I didn't create a 2nd account but I was thinking that too--that a lot of people do exactly what you do as a work-around for anonymous posting.
Magenta · F
@acupaday Yes. And nearly everyone assumes the confessions will be about other members, when some may need it for RL issues and this will be their private way of unloading for catharsis.
Penny · 46-50, F
My first thought would be ick factor high. I mean the sleaze factor is pretty high already on here. Id be concerned that an anonymous confession feature would just amplify it in a really bad way. Id rather see a stories feature like EP had. I dont remember much how it was done technically but i do remember being encouraged to contribute more because of it.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Closely monitor it, have questions reviewed prior to posting, or else it will be a terrible idea to even consider. All it takes is for a lapse in moderation and now an anonymous person is posting someone's information etc
SaltnLime · 70-79, M
No, there is enough weird stuff on here already. If you do proceed, then it should be separated from the main feed and someone would have to pro-actively select to go there.
BigGuy2 · 31-35, M
Seeking clarification as to why my account is not fully functional
You know that this feature is open to so much abuse... even with moderation, I wonder if it would potentially be used as a pedophile's playground in much the same way as the image tab and photo galleries currently are???

I'm getting tired of seeing comments on pictures of 12-13 year old GIRLS from men aged 50-60 and having to remind them that this is a literal child, the same age as their grandchildren to shame them into deleting the comments.

If you are going to do this, all "confessions" will have to be pre-approved in the same way as questions asked by the question bot are. Not only to keep the heat on pedophiles but to prevent it from becoming a new way to bully others and circumvent the rules on calling out other members by username.
SpaceJesus · 41-45
@HootyTheNightOwl Best comment here, and I approve 100%
helenS · 36-40, F
Magenta · F
Not sure it's something I would participate in, but I would say yes, try it. You can always shut it down if it becomes chaotic. Maybe put it in it's own section, not necessarily on the main page.

As far as it becoming abusive towards other members, we already have that often here and many times using names/clues that leave little doubt. On the one hand it may give some a place to unload issues or guilt not even related to here. Which could be beneficial to them. Delegating selective members is a good idea for that and other behavior.

We can't be responsible for how anyone will interpret or perceive some random confession. Plus, it's not like anyone is forced to read them.

Thank you, Andrew!
I remember it being an absolute cesspool on EP.
I don't think it is worth the associated risks.

I'd rather have an option to turn off comments on our own posts.
Aw. Like EP had. Yeah. Bring that here. 🥹
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@NativePortlander1970 I remember that being my first outlet when I joined EP. I was able to express what was happening in my life when I didn’t feel comfortable ever doing so. At times, it was even a game, arguing back and forth with friends I made and trying to guess which was them.
Those who use it to be nasty can still be reported.
This message was deleted by its author.
CBarson · 51-55
Isn't that what we're already doing here? Redundant.
Nanori · F
It can't be that harmful, nothing can be said in them that can't be said in normal posts and not like ppl won't be able to report them if there's anything suspicious or illegal going on in them.
TexChik · F
Delegating anything to your "selected users" to moderate would be a disaster. Some have their own agendas and have misused their "power" against members in the past.
Sunrises · 26-30, F
@Sunrises ah-ha! Well when all those call outs come, we'll know who it is, and so we'll call you out 😁
Sunrises · 26-30, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP we’ll see lol
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
No, we should not enable this type of cowardice. If someone is going to confess something, they should be encouraged to feel empowered to own their confession (under their screenname which for all practical purposes is mostly anonymous) ... for the good of society and the SimilarWorlds community... and each individual's own self-development.

An anonymous confession (beyond a screenname construct) is valueless and in the long-term self-destructive.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Magenta That makes 0.0 sense. Let's take you as an example. I could be wrong, but I strongly (STRONGLY) suspect your REAL name is not Magenta. So, you essentially are already anonymous by your own choice. If I attempted to find out where you live or who your neighbours are to expose you, it would be nearly impossible for me to find someone off-screen who knows, "Magenta." Unlike me, you have already chosen to be anonymous by using a fake name. You already have the protective cloak that comes with an assumed name.

In the news business, when a source is open to revealing information but wants to remain anonymous, as a last resort we will not name the source or use terminology "an unnamed source" which weakens the credibility of the information. Instead, we offer to hide the source's face, disguise his/her voice, or assign a name that is not the source's real name... something like... oh I don't know... something like "Magenta."

You have already chosen to be anonymous as is your right and within the functional capability already afforded to you. In my case, I have chosen to not be anonymous by using my real name, but in both cases we both are fairly protected from being revealed, just to different degrees... you at maximum efficiency, me at something less than that.

My concern is you have taken your online identity as "Magenta" as something that is equal to the life you lead under your "real" name. That's dangerous. If you need healing that you can't achieve under a made-up screen name, then an "Anonymous" tag to hide behind is only going to accentuate your personal problem.

