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I wish women weren't expected to be tiny... a rant

Nothing wrong with being tiny!

But I'm 5'6 and built more like a shield maiden than a fair maiden 😆 I'm know I frighten smaller people. (They've told me in fun.) I know men like tiny women. Women are more varied in preferences. I think at times in life I tried to make myself smaller. I would slouch and try to soften myself...

But I'm not soft. I'm feminine, but tough. The softness comes later but nobody has the patience for it.

My work shirts are women's and why are they so tight? Why are they shorter? It's uncomfortable.

I love my body. This bod has been through so freaking much and still going strong. I am strong. I plan to be alive and healthy for a lot of years still.

I need to be touched like a woman though. Not by intimidated hands. Nor insecure.

Tough but soft like me.

Hmmm 😶
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being · 36-40, F
I'm short and I've spent a life in martial arts dojos always wishing to be bigger.
My training buddies in China called me the slippery fox as all of them had to jump above the door (strict rules lol) but I could just slip through an opening at the side... Lol

It's impressive to be tall and maybe intimidating but imagine the opposite end, where they think you're going to be "easy to handle" only to discover... you're not... At least you give the signal right away and avoid those things
Maybe we think they want opposite we are? I always felt rejected for my size.
Both my sisters are 5'6 and 5'8 and growing up the men preferred them. They were more to their liking, long legs etc.
@Bexsy maybe it's just my awful personality 😂 JK

I'm just not a waify woman. I always envied slender women. I have arms and shoulders, hips n thighs.

I'll protect you 💪🏼
@MarbleMarvel i got lots of thighs and hips and shoulders, but 🥹, oh yes. Protect me. I'd love that
I'm tall and strong and I like it. But I feel you. ..I used to want to be petite when I was young too but it's not who I am. God gave me the body to fit who I am ..
My aura is big and so is my personality.
SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I don’t know who sets those expectations but appreciate the fact that there is a variety of shapes and sizes. My wife was 5’9” and was a tad taller than me in heels. Obviously I’m attracted to the Amazonian type.
My sister in law is tall and isn’t tiny, and the same height as my brother ( her husband) whom is tall , and before her he dated , desi who was also tall , not all men want tiny women
A lot of men are still weird when a woman is taller than them but it is what it is. I didn't choose the Giant life, the giant life chose me.

I used to subconsciously crouch or bend my knees in group pics but I stopped as soon as I realised how much I did it lol
@HijabaDabbaDoo thank you 😂 exactly, no sense in hiding it. If people are intimidated, so be it
bookerdana · M
I have dated many woman WELL over your height....my choice,I find them more laid back
Bibipat · F
I am 5'9 and i feel you.
I have two tall sisters and they’ve never lacked for male attention.
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
Woman of all shapes and sizes are beautiful.
@JackOatMon hell yes
Degbeme · 70-79, M
5'6" is short. I`m the same height.
WaryWitchWandering · 36-40, F
I always wanted to be taller (I’m 5ft)
Relatable as a 5’11 giant lady
I'm gigantic both tall and fat. Pacman basically.
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
I'm huge. I feel like I should be a dude. 🙁
@DearAmbellina2113 I feel this, but the lesbian in me is attracted to it 😅
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Are you hot 🔥
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
A plus over ribs showing🙂
BuzzedLightyear · 61-69
are you a whole lotta woman
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