4meAndyou · F
It's a toss up. ONE of my grandmothers would get a visit. My maternal grandmother died at age 62 because her heart had been damaged by Scarlet Fever when she was a child...so I might travel back to visit her and tell her to avoid ALL sick people and wash her hands regularly. She was such a sweetheart...it would have been wonderful for her to have been around for 20 more years or so.
My paternal grandmother might have gotten a visit from me when she was a teenager, and I would have told her NOT to marry my grandfather. He was a traveling salesman, and he kept a mistress. Basically he had her and didn't want her and her life stunk because of him.
Yes, I know I would never have been born...but I would still save her that pain if I could.
My paternal grandmother might have gotten a visit from me when she was a teenager, and I would have told her NOT to marry my grandfather. He was a traveling salesman, and he kept a mistress. Basically he had her and didn't want her and her life stunk because of him.
Yes, I know I would never have been born...but I would still save her that pain if I could.
Blondily · F
I would love to see my paternal grandmother. She and I were penpals because we lived in different states. Grandma would always say I Iooked like her which I heard about all the time. She was very tiny, gave tight hugs and we both had a love for birds. So I would set up hummingbird feeders for her and enjoy watching them with her.☺
Gibbon · 70-79, M
I would just for peace of mind visit my parents in the 60s trying to avoid meeting myself. I'd tell that them not to purchase the land in Florida which has squatters on it to this day. After my father passed, preceeded by my mother 12 years, I started receiving letters from the county sheriff in Florida trying to collect back taxes. I got in touch with him and found out the squatters were still there the land unaccessible and there was nothing they could do about it. I told to him to pay the taxes himself I had no legal obligations to do so. Squatters and the laws are some baffling bullsh-t.
BrewCityBarfly · M
I would essentially come back to the city I currently live in ca 1889 to visit my Great Grandparents who had a farm in the area. They would have had 10 kids (including my Grandmother) with one on the way. I would bring something for the kids, an entire dinner, and a case of beer. I'd want to talk about their trials and tribulations migrating here, and a little more backstory that could fill in some missing pieces of the family history.
beermeplease · M
i'd travel back to around 1948 when my mom was around 5...i'd give my grandmother a gift (a piece of my mind) while my mom took care of her younger sister and older brother doing all the cleaning and even feeding her siblings grandma was drinking, smoking and playing cards in the unit above them....although i must say it groomed my mother to be be the best mom her 2 boys could ever hope for
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@beermeplease her siblings were blessed to have her care for them, that’s for sure. Not all children have that in a family.
beermeplease · M
@cherokeepatti this was just after the war in austria. both her siblings were half siblings. yet her father still lived in that tiny apartment, her mother and her father never spoke. my mom had to grow up with seeing that..her father wasn't home all that much as supposedly he was back and forth to russia because he was supposedly a commie....there's a reason my mother suffered depression later in life
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
I would but God wouldn't allowed me. But I have the urge wanting to do it. I would have a perfect life especially with my Autism. I would be completely humbled and maybe having friends..
Now days...well....
Now days...well....
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@FreestyleArt Don’t blame you. Do have Italian ancestry?
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
@cherokeepatti don't know. I do have Dutch. German. French. African and Canadian in me
BizSuitStacy · M
Either of my grandmothers. Both died before I was born. I'd bring some tasty snacks and try to get to know them.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@BizSuitStacy There was one grandmother that died from breast cancer when I was about 10 months old, would have loved to have a conversation with her…and her mother. Also the same on my other side of the family.
bowman81 · M
I would go back and see my father. He died when I was 13. I would like to bring my children with me to introduce him to his grandchildren.
exexec · 70-79, C
I would visit my fourth-great grandfather, who is the earliest I have identified in my main line. I have written a book on our family history, and they would be in it. I would take that book, complete with photos of their descendants. We would talk about what happened after his life ended and about his parents/grandparents, et al.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Great grandparents, gift ,maybe some food, just to meet them and see who they were
@NativePortlander1970 10 times is a lot in 7 years.
@Musicman And always my mother's mouth was the reason.
@NativePortlander1970 Up until I was 29 I only ever moved twice.
BiasForAction · M
I’d bring a photo album of my family and we’d gossip and talk about our relatives who aren’t in the room
Felina · F
Great question 😌
I’d bring them peace of mind, because it’s priceless 🙏🏼
I’d bring them peace of mind, because it’s priceless 🙏🏼
TheOneyouwerewarnedabout · 46-50, MVIP
I’d bring them the gift of foreknowledge of where and what property to buy up so our family would be rich in 2025
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout One of my great-grandfathers retired as a farmer, sold his business (grain mill), let his son take over the farm and moved to Florida where he had an orange grove. My grandfather would travel from Nebraska after his harvest and help his father pick oranges every year. I didn’t know about this until a few years ago and I thought that was the coolest thing. That property probably would be very valuable today. He was drafted in the Civil War and became a soldier and then after the war he was in the Calvary and then would marry and homestead a farm in Nebraska. I wonder how he adjusted from living up north where winters can be very cold to living in Florida with the high humidity and heat most of the year and mild winters?
Iwillwait · M
Wow, great question. I would give them a gift of knowledge. Whom I would visit is unknown.
@Musicman 2009 Bitcoin was worth $0.0009 apiece, now it's $101,885.30 apice, a $1,000 investment 16 years ago would be worth almost $1 Billion USD today. The sad thing is that someone told me back then to invest in it and I thought it was a scam.
@NativePortlander1970 Me too. ☹
HumanEarth · F
I would try not to talk about modern technology and they are using it to control people
What would I bring I bring them? Something from their our time period. Don't want them to be marked as a witch
What would I bring I bring them? Something from their our time period. Don't want them to be marked as a witch
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July 17, 1980, my Dad, I would give him the gift of warning to keep my mother from taking my two older brothers and myself from the Portland area to iowa to the family farm early the next morning.