Finally, in the unlikely event your real name is Magenta, then the simple solution is to create a new made-up name rather that feeling safety by blending yourself in with every other poor frightened soul who wants to use a common "Anonymous" label that literally lumps all of you into a single collective that will make each of your individual posts meaningless to the community. If you have that high security need for that order of magnitude privacy, then you will be better served to favour recording your issues in a private, not community, journal.
Magenta · F
@MarkPaul Actually it takes very little to find out who someone is in RL, believe me on that.

But yes, sure, most all of us use screen names. We have families, businesses and other things in RL we want to keep private or protect. Plus we don't want to open ourselves up to nefarious people. Internet is really not safe.

Yet, we (long term members) are not truly anonymous still, certainly not at maximum efficiency, as we all have friends that know a bit more personal things, plus all the years we have shared and posted here reveals a certain amount. Some may want to be 100% anonymous about some private matters not even their friends or other members here know. They may not want those things to be known to all about them. So confessing anonymously will be beneficial to them.

Anyway, I'm not going to argue the point. I was mostly speaking in a general sense, not sure I would even use the feature.
MarkPaul · 26-30, M
@Magenta Okay, "Magenta"... sure. 🙄
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
Yes please!
Lostpoet · M
Confessions was one of my favorite features on EP, but I can understand how it can be unsafe and someone might use information against other people.. If you can make it completely anonymous then it would be a good feature.
especially if we can delegate moderation to selected users
Maybe it's worth trying that with regular posts first to see how that works out. It feels like some extra help with that is welcome anyway.
@NerdyPotato Agreed
Not something I have any interest in, either posting or reading confessions. I understand that people sometimes need a place to unload and anonymously would be helpful.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
In my experience i'd have to say no. Bad idea.

I say that because the whole point of SimilarWorlds is that you should feel comfortable enough to be honest in your approach and use.

It's already hard enough with the Trolls masquerading as occasional users who only seem to pop-up when fetishising something or pushing an extreme political view (possibly on behalf of a political group wanting traction on social media either to gain support or encourage hatred) only to disappear once they've libelled a respondent beyond exasperation.
i like the idea, being a long-timer. there comes a point were you're just not anonymous anymore

it would have to be heavily moderated, tho
I think that it would be helpful and readers may learn something about themselves. Thanks for asking.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Sounds good we can be anonymous even on the anonymous sw. Ask things on here without our username I believe is how it would work.
I used to read the anon confessions on Experience project all the time. Loved it. I think, if I recall, there was only a gesture response available. I think it would be cathartic for some users, I would definitely use it to express my inner thoughts and mumblings. I’ve been asking for this for ages. So yes..please. You ever read unsent letters on Reddit? Some poignant stuff on there for example, it could be similar - ha ha excuse the pun.
Magenta · F
Hi @Andrew. Just curious what came of this and will you be implementing it?
Selah ·
I personally requested this 6 years ago, so yes. Lol
Yes. Worked well on EP.
As long as it’s not used as a way to anonymously libel other posters (so, closely monitored) I’m okay with it.
Mordechai · 31-35, M
I think it's a great idea
Puppycat23 · F
Yes! Now I can share my deepest darkest secrets
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
Yes sir e bob
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Sure, go for it! And while you're at it, you might want to go for a profile pic that doesn't look like you're about to condemn someone to hard labor.
Jessmari · 41-45
I think it's something implemented for good fun, but it's viability will be heavily tested.

Any news on the group tools?
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
I wouldn't....I remember it's used for a battlefield too...but that's up to you I don't care anymore.

some users here loves entertainment and I use too but I've been there. I'm too old for this
That sounds ok, people would use it I'm sure. It must be truly anonymous though.
As long as confessions aren't censored for content ...
Which option would Trump exploit, er... um... choose?
Mine would be the opposite to that.
Shadyglow · F
It sure would help me. SO MUCH I cant say to just anyone...or anyone...

But management got cautious after someone got killed on EP and the whole project went down.
BabyLonia · F
Firstly thanks for asking the community. It is something unique to SW how admin do engage with their users.

Personally i do not see a need for this. Users here can be anonymous to whatever extent they like. If i wished to post about something without my user profile i can create a new one for that purpose.

So i guess tge question is what is the nature of the posts that people want to make anonymously

How can you prevent it for being used for illegali posts or pornographic posts, or posts about other users.

I'm not sure i see the value, but happy to have someone explain why
helenS · 36-40, F
If i wished to post about something without my user profile i can create a new one for that purpose.
Sure but you won't have to if there's a dedicated anonymous channel.
BabyLonia · F
@helenS i guess but what advantage isbthere to.posting anonymously
helenS · 36-40, F
@BabyLonia I really don't know – anything I've ever posted has been under my own profile name.

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