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Love2know · 36-40, M
I suppose I do.
Eklipse · F
@Love2know Tell more 😏
Love2know · 36-40, M
@Eklipse It can take control of your life and there’s nothing can be done about it until you try and rid of it by spiritual healing.
Eklipse · F
@Love2know So you really believe in this kind of stuff?

Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
Yes. They can be as simple as a simple phrase you keep saying to your self or others that is negative… once believed the work is continuous unless broken by disbelief.
Heavenlywarrior · 36-40, M
@Eklipse when you believe in yourself, you’ll free yourself from your own prison
Eklipse · F
@Heavenlywarrior I believe in myself. Trauma reshapes the mind. They say healing does too but I'm no where close to healing yet.
Iwillwait · M
@Eklipse 🤗
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
I have had an incredible amount hurled at me.

By people who were very serious in their intent and specific in using words , in the crafting, that illustrated my sins against them and how I am to be punished.
Even if they didn't believe in dark magic before meeting me.
They wanted me punished and undone.

Now they live with a secret fear that not knowing the darkness within themselves brings.
Eklipse · F
@PoeticPlay Sounds familiar. So if you're afraid of yourself it must mean you're not as self confident as you think you are yes? 😏
PoeticPlay · 51-55, M
The Forever Fragile Fued between Me, Myself and I, escalated to a Wicked War back in August.
I has been looking to kick the shit outta Me for years now. But hasn't because Myself has been acting as mediator and protector of the Mind.

And has stood between them and has surprisingly,successfully prevented both from aggitatating or instigating trouble thinking.

This made Me think of Myself as an ally against I. I wasn't looking for anymore enemies. but wasn't trusting of Me and always questioned the motives of Myself and might be thinking Me into a munity to take over the Mind.

I didn't plan the attack but was always ready for Me to take anything to far one day and for Myself to side with Me. I didn't care about Me or Myself anymore and they felt his full fury that I had been holding back for so long.
Myself looked at Me, both screamed "Grab him!" and tackled I trying to pin him down. But I wasn't holding back anything and threw Myself one way and proceeded to punish Me without mercy.

I feel much better and now Me and Myself fear what I can do when pushed too far.
Eklipse · F
@PoeticPlay That's truly scary. I believe you found some kind of release from it though. Battling the self and worse the mind is the worst war anyone can ever put themselves in. Don't push yourself too far. Take breaks, stop. Think but humans when pushed too far I ve seen it first witness - break hard and repairing oneself isn't easy nor quick.

Reminds me of things .....part of the wars I'm currently waging with myself daily. Struggles, losses, pains, disappointment, failure, being naive, possibly a terrible person. When will it stop? When I give up? - but I know I won't give up. I never give up. I do take a break but give up never. Some days are good, others are pure horror a lot of others I ignore.

and eventually I accepted darkness as my true only friend. In my dreams. Wherever I go. So I don't fight it anymore.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I believe in the power of superstitions on people's mind. I don't believe much in curses if the cursed don't know they were cursed.
Eklipse · F
@CrazyMusicLover Yeah. Stuff people say or do and your ability to absorb it is crazy. That's sure.
Ferric67 · M
No, I believe in stupid decisions that make an individual feel as if they are cursed
Eklipse · F
@Ferric67 Yes, I agree with this too.
I believe in curses but also there’s a stronger positive force to combat that so even if someone curses me or I curse them ,there’s a power beyond that would rescue and do good irrespective of

So ,In a way curse is not something effective in my belief .Just a way with words
Eklipse · F
@UnderstandMe Yeah I could agree. Would you agree that the words spoken combined by mind power prove the actual effect?
@Eklipse Im not sure of that. Its true to some degree though .
Eklipse · F
@UnderstandMe The subconscious mind in my opinion is the greatest mystery so far.
I think we're often our own worst enemy. Self-sabotage in the choices we make, and attitudes we take.
Eklipse · F
@SethGreene531 Nailed it
I believe in the evil eye and curses. I’m probably affected by both.
Eklipse · F
@SW-User sorry to hear 😞
No, I believe we can occupy headspaces that harm us, they may be born from hurts, we look for answers and when we have none, we try to make them "logical" from utter nonsense that appears beautiful from it being mythical, or superstition. It's in our nature to look beyond the logical explanation at times, I think.
Eklipse · F
@thewindupbirdchronicles Yeah we humans tend to put excuses in the paranormal for everything. But hey sometimes the theatre effect and drama is whole new level. Personal experience.
Isthisit · F
Yes they are real things
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
@Isthisit true!
Eklipse · F
@Isthisit wish I could tell you. Intentions are definitely real.
Banksy83 · 36-40, M
I refuse to let you into my head as you might send a curse message and Ill be awake all night surrounded by candles crucifixes and garlic
Banksy83 · 36-40, M
@Eklipse ♥️
Eklipse · F
@Banksy83 🙏🧡
Banksy83 · 36-40, M
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Only the cursing I do when you stab me with that trident.
Eklipse · F
@Degbeme Come on now too much flattery 😏🤭
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Eklipse Honesty isn`t flattery. 😚
Eklipse · F
@Degbeme Aha. 💙
Convivial · 26-30, F
Nope... But i do think if you do believe in them then they can (seemingly) never an effect
Eklipse · F
@Convivial Yeah. I know those types of people. That's extreme to me.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@Eklipse shit happens... You don't need no curse lol
Eklipse · F
@Convivial True.
I curse all the time... when needull

is i know a persons BELIEVES, then I might pull out some bat wings and eye of newt
Eklipse · F
@SatyrService Thats cussing. Unless you're cursing every person directly. 👀

