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Nanori · F
Luckily children are too scared of me to ask for anything and hopefully it'll remain like this 🙂
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Nanori · F
@Alhamdulillah hmmmmm 🙂🔪
Alhamdulillah · F
@Nanori nooo not the knife! Nooo 😰😰
Alhamdulillah · F
@Nanori id rather you have magic powers and shrink me then chop me up 😂😂
It's happening now
My son likes to ask me about all the concerts I've been too
My son likes to ask me about all the concerts I've been too
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
The internet craze and how we ever managed without it
Sending my first text or what my first cell phone was like etc
Fashion from the 80s
Actually I work with children and kids will already ask me what 9-11 was.
The internet craze and how we ever managed without it
Sending my first text or what my first cell phone was like etc
Fashion from the 80s
Actually I work with children and kids will already ask me what 9-11 was.
Nimbus · M
How Joe Biden ever managed to become President of the USA.
SethGreene531 · M
"Tell us about Dial-Up, grandpa"
"What was it like having to leave home to buy things?"
"I saw a flip-phone like yours at the Smithsonian"
"When great-grandpa dies, you'll be the last person in the world with a landline!"
"What was it like having to leave home to buy things?"
"I saw a flip-phone like yours at the Smithsonian"
"When great-grandpa dies, you'll be the last person in the world with a landline!"
JRVanguard · 26-30, M
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
The days just before Biden and Obama sent America and the world into an economic apocalypse…..
NerdyPotato · M
Similar Worlds, and it will be very difficult to describe, especially to children. 😅
exexec · 61-69, C
I'm old. Children don't ask me to tell them any stories, but I do it anyway.
BizSuitStacy · M
They already ask stuff like...what was life like without the Internet? How did you text & talk to people without cell phones? How did you play music without a cell phone? Why was your hair like that in high school?
Pfuzylogic · M
The 1977 U.S. tour by Led Zeppelin. It wasn’t their best. I read later on the web that Page felt sick around that time but he did play Stairway to Heaven on his dual guitar sitting on a stool with lasers swirling over him.
iamBen · 61-69, M
I didn't think children ask older people to tell them stories anymore. They are screen addicted and don't care what older people have to say.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I'm getting older and I still don't have any children to tell stories too.But then again I was never sure that I would anyway
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Children don't care about your past, that was your life, they only want the scraps of what you have left.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Almost a thing of the past with phones.
For most if it isn't there, it hasn't happened
For most if it isn't there, it hasn't happened
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Not going to happen. Really not around any children at all. And not likely to change.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
When there were only 7 TV channels.
When there were no VCRs/DVRs/On Demand.
When there were no ways to see a movie uncut except in the theater.
When there were only landline and long-distance/international calls cost an arm and a leg.
When there was very little on TV that wasn't family-friendly.
When there was little awareness about mental illness, eating disorders, domestic and other abuses.
When cars ran on leaded gasoline and were carbureted.
When you would talk about "what was on TV last night" at school and work.
When there were these things called "8-tracks".
When you had to pay to hear an album in good quality.
When there were no VCRs/DVRs/On Demand.
When there were no ways to see a movie uncut except in the theater.
When there were only landline and long-distance/international calls cost an arm and a leg.
When there was very little on TV that wasn't family-friendly.
When there was little awareness about mental illness, eating disorders, domestic and other abuses.
When cars ran on leaded gasoline and were carbureted.
When you would talk about "what was on TV last night" at school and work.
When there were these things called "8-tracks".
When you had to pay to hear an album in good quality.
in10RjFox · M
Why would they ask me when everything is available online
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Was mommy bad as a little girl as she is now
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
They'll probably be trying to rob me.
ThreeLittleBirds · F
My high heel collection lol 😌
bijouxbroussard · F
They ask me now, what life was like being a teenager in the 70s.
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
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