American Christians/evangelicals, how do you feel about the game Farcry 5 where you’re the bad guys? PINNEDBang bang bang (1)
If ever you feel useless remember; it took 4 presidents, billions of dollars and thousands of lives to replace the Taliban with the Taliban. PINNED (1)
It’s good Jesus cured a leper in Palestine and not today in Florida, as someone would shout “free healthcare” and shot him for being a socialist.
I prayed to god for a car. But god doesn’t work that way. So I stole a car and prayed for forgiveness. 👍🏾
All people in the US that have European accents are in fact vampires.Not Mexicans. Just the Brits, Eastern Europeans and those Mediterranean gays.
All the hot chicks I used to be keen on in high school are now swamp monsters. It’s a good thing I’m still pretty.
Ladybugs get a free pass where other insects would be swatted out of the house, clearly just because they have a cool color scheme. It's pure racism.
I saw a video on Instagram this morning of a Muslim woman complaining there are too many Finns in Finland.There might have been a Finnish woman in Saudi Arabia saying there were too many Arabs, but I bet she didn’t live long enough to make her video.
It’s Friday night. You all need to log off, go outside and do something fun.You don’t want to be the Friday night home-alone-on-SW, like this guy (1)
If Adam and Eve are the first humans, and they had two sons Cain as Abel, where did Cains wife come from?
Why are baby humans so useless?If you was a giraffe you’d be up and waking around 30minutes after being born. Humans are useless for the first 2 years. (1)