dirge Best Comment
one a ton of aquatic mammal and the other is a little lighter?
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
One starts a fire and the other stomps out fires.Someone from Africa told me that in areas where hippos live they warn that campfires at night can attract hippos who will run up and stomp them out…and any campers near the fire could get injured when it happens.
Lilymoon · F
One lights fire 🔥
PatKirby · M
A: One is super heavy, and one is a little lighter!
YoMomma ·
1.5 tons?
afarcryfrom · 56-60, M
One is really heavy and the other's a little lighter.
meJess · F
Fire and Water
marybmom · 31-35, F
One can stomp a cigarette out the other can light it.
Arnoldjrmmer · 56-60, M
Harder to keep a hippo lit and people tend to get angry when you try.