Bat soup 🤣

I could get paranoid if someone tells that they have a voodoo doll of me.
Eklipse · F
@NotSureAboutMyUserName Yeah but it works mostly if you believe it.
@Eklipse Yup
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
I believe in black magic, love, god, karma, righteousness, etc etc
Eklipse · F
@AngelKrish Black magic and god, aren't they a strange combination or just opposite polarities?
AngelKrish · 26-30, M
@Eklipse yes it may be sounding all opposite right now but if u will look at both terms from my beliefs ...u will understand why i wrote them together!
Eklipse · F
@AngelKrish I have an idea. I wanted to listen to your version actually.
gdon39 · 41-45, M
I’m very superstitious and I believe in voodoo so yes I say. Hbu?
Eklipse · F
@gdon39 Oh right...the dolls. Kinda look cute in a horrific way 👀 for those that appreciate horror of course.
gdon39 · 41-45, M
How are you @Eklipse ? Are you feeling good and loving right?
Eklipse · F
@gdon39 loving? ROFL. 🤣
I Know curses kill the speaker n the spoken to, at different intervals of time.
Eklipse · F
@Lyfis2live So mote it be.....
Well no, but can't be totally certain they are totally fake
Eklipse · F
@SW-User Think so too.
Love2know · 36-40, M
I believe we are cursed for years. How can I get out of it?
Eklipse · F
@Love2know You read too much Genesis.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I might be cursed
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@Eklipse just the way my luck goes
Eklipse · F
@vetguy1991 is it that bad?
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
@Eklipse for the most part
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
For awhile I did, only because I had such horrible luck.
Eklipse · F
@SinlessOnslaught Don't blame you
SteelHands · 61-69, M
"There's no 'one thing that's true.' .. it's all true. " E. Hemingway
Eklipse · F
@SteelHands Life and death are true yeah. But so far only those I'm aware of.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I shall get bsck to you once i find out
Eklipse · F
@Gangstress Maybe finding out isn't such a good idea.....just sayin' 👀
Gangstress · 41-45, F
@Eklipse id rather know. That way i can get rid of it
Eklipse · F
@Gangstress Ah I see so there is a kind of itch that you want to purge yourself of huh?
retiredbum · 51-55, M
Of course not, the Eagles lost last night lol
Eklipse · F
@retiredbum my bad
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Not the magic kind.
Eklipse · F
@ChipmunkErnie Same. Me neither. Just Karma
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
@Eklipse Karma kind of magic, too, far as I can see.
Eklipse · F
No, a curse works if I give it power to do so.
Eklipse · F
@TallMtnMedic Correct. You got that right.
Iwillwait · M
@pianoplayingsteve You looking for a kiss or something? 🤨

Maybe Katwoman will help you.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Iwillwait @Eklipse she is very very welcome
Eklipse · F
@Iwillwait You're suggesting ideas! I think a trip to the dungeons will fix it.....

@pianoplayingsteve easy there 😏
Only self-inflicted ones.
Eklipse · F
@PhoenixPhail As in you attract what you think?
calicuz · 51-55, M
Nah, I don't think they're real.
Eklipse · F
@calicuz the theatre effect deserves credit don't you think?
Only since I met you
Eklipse · F
@SW-User guards!
You never know 😈

Eklipse · F
@SW-User Fair
@Eklipse enough
Curly00 · 31-35, F
Eklipse · F
@Curly00 Maybe better that way
Curse me papi. 🤣 😑
Eklipse · F
@SW-User *throws the darkest magic curse at you* whoops that was intended for something else ...🤦‍♀️
antonioioio · 70-79, M
Of course I do 🌹
Eklipse · F
TheFragile · 46-50, M
I'm not sure.
Eklipse · F
@TheFragile oh my 👀
Eklipse · F
@SW-User Now you're out?
I believe that people who believe in them can be affected by them.
Eklipse · F
@bijouxbroussard Yeah there's that kind of mind power associated with it.
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Eklipse · F
@TheLordOfHell It's vinegar ...
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
@Eklipse Shhh! Trying to do my homework
Eklipse · F
@TheLordOfHell *stabs through it with my fork.....* You're saying? 🔱😌
empanadas · 31-35, M
Yes, it runs deep in my culture. I have seen people literally have cockroach and spiders crawl out of their mouths as a curse was being removed from them
Eklipse · F
@empanadas Jeez. Roaches. Just what I need.
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Eklipse · F
@Darksideinthenight2 Hmm. Sounds a bit dangerous.
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pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
I feel my life is a curse
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@Eklipse probably best explained over dm :/
Eklipse · F
@pianoplayingsteve Well. Sure. If you're up for it.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
DM’ed :) @Eklipse

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