xixgun Oh my. If you had given attention towards my very first comment for your reply here, you'd see that my approach to hate crime is that all hate crime is equally bad.
I'm sorry for your personal, and traumatizing experiences being harassed because of your physical appearance. I won't try to marginalize it, just as much as I won't for the OP. However, it's exactly what you're doing to the OP with your initial reply for him. You're trying to edit / tell him how he can talk about his experience by telling him it's not okay to mention he's homosexual and that's part of why he first place has met this hate crime he's talking about. Does it take away anything of your own experience that he does this ? I doubt it does.
As for your reply to me, no you didn't tell me about your own experiences. You did in your original reply for the OP justify your approach telling him off by you yourself having to deal with homophobia,
even though you were straight. However, you did say
... because the victim is a homosexual, the crime is given a special status; when if the victim was straight - you'd never hear about it at all. Hence my reference to the statistics of hate crimes based on sexuality. There will be reasons why hate crime towards homosexuals are more mentioned than towards heterosexuals merely based on the huge differences in occurrences. That said, your typical right wing media outlets will make sure to emphasize when heterosexuals are victims of hate crime, and in higher rates [compared to occurrences] than the homosexuals.
Isn't it sad that you focus more on telling the victim [well-knowing what being a victim does to you] to
not tell his story in the ways he does to deal with it to meet his needs, rather than focusing your "anger" towards the ones who victimized him, as yourself ? Personally I find it sad and a sign of the time we live in, where we blame the victims rather than the ones conducting the crimes.
With this, peace out to you and may you be able to get over your trauma from back in your youth at a time. I hope you with time will be able to place your harm towards the predators rather than the homosexuals when dealing with this.