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Ok im going to give my opinion

Abortion sucks. But like many things in life its a necessary evil that must exist because well people in general suck. Is it a right no because at the end of the day its a medical procedure done by doctors and nurses and nothing give you the right to the fruits of someone's labor. Ive said what i said.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
Personally, I assign moral weight based on the sentience standard. 1st trimester is almost certainly not sentient, so aborting one of 'em isn't a big deal. Having to abort a 2nd or 3rd trimester fetus is a tragedy, but as you said, life is complicated. Don't blame anyone for having a different moral standard though, fetus morality is messy.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@pianoplayingsteve Jewish people are white.
@BlueVeins It depends.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BlueVeins no they aren't, jewish people are of the tribe of jacob and white people the tribe of Esau.

But if we accept your premise, then it's fine to positively discriminate against Jews as being white they hold systemic power and you can't be racist toward a group that hold systemic power.
It does not need to exist. That's a liberal lie you're pushing. Abortion is against the Bible. Period. point blank
@missyann I don't expect you to agree, as you derive your self-worth from your sanctimonious "defense" of ZEFs you otherwise have no concern for after they're born. You also clearly get a charge from forcing women to give birth unwillingly as punishment for having recreational sex.

The abortion rate today is lower than it was when abortion was illegal prior to 1973. So despite your dire warnings about moral degeneration or whatever, ironically, legal abortion has resulted in fewer abortions. The policies you support will actually increase the number of abortions if they're implemented. Of course, you don't care about that, because the goal isn't to "save the babies," it's to punish the sluts.
Torsten · 36-40, M
@LeopoldBloom no the reason i said it is because you actually said pro life people are worse than terrorists and child molesters. You must be pretty fucked in the head to have that type of outlook.

I dont care where abortion is legal or not, I am not actively trying to stop anyone from getting a abortion, but I wont shut up and not say my opinion about it especially on a online forum where people keep bringing up the topic.
you know what, honestly i just cant even get past the terrorist and child molester thing.
let me ask, you ever been sexually abused as a child? I assure you if you had, you would never have said something as idiotic as you just did.
missyann · 56-60
@Torsten I always love how pro life advocates are always asked which country we iwould like to live in where abortions are illegal. Why wouldn't they want to live in Argentina, Belgium, Cambodia or Cuba , Denmark, or France ?I assume its because they are citizen's of US and believe they have every right to be here just like I do

I love my country and have no desire to leave just because I don't get the exact law I want We have elections in this country to vote for politicians who support issues that are important to us. The abortion debate has been around for 50 yrs and I think theres a good chance that it will be around 50 more. This isn't a debate where the loser gets banished to another country. There isn't much I find appealing about Honduras except that abortion is illegal. There is a lot to love about France. I've been there twice. If someone truly believed that abortion is the way to go, this would be a good choice.

The availability of contraception or the belief that this brings prosperity might be partially true. I do believe that contraception ( except IUD's ) should be available and legal nationwide. This allows women AND men to control their reproductive health. This allows financial stability and increases the likely hood of finishing high school and college I don't believe the availability of abortion has anything to do with prosperity when contraception would bring the same prosperity. I don't understand why pro abortion refuse to admit that contraception could solve the abortion crisis. Even Margaret Sanger started PP to make contraception available to make abortion rare
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@missyann @Torsten Sad is overpopulation, poverty and food shortages. But yeah sure let’s force people to carry to term pretty much all pregnancies…what could go wrong?
missyann · 56-60
@Notladylike Nothing if people start practicing responsibility for their actions and use contraception. So the innocent lives don't have to be murdered for a crime they didn't commit. I don't support ANY government action that supports injuring or killing innocent human beings. I NEVER will
Torsten · 36-40, M
@missyann well said
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
Its totally a choice, not a right, thats obvious. The issue is how mature of a fetus is humane to terminate if making the decision to terminate.
checkoutanytime · 41-45, M
@Ozuye502 my daughter was premee, now she is 15 and sharp as a tack.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@checkoutanytime my daughter is 4 and she has her struggles with minor things but is a ball of fire and sass when she wants to be.
missyann · 56-60
@checkoutanytime I believe it is wrong and inhumane to terminate, to stop development ( kill ) at any stage of human development
Mathers · 61-69
I always note that everyone who wants the right to end life has had the privilege of being born.
Mathers · 61-69
Unfortunately that idiotic comment happens to be true. Isn’t it a shame that calling something idiotic does not make it false@LeopoldBloom
Mathers · 61-69
I see you are a true Holocaust denier@LeopoldBloom
@Mathers Reported.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I think whether you're pro-life or pro-choice, abortion is a decision I think requires much reverence and thought

