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Why does it seem like every 50+ aged man thinks they can have my puss just by being 50+?

There's at least 99 other boxes to check off.
ArtieKat · M
I've got my own cute puss (complete with box)

why would I want yours?
They’re hungry for your Gonorrhoea
raqqq · 18-21, F
@LosSantosNPC They'll get a side helping of Chlamydia with that.
@raqqq ouch!
Nitedoc · 51-55, M
Then let's get started checking off boxes.
iamBen · M
Wishful thinking? Desperate loneliness and longing for some kind of connection? Perhaps they figure if they try 10,000 times at least 1 woman will agree to giving them some affection. Us old farts, yeah I'm one, can get very lonely and it makes us crazy and reckless at times.
I'm 50+, and that's hardly the first consideration I have when meeting a woman. In fact, it's one of the last, if it's there, at all.

Sorry you've run into so many guys who've made that a priority. It makes a bad name for those of us who don't.
3Dogmatic · 46-50, M
It’s called wishful thinking, OR, they carpet bomb every young lady in hopes one takes them up on it…
Only 1 box they want to check. It's yours

Only 1 box you want to check. Their safe
jefferson · M
its so sad, they should be looking for women their own age
Pfuzylogic · M
Your posts are making them believe in an alt reality.
LookingIn · M
PMA and time’s running out for them 😁
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
Well they think they have earned it
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
Mid life crisis
FeetAreFantastic · 41-45, M
Why am I suspecting you don't have a puss?
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raqqq · 18-21, F
@TunaBotDimwit the daddy title is earned, its not simply given out for being alive for 50 years.

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