I feel like I'm screwing up my life
I'm not sure if I'll go to uni tomorrow - I haven't enrolled in any classes this semester but I'm planning to attend some as a guest - and I was crying because I feel like people are moving with their lives while I just wanna stay in my room and cry..
I feel like my anxiety is ruining my mood. I wasn't feeling bad today until about an hour ago.
I wanted to talk to my bf about it but I just don't know
I know everyone is struggling with their own thing and I shouldn't compare the bad parts of my life to the good parts of someone else's but I just ..
I'm just tired of feeling like this suddenly and feeling trapped by my own emotions.
I feel like my anxiety is ruining my mood. I wasn't feeling bad today until about an hour ago.
I wanted to talk to my bf about it but I just don't know
I know everyone is struggling with their own thing and I shouldn't compare the bad parts of my life to the good parts of someone else's but I just ..
I'm just tired of feeling like this suddenly and feeling trapped by my own emotions.