Which is why it makes me sick when I see people treating it so frivolously, like it's not a big deal
Which is why it makes me sick when I see people treating it so frivolously, like it's not a big deal

This can be reduced by making contraceptive more accessible, as well as funding social programs that make it easier to raise children.
@caPnAhab Nobody treats it frivolously. But if they did, is that someone you want raising a child?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
My beef with it is who is paying for it.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@MarineBob absolutely agree it shouldn't be funded with tax dollars. Which i addressed in it not being a right because its fruits of someone else labor.
missyann · 56-60
Abortion is " intentionally " ending an innocent developing human life. It is not a NECESSARY EVIL. Its just EVIL. There are VERY RARE instances when a treatment or a procedure must be done to save a mothers life but these are NOT abortions. The INTENT is not to kill the developing human life. The INTENT is to save the mother. Intention matters
pride49 · 31-35, M
Depends on how developed it is I guess. If the cost of birthing a child was less, perhaps a mother would be more willing to put a child up for adoption instead. Idk how much the medical fees are
Abortion terminates a pregnancy .

And I’m not in favour of forcing women to birth or to have an abortion.

Do you know why I feel that way? Because the most fundamental freedom is dominion over your own body.

No other freedom comes close.

Who am I to force a woman to do anything ? Not my right nor yours.
Torsten · 36-40, M
its not necessary in most cases at all
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
Abortion sucks most of all for the person who has to get one a lot of the time. I don't think it is evil.. there are no rights they are an illusion but I certainly don't like corrupt governments telling me what I can and can't do especially when the rules are invasive and none of the Government's business.
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@missyann you honestly think government is an organization of moral standards and standing??? Are you out of your mind???
missyann · 56-60
@Ozuye502 No, I'm saying that all laws have been made by a government that we the people have elected since the beginning of our country. Laws sre created on a moral and ethical belief system.o.o
We elect candidate who we believe have the same moral belief's. What other choice do we have ?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
We elect candidate who we believe have the same moral belief's. What other choice do we have ?
Peoples moral beliefs are subjective and often opressive e.g it wasn't so many decades ago that you could be thrown in prison for being gay. We could refuse the implementation of laws that are invasive to peoples personal lives and that don't take away the rights of other people for example smoking pot is illegal but a victimless crime, abortion is more debatable but a complex level of thinking would allow people to see the nuance.
iamelijah · 26-30, M
I never like the idea of abortion but carrying a life is a responsibility. Huge responsibility.
Life isn't black and white. It has various situation where abortion is needed for mother.
Bearing a child with no financial support is messed up whether the child will live in poverty and ended up in illicit behavior or the otherwise (of course not all child growing up become bad person but there is bad person) and most of bad people living with a bad background life.

I'd rather kill that unborn child rather than let it live in a shit world. They don't have to suffer living like we do.

Having uterus itself is heavy responsibility enough for females to be very careful not get pregnant. But shits happen, right...?
meh... you got no uterus and so you came to the debate shorthanded to start
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@SW-User oh the your not a woman argument so you cant speak on woman topics debate. But guess you're the kind of person who would argue that a father has zero rights as well? Let me guess you saw a man's opinion and dismissed it simply because im a guy. Thanks for showing up.
@Ozuye502 you're welcome :)
scrood · 31-35
MURDER is never acceptable - abortion IS MURDER - women who have abortions are the most selfish, evil, man-haters, baby killers, Do NOT TOUCH with a twenty foot pole!!!
Ozuye502 · 36-40, M
@scrood i bet i can make you realize how you wrong
so many issues.
A. personal responsability.
B. who the fuck carries a baby 9 months .. and longer before they decide to abort?.
C. cut the tax funded money laundramat for finacing political parties, with donations from planned parenthood.
that money is provided to kill babies. not fund political parties.

dems only care about abortion because its a good money maker.
repubs only care about abortion because the dems make a shit load of money off it.

all the moral standing is BULLSHIT
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout people with actual morals care about and want to make abortion illegal. I'm Republican and I care about society not killing babies.
missyann · 56-60
@Stargazer89 AMEN Thank you. Finally someone who supports morality

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