What’s the point of living?
I just don’t see life as worth living. I will be 26 in a few days, and yes I see that everyone struggles and even feels the same exact way that I feel. But idk, I just feel like I can’t do it. I still live with my mom annd me annd her anre constantly clashing and some days I just feel very depressed and anxious. I would really love nothing more than to leave but Im just not sure if I can manage life on my own. Nowadays they want you to make 3x what they charge for rent, and im just so tired at this point in my life and I barely even have bills to pay. I don’t understand how people manage and survive all this. I just feel like im amongst the weak. I can’t do this life. I really don’t want to. Im weighing the choices of continuing living this life or just ending it early and finally being at peace. Death sounds so much better than continuing to live in this system. It’s just come to a point where I hate everything. I love my parents, but I hate them for bringing me here and barely knowing what to do with me. I low key hate God for having a part in this. Im not grateful for life no matter how much I try to remind myself that I have shelter. I hate myself. There feels like theres no point in my existence. I will literally kill myself if I have children and see any part of myself in them. I don’t see a family tree extending from me at all. I just hate all of this and don’t see a point. I try so hard to tell myself other people go through this, and even worse. But I’m just at a point where I dont want to be alive anymore, I just don’t want to do this. Does anyone have any advice?