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Topless anywhere men can

Like at the beach, or when mowing the lawn (which I hate doing). really anywhere men typically can, or where it's plausible to get hot and sweaty.
Not like in a grocery store or anything like that. Guys don't go shopping without a shirt on.
I just think it's unfair that we have to have tan lines on our chest after going to the beach when guys don't. It ruines when I wear certain dresses because my tan lines show.
I mean, if someone wants to wear a top at the beach, wear one. But it's a dumb double standard that's unequal protection under the law.
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BlueVeins · 22-25
Really, all public nudity should be legal. The state has no rational interest in forcing everyone to wear clothes. Closest thing is sanitation in public sitting areas, but you obviously don't have to ban public nudity to enforce that.
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
I totally agree with you!😉
I think it will be very interesting to see how Western society evolves in the coming years with regard to this issue.
There are some places where women have already won the right to go topless through court decisions.
It comes down to one or two 'elephant in the room' questions:
How can anyone in a society that imagines itself as totally free, egalitarian, secular, and pluralistic claim the right to demand that other people attach things to their own bodies?
Aren't we each now supposed to have total personal control over our own bodies?
What future can the concept of 'contemporary community standards' have in world wherein communities are no longer legally allowed to segregate themselves but must inevitably diversify?
I recently read a prediction that the day would soon come when one might walk into a convenience store and see a woman covered head to toe in a burqa and a nun in full habit standing in line with a sky clad wiccan, and in a pluralist society that does seem ultimately plausible.
Mowing the lawn topless... Why not? I do it in summer 😊
BigImo · 26-30, F
I've been doing this for years
@BigImo I think boobs are viewed differently here in the US than in the UK.
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Northwest · M
Grocery stores, restaurants, etc. do not allow men to go topless.

Yes, it's unfair that we have double standards, and it should change.

Anyone with a 38DD, should be free to jog topless. There's what's fair, and what makes sense, and sometime they are two different things.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
You can in a lot of places, in many locations it is not illegal and in many others the laws, usually city laws, have been tested and deemed unconstitutional. It is a violation of the equal protection clause.
Ducky · 31-35, F
Agreed. I personally don't ever want to go topless anywhere public, but you have a point. It is a double standard.
@Ducky but it should be your choice.
@Ducky I don't necessarily want to be able to do it in public. I just think it shouldn't be a double standard where I'd get arrested, but the 300 pound guy with man boobs as big as mine can walk around without one,
I think the standards should be the same, but I don't really like when men go around topless either. Unless they're hot, I mean.
But like at the beach, sure, everyone should be allowed to go topless there.
I'm okay with there being nude beaches or beaches designated for nudity but not every beach should allow it because there are families and children that use them too and some people just don't want to be exposed to it. @BohemianBabe
@Spoiledbrat These families and children see topless men at the beach and they're okay.
You don't know every family. You can't possibly. I would have never considered raising my son like that. It's not fair that it be one way or the other. You are not the only person that lives in this country, in this world. I personally don't know anyone who enjoys going nude. But as I said I'm okay with compromising. @BohemianBabe
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Nibblesnarf · 26-30, M
Setting aside fairness arguments for a moment, something about the double standard has always just confused me. Showing off some cleavage is broadly considered to be acceptable. Show some cleavage on the top, fine. Show some around the sides and/or the bottom, also fine, if a tad unusual. Show a lot of cleavage from any angle, and that's considered provocative, but still fine. As far as enforcement of rules is concerned, it seems like a woman is fine provided that her nipples and areolas are covered.

