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What free speech people fail to understand is...

you can say whatever you want but not everywhere... if you come to our house and talk shit about my family you will ge kicked out. same with twitter or other platforms... you have no right to be there... its a privilege.
you can say whatever you want on 4chan or apparently here too... but you have no right to say whatever you want at every place.
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carpediem · 61-69, M
When the platform becomes a public forum, deciding what speech is acceptable is wrong. I’m amazed people don’t understand such a simple concept.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Reject Ultimately, those suppressing freedom of speech will fail. Too many people fought for far too long to have a small group of leftist screwballs remove our freedoms. In the meantime , expect nonsensical rants similar to the one we’re both responding to above.
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In the US at least, free speech is a right, not a privilege. Yes...there may be consequences for what you say, but you still have the right to say it, plain and simple. Anyone telling you otherwise is on a slippery slope. Dictating terms in a privately owned forum is a different animal, but once that private entity starts receiving govt funding, all bets are off.
AJS30 · 31-35, M
Facebook and Twitter need to give up their platform protections if they want to act as publishers and censor people. They shouldn't get to have their cake and eat it too. They get to have their cake and eat it too because they're in bed with the government which means they're not truly private. The government outsources their censorship to their Big Tech friends and then NPCs think violating free speech is okay because the government's business partners are doing it for them. Free speech is one of the most important and basic rights and people shouldn't tolerate censorship. What's the point of block features if people are going to be babies and cry for censorship? Also, free speech on 4chan is a myth because 4chan censors people too, unfortunately.
Reject · 26-30, M
@AJS30 Yes, there’s a difference in protections for private and public platforms and what’s wrong is how the big names get to have their cake and eat it too. What you’re saying is what I wish more people understood. Unfortunately the internet is still the Wild West due to how new it is and people including the government will take advantage of that for as long as they can. It’s currently lawless and I do hope that changes in our distant future because no law simply means those in power get to have all of it.
4meAndyou · F
I would never go to your home. I would never say anything about YOUR family, because that space belongs to you and yours.

Social media belongs to whomever runs the platform, and those are the people who set the rules. Big boots stomping all over social media are something of which we are ALL sick and tired. And so far, in the United States, the BIGGEST stompers are the Democrat party and the FBI.

After reading all the hatred you have for Elon Musk, I assume that you are either a former Twitter employee, OR you've been kicked off the site. No one else gets their panties in a twist as you are doing.
4meAndyou · F
@carpediem Probably drunk.
carpediem · 61-69, M
@4meAndyou Likely a kid. Maybe high schooler.
4meAndyou · F
@carpediem I rest my into her mom's hooch.
So, you can be offended by whatever you want, but not everywhere?
If speech should be limited, then your ability to take offense should be limited as well. No more blocking streets and attacking people for offenses that you never PERSONALLY suffered.
EvilEmma · F
@UnderLockDown you absolutely have the right to not listen to the complaints of people that are offended by stupid shit. so yeah complainer have no right to be heard.

so its not about limiting speech.. its about peoples freedom to not have to listen to you. and if the owner of a website doesnt want you to spill vile propaganda then they can kick you out. you can still say what you want.. just not in his fancy place where all the nice people are.. but under the dirty bridge where the trolls live.
I actually wish it was the simple... One, I don't kick people out much. Second, I'm not sure if we have lived in a society where corporations, looking at a bottom line, are the baseline to outline what recommended speech is. Too many convuluted interests whereas individuals we have given up freedom of expression, thought - which is beautiful in itself. Maybe I'm rendering myself as a conspiracy theorist to you, but however you view my comment is really of no concern to me.
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
Yes and I’m not saying it’s “rightl or fair but Twitter did the same thing it’s doing now just opposite when it was ran by a different group of people

That group is just now being affected by the “censorship” And making it very known
EvilEmma · F
@DeluxedEdition the funny thing about twitter rigth now i that elon acted like an avatar of free speech... and now look at him, he lost a grotesque amount of money, has to beg the same people he fired to come back and help him now and he is publically humilated as a clown.

twitter never was and never will be about free speech... its an advertisement platform and something for questionable celebrities to spew whatever garbage, political or not.

if you want free speech you have to look at the right places... go to 4chan etc and you can say whatever you want... but you might not have the audience you hope for. there is no right for having people listen to garbage... there is a right to just alk away.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@DeluxedEdition right, but why is it ok 'say whatever you want on 4chan or apparently here too' as she says, but not on twitter? what makes this site and 4chan different?
boudinMan · 61-69, M
so, what's the difference between 4 chan, similar worlds, and twitter?
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
@boudinMan Twitter is more censored
A very intellectual view! Well stated.
revenant · F
It is not as simple as that.
gol979 · 41-45, M
Mmmmm censorship
Zonuss · 46-50, M
I believe free speech is ok.
But only if it escalates violence or incites riots then it is not.

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