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RFK Jr. Supports Full Term Abortions...Oh Wait 🙄

Understand that the only reason why RFK Jr. walked back his position is because it might hurt his campaign. He's still ok with murdering babies just before birth.

DDaverde · 56-60, M
Late term abortion is murder ..
No exceptions no excuses..
@DDaverde agreed
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
The worst thing I heard of heard with the abortion ban is that a woman here couldn’t get one for a tubal abortion. Tubal pregnancies will never be viable and it’s a life-threatening condition. Otherwise I hate abortions, the unborn innocents are punished with death.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
@cherokeepatti Do you have specific details? Like, what state denied her?
@cherokeepatti there are situations in which an abortion needs to remain legal.
Medical necessity, rape, inscest. I could even hold my nose and support abortion prior to the development of the central nervous system (before the baby can feel pain). After that...no.
4meAndyou · F
@WizardofOz Oklahoma.
TexChik · F
RFK Jr. is a very radical lib.
@TexChik he's a whack job, for sure. He managed to get the attention of some conservatives due to his stance on covid and the jab.
I honestly think him relating something died inside him and was removed, might well see anyone thinking of supporting him, quietly backing away.
Hard to say what his changing positions on abortion will do; but if he changed it in two days, those thinking of voting for him might want to reconsider.
The news of the thing that died inside him; it may have been something that happened to him; but letting such information as that out, tends to give voters pause, especially with his anti vaccination stance, and so close to elections.
WizardofOz · 26-30, M
Joe Biden was nominated by the democrats as their presidential nominee, I still have no clue what his stance is when it comes to abortion. He has yet to give a clear answer! I really couldn't care less about RFK!
DDaverde · 56-60, M
@WizardofOz he’s too busy crapping his pants….
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@DDaverde Hardy har har har. You must have no criticisms of his policies if all you can think of to say is how an 81 year-old man might not always make it to the bathroom.
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JPWhoo · 36-40, M
RFK Jr.’s got a worm in his brain. I haven’t read the details, but that only makes sense given the liberal family he comes from that he would take some of the crazy positions he does.

So if y’all are so damn concerned about “saving lives” why does it have to be by banning abortion? Why not simply abolish the US military? That would “save lives”. Or you could make a law that when someone requires an organ donation to save his life and they find a match that the match must donate his organ. That would “save lives” too.

Oooh, I know! Because abolishing the military and forcing matches to donate their organs doesn’t mean you get to control more uteruses. That’s what this abortion thing is really about.
@JPWhoo no its about murder ! And comitting murder ! Our military has notbing to do with this abd only a demosewerrat woukd say something luje what you just di as they are keeping us americans safe there is a large diffence. !
JPWhoo · 36-40, M
@Manneeds The military kills people, right? Therefore, if we abolish the military we “save lives” because the military won’t be around to kill people anymore.

It makes as much sense as “saving lives” by forcing women to give birth to babies they don’t want.
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HumanEarth · 56-60, F
They all lie, that's how they get paid by getting people to believe lies and hiding the truth.

The government is the one that killed JFK
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
All correct @HumanEarth
PatKirby · M
I wonder if this backsliding move will reduce Biden's chances.
@PatKirby it's a good question
I think a decision for a very late abortion depends on circumstances and should not be prohibited by definition.
@Samantha2002 yes it actually should because abortion is MURDER ! clean and clear ! The only stipulations on it is that if it does not happen the girl or woman or baby will die thats it ! And rape molestation is not an excuse to get one if a woman does not want to have a child then get on the ddpo shot birth control or get fixed or the woman carrys olabd brings condoms with her and not using one the guys brings or carrys with him that he has poked a hole in it and if the woman dies not want the child then after givkng birth then give the baby up for adoption there is many people that cannot have children give them.that gift of having the baby MURDER IS NEVER AND SHOULD NEVER BE AN OPTION !
As the worm turns…so do lackluster politicians.
In your post about abortion you need to put murder in there to since its murdering an innocent baby thst cannot fend protect or defend its self murder is murder is clean and clear period !
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@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout baby parts = $$$
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@FreestyleArt You have a valid point.
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