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Lately I've been struggling with a lot of heavy duty things, like so many individuals these days. I've had to dig right down deep within my soul some days to find that inner strength. It has always been such an intricate part of who l am, just as much as the courage we need to face the reality and hardships of every day living. That and my resilience, worn like an invisible cloak at times. l seem to wear it more often especially when l'm at my most vulnerable.

I keep reminding myself that we can overcome anything in this life, just gotta keep believing in ourselves and know whatever the battle, we'll make it through and can do it. Understand intuitively with that incredible perseverence and self preservation, it can only make us stronger and is so much part of our inner psyche.
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WillaKissing · 56-60, M
What a lovely post, and truer words have not been spoken. I want you to know my heart feels your struggle and my arms offer you a hug of support and embrace as my hands will make you something to eat and a coffee or tea to drink while my mind offers you a safe place and shelter to warm your soul and to be safe.

And lastly my Lady!

@WillaKissing Well l figure while I'm waiting to get back in the work force again, l'm keeping busy, being productive and writing. l've been doing a lot of preserves, jams and pickles lately. I made this really delicious green tomato chutney with apples and raisins, it turned out beautifully.
I admire that you enjoy using a bow, it sounds very challenging. The only bow I use is my bow flex to work out with. It has its challenges as well but the results are great. 😊❤️
WillaKissing · 56-60, M
@sensualbeauty1 Pickles, preserves, jams, and chutney sounds delicious and a wonderfully productive way to spend your time. Writing is great as well.

That bow flex producing good results is awesome as well. I pray that my bow produces awesome results too, it usually does but more, so I thank God if he sends me the mature deer, I seek being all honest. I know there is skill and prep and all, but I rely on God's good graces mostly.

He good luck with the work force return as well.
@WillaKissing Thanks so much, a lot of it is just loving to do so many things in my kitchen and giving some of them to my family, friends and my former senior clients. Writing has always been a passion for me, l hope I can publish those stories one day.

Well I shall send you positive vibes and the best of luck that you'll have great success with that bow. God does answer prayers and believing in yourself definitely helps to. 🙏❤️🤗
You are strong woman. Know that from your post. 🤗🤗🤗
@Sojournersoul Thanks again, have a great day! ☺️
@sensualbeauty1 You too. 🤗
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
I am working on being on the positive side of this quote
@BLP11520 Good for you, IMHO, it's much nicer to stay on the positive side. The alternative isn't always pleasant, far too many negative individuals out there.
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I'm always here if you need to talk honey.. 😘
@braveheart21 Thanks so much my faraway friend. Hope all is going well in your life. 🤗💋
braveheart21 · 61-69, M
Slow but sure.. @sensualbeauty1
@braveheart21 That's good, lots going on here, just taking life one day at a time and being optimistic.
BLP11520 · 61-69, M
Nice quote ❤️
@BLP11520 Thanks so much appreciated.
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@OldMan70 Yes exercise and meditation is beneficial not only for our physical well being, but our mental and spiritual needs as well. Great perspective, thank you and yes baby steps and one day at a time.
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Domking · 61-69, M
Tough times come and go - do not perceive them as permanent.
You will walk through it, stronger
@Domking Thank you, that's sound advice and very true. I've always believed through personal experience, that for each negative there's always a positive. Strength and resilience has sustained me through my life.
bobhall5868 · 56-60, M
I hurt for you, but fortunately I know that you are stronger than the challenges Beauty!
@bobhall5868 Thank you, l am perfectly fine my friend, we all have issues we have to deal with everyday.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
after 9 years on job i was burning out and recently quit...feeling much better
@1490wayb That's good, sometimes those choices me have to make in our lives, benefit us and are advantageous to our health and well being.
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
So very true!! Inspirational words!🤗🌹
@Quimliqer Thank you so much, appreciated my friend. 😊🤗
Sleepysheep · 26-30, M
They can’t tell you what to do once you GONE GURU! 😎
@Sleepysheep No that's true, just gotta live your life to the fullest while you're here.
Lilnonames · F
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live." ...
"You cannot be lonely if you like the person you're alone with."
@Lilnonames That's very insightful my friend and so true. Thank you for for your thoughts, very much appreciated. ❤️

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