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When you expect the police to save your butt during a mass shooting and they don’t.

I can’t imagine what those kids at Robb Elementary went through. That’s some scary stuff.
All the officers who stood by while children were being SHOT should be charged with accessory to commit mass murder..
Every fucking coward there.
@Onestarlitnight And Ted Cruz saying something about "School doors" Like, WTF? I hope those feckless cowards dream of those kids nightly the rest of their miserable life.
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They should all be sacked, have their pensions taken away and criminal charges should be brought against them. That includes the Chief.
tindrummer · M
too many cops go coward if the suspect is or might be armed
spjennifer · 61-69, T
What really boggles the mind here is that this School District has a "Police Chief", this is part of the Repugs ideology to have armed guards in Schools, yeah, that worked real well, didn't it. 19 Armed cops sitting in the hallway waiting for this so-called "Police Chief" to grow a pair, just another cushy, well paid position for some Repug's buddy, wonder what his annual salary is???
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@independentone The "Good guys with guns"? oh come on now, you have to be kidding, they're all manly Men who will protect everyone, no? 🥴
Carazaa · F
@independentone Disgusting!
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@independentone When the Slave Patrollers show-up on 911 calls in San Francisco, they simply shoot everyone involved. So, if it had been the San Francisco cops they would have shot everyone in the school.
It was bad enough to hear about tbe shooting. But to find out that the school violated its own security protocol and that the Uvalde police sat back and did nothing to stop the shooter has a lot of people extremely pissed off.
AbbySvenz · F
I just read an article about the girl who called 911 several times over the course of 48 minutes, asking and then begging for them to send the police.
MARTAisback · 22-25, F
I just found out by a reliable source they were eating doughnuts 🍩
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Kids brought up believing "cops are your friends" now know better.
Burnley123 · 41-45, M
I teach kids of similar age here in the UK.

I'm imagining what I'd do if a gunman came in. It would be horrible. These young people who are in your care getting brutally murdered in front of you. Even the teachers and children who survived will be haunted forever.
People should stop calling the police. They only make it worse. I mean they were literally helping the shooter by having the kids yell out so he could find them and kill them.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@canusernamebemyusername You nailed that one. It is amazing how many people the Slave Patrollers kill when they respond to 911 calls.
smiler2012 · 56-60
😪yes you are right your heart goes out too those poor kids and there parents with the aftermath of losing there kid in such a tragic fashion [autumn25]
RedBaron · M
@smiler2012 And yet, nothing has changed since the same thing happened at Columbine High School 23 years ago and at Sandy Hook Elementary School almost 10 years ago.
RedBaron · M
And people have already forgotten about and moved on from the supermarket shooting in Buffalo last week.
RedBaron · M
@spjennifer How do we know how he actually obtained the gun?
Johnson212 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron They know where he bought them and all they have to do is look at the federal from on file at that gun shop. I imagine he had no criminal history and passed a background check or he would not have been able to buy them.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@spjennifer There would have been background checks for both guns, but if he passed the first one there would be no reason to believe he wouldn't have passed the second. He could have just as easily bought both guns at once with the same background check, but if he had passed and five minutes later found another gun he wanted he would have had to start all over with a separate check and another background check.
If he had ever done anything that could have prevented him from owning a gun it "should have" caught it. He was only 18, it's possible he had never done anything to prevent him from owning a gun. It's also possible he had done something but whatever law agency involved looked the other way and didn't report it. If there's no record there's no record to be found no matter how close you look. Everything is digital, IF he did something and IF it was reported the record is there and it only takes minutes to find.

Even in Chicago where an actual license is required to buy a gun there have been cases where a felon managed to slip through the cracks because someone didn't report something properly. I'm remembering a specific case, as I remember it there were multiple points in the process where there were problems with the paperwork that should have raised a red flag but no one followed up on it. No matter what system is in place there's always going to be a chance that someone will slip through the cracks because someone failed to do their job.
Another issue with the system is that people who can't pass a background check almost always know they can't before they ever try to purchase a gun. Basically they they commit a felony by lying on the form and then it gets kicked out. These cases are almost never prosecuted. How many of these people keep trying until they find a way to beat the system? It's probably a small number but who knows if it is never looked into. I think this was part of the case I'm remembering from Chicago.

It's hard for me to believe anyone just wakes up one day and decides to shoot their grandmother and then go kill a bunch of kids without there being some previous signs that something wasn't right. Had he even been in any kind of trouble? Had he ever seen any kind of therapist? Was he on any kind of medication or did he have a history of substance abuse? I honestly don't know the answer to those questions. Maybe he had done something that he should have been reported for, and maybe if someone had reported him this would not have happened. At this point we really don't know, and until we do it's hard to figure what changes can be made that will actually make a difference..
I wonder if all Texas cops are cowards?
Trump said a gun free zone is the most dangerous place, yet his rallies are all gun free zones.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@independentone Well, if the "cops are all cowards" let's just arm all the teachers! yeah, that makes a lot of sense 😖
@spjennifer I was thinking to arm the 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders. What could possibly go wrong with that?

Texans in general are a special kind of stupid. What a shithole State
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@independentone Don't kid yourself, that will be the next thing some whackadoodle Repug will come up with, expecting it will be Blowbert or Machine Gun Margerine who will bring that up in Congress! 😖
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Have you placed yourself in the role of the officer in that position?
@LordShadowfire Talk to Corvus?
@SW-User Yeah I can put myself in their position. If you are a coward and afraid of getting shot don't be a cop or join the army. If you are a cop you make yourself the target in order to SAVE OTHERS. You don't wait in a safe place because you're scared of being shot. Bravery is not the absence of fear, it's acting despite being afraid and laying down your life for another. If you can't be brave then DONT FUCKING BE A COP!!!!
Carazaa · F
@SW-User If i had been there I would have immediately gone in there and tried to talk to the shooter, that's what I would have done. I would have been proud to be killed trying to protect those kids. The police were cowards!
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I can’t imagine what they went through
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Police implement government policy agendas not protect citizens.
likesnatural · 70-79, M
Can you spell: law suit?
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@likesnatural No cop in America is obligated to save you from harm. But if you are Black he can murder you and get a slap on the wrist if people complain loud enough.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@likesnatural you can't sue city hall. Nothing will come of it.
MonaReeves86 · 36-40, F
do you know how many times I read this post thinking its a new post every time god damn it
DDonde · 31-35, M
Whole thing is fucked man

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