To put it another way, the only chest parts a woman really has to cover are those few parts that women and men have in common. (Yeah, yeah, large manboobs notwithstanding.) What gives?
Teslin · M
Nantucket just passed an ordinance allowing anyone to be topless on the beaches.
goliathtree · 56-60, M
No shoes? No shirt? Got the cash? C'mon in!
Convivial · 26-30, F
Go to a different beach ...
@Convivial but not everyone has access to a nude or topless beach.
Convivial · 26-30, F
@SW-User true unfortunately...
Rpfun78 · 61-69, M
I’ve gone into store by the beach Without my shirt. I’ve been a nice department store without my shirt on Why my wife tried different shirts on me. If you’re comfortable I see nothing wrong with walking around and just a pair of shorts are bikini bottom if you’re at a pool or beach
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
I'm totally into tanning, and yes, that swimsuit is pretty, but why should I need it if I rather be nude?😯
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@onewithshoes when in Rome...
onewithshoes · 22-25, F
GeorgeTBH · 31-35, M
Its legal in Canada or places in canada for women to be toppless not inside places
fortycreek · M
Years ago some women protested for that im Canada and it became legal here, but they never excersize their right to do so
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@fortycreek Well, I mean, it's COLD.
fortycreek · M
@LordShadowfire im not topless then either lol
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
You should be allowed to go topless if you want ,, up here in Canada we have provinces that you can be topless in your yard ,, beaches or other areas ,, Here in BC Canada we have many places you can be totally nude so no tans lines anywhere ,,,
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@oldercanuck1 Edmonton just passed a rule that it is permissible for women to be topless in public swimming pools.
oldercanuck1 · 70-79, M
@hippyjoe1955 about time ,, Ontario past that years ago ,,,
I fully suppprt women being able to be toplesss wherever men can be. It is a double standard. Based on our puritanical heritage in this country. Grocery stores around here are of the no shirt no shoes no service variety however.
bopce1 · 46-50, C
I completely agree with you. My wife and I love going to the Caribbean whenever possible because it is much easier to do there
Bigmike2523 · 46-50, M
Im pretty sure that in ohio you can be topless in some public areas like beaches,
bopce1 · 46-50, C
@Bigmike2523 I’ve never seen it happen in Ohio but maybe I was in the wrong place
Bigmike2523 · 46-50, M
@bopce1 ive actually never seen anybody doing it either, ive just read that it was legal
Bigmike2523 · 46-50, M
@Bigmike2523 i just looked it up on, it shows a lot of states that are topless friendly
Tom610 · 61-69, M
I just love that you are looking at this topic with something that is seldom used lately, COMMON SENSE!!
CommandLine · 56-60, M
Personally, I wouldn't have an issue with it.
Josh1454 · M
There are places here in Canada that you’re allowed to go topless.
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
I, without question, agree with you.
bobhall5868 · 56-60, M
Go for it, you can at least do it in your own yard!
Teslin · M
I can't agree with you more.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
I’m fine with it.
jackson55 · M
I guess it depends on where you are ? I’ve seen many topless women on beaches.
oogirl · 13-15, F
ha ha guys woud love that
Chattermanuk · 46-50, M
I agree you should be free to be topless on the beach if you want. Some people will think its too rude or sexual but its your body tbh. But also people will stare as its natural.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
It is legal in Ontario Canada for women to go topless but culturally not so much.
U dont really need to when tanning.....just be observant when u are on a beach or in your back yard

Can u imagine men with topless women around
Funtoy4u · 61-69, M
I agree that it is a dumb double standard but I do think some tan lines are sexy.
@Funtoy4u some can be sexy. But the option should be theirs regardless.
Funtoy4u · 61-69, M
@SW-User Totally agree
@Spoiledbrat I'm trying to picture this (pleasant imagery - laugh at me). Wouldn't that get tiresome?
Teslin · M
I agree 100 %
Although sometimes tan lines look very sexy on women. To me anyway 🤷‍♂️
In porltand oregeon there is a long tradition of standing up for nudity we even have a Nude Bike Parade
Ynotisay · M
Sure. It's unfair. They're tits. Who cares?
But the reality is a lot of people care. It would result in so much unwanted attention that it wouldn't be worth it. Can't forget that there's countries that will arrest or kill a woman who isn't entirely covered too. Or that there would be women doing it for the sole reason of garnering attention. But given that you're concerned about tan lines it seems like being comfortable mowing the lawn isn't really what it's about. You're about the physical appearance too. And that's what gets in the way.
Ynotisay · M
@LordShadowfire Ha. Well, there's truth to that. But I'm not sure it's driven by age. I'm not sure it's the kind of thing where you could flip a switch and it would instantly become a non-issue. Definitely not in the repressive U.S. Titillation is what we sell here.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
You're right, though. It's not the age thing. It's guys who think they are entitled to grab whatever they can see. And it is because this country is repressed and repressive. We're reduced to giggling like children at sexual references.
Ynotisay · M
@LordShadowfire Totally agree. It's almost like all that talk about 'freedom' that so many latch on to is just a little hollow, huh? It has to be the right kind of freedom I guess.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
I agree. We will have to deal with the fallout of people throwing a big deal about it for a while. Once it's normalized it won't really be a thing anymore. People think men would completely lose all control, but they've thought that about showing legs and thighs in the past. The short term would have some commotion but if enough people did it then it would be as controversial as wearing shorts.
Tukudo · 41-45, M
Have you ever tried in nude beach?
AbusedNeglected · 41-45, M
I’d love to act like a brat and get adored for it but…
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Go to a nude beach and don't worry about tan lines. Well except for the lines your boobs cause by casting a shadow on your chest.
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No complains from me
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
Yup. Anywhere I can take off my shirt, women should have that option.
You have my full support. Not for the reasons you're thinking of either. To many people at breasts as sexual organs rather then life sustaining baby feeding stations.

You have my vote to go topless.
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@swirlie you obviously were (and still are) a smart girl! You describe where you are from like I imagine in my mind to be Windsor.
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