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I aint taking no damn vaccine

I'm aint taking no damn vaccine and that's final! smh. Not even holding me gun point will help. Even if Im the last one left on earth without it. Tired of those damn commercials with black people telling you to take it and nothing happened to them. lol Its still not gonna happen.I wish I could tell them where to put the needle. Besides that corona crap was planned and theyre just gearing up for the one world order 666 thing where you cant buy sell go to certain places without the chip. Its in Revelations. Its just a sign of the time. They just want to get an idea of how many people would be willing to take it if they threaten them with termination or not being able to run a business and other things. Wake up boys and girls Its about the numbers.Once they get even folks vaccinated then they can proceed to making laws and policies. They cant do that if the numbers aren't high enough because then it would really screw up the economy.They cant make a law that would send anyone to jail if theyre caught lying because then more than half the population could end up in jail. lol Anyway, theyre testing things out. Stay strong anti vaccine folks dont give in. Dont be a sell out. I dont care if you dont agree or believe it. Count me out..capiche?
Though I don't agree with the reasons you gave, I do agree that it is your right whether to take it or not. I personally am not taking it either.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Regardless of color the actors in those commercials are NOT doing them for free
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@MarineBob Does that mean the message is false?
MarineBob · 56-60, M
@JimboSaturn that means they're being paid to say what they're saying
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@MarineBob All actors in commercials are paid. It is non-sequitor to then think that a public service announcement is false because of that.
Ingwe · F
I'm not eager to get that jab ,
An older family member decided to go for it, in september....
his lungs aren't good and he is prone to bloodclots,
I fear we may lose him. I am scared.
@Ingwe if he got covid with his lungs being that bad it could also kill him
@ExperienceDLT In that case probably he couldn't even make it this long.
@Ingwe Those are some of the symptoms, among many, I'm hearing about people who have received both shots. Best of luck with your family member. I hope he's okay. 💙
I'm so glad more people are waking up to this.
Whether it's in Revelation or not, it's true.
And, it's not a vaccine. It's a spiked protein which kills your immune system and wrecks havoc on your entire body. You'll hear in the news only what "the global elite" want you to hear.

I received this just yesterday.

@JimboSaturn The entire situation is nuts.
People are going to do what they want to with it, and that's fine with me.
@PhoenixPhail I wonder if medical staff have the right to turn you away when you can't breathe
@SW-User Sure they do. I've been turned away by medical staff.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
Don’t blame you. I hope you get your vitamin D level checked though because Black people or anyone with darker skin have a much harder time manufacturing it from sunlight. I think that may be one reason more blacks have gotten sick. Vitamin D is essential for our immune systems (and many other functions in our body).
Neoerectus · M
[image deleted]
chelseamonroe3 · 26-30, F
@Neoerectus Im not denying anything. I said black Africans death rate were much lower in Africa and Carribbean compared to US and France Italy etc.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@chelseamonroe3 There are a lot of people in Africa that take HCQ to prevent contracting malaria from mosquito bites in Africa so they have some help fighting off Covid type viruses as well. HCQ is a great preventative and used in the Zelenko protocol.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
Your right to refuse.

Everyone else's right to refuse you for not doing one basic thing to keep everyone safe.

Freedom for EVERYONE including freedom from deadly disease. Planned or not, the ICU is not full of vaccinated people or people with vaccine reactions. They had to cancel my surgery because of COVID19 and it wasn't because of all the vaccine reactions.
@Doomflower People are dying because of COVID who have never had COVID.
pearllederman · 61-69, F
i havent taken it either, i might be allergic to it anyways, i cant even take a flu shot cause my arm swells up for wks, i never catch covid anyways so why have my arm swell up for wks, i have a good immune system cause i take vitamins, maybe others should try that and then they wont catch it
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@pearllederman I have the same problem with shots. Fever and serious allergic reactions that last for months.
GermanAf · 26-30, M
You're not important enough to get a chip
Neoerectus · M
-And the quote from Revelations that predicted covid, identified virii, and vaccinations is what?
They had no clue about any of this stuff.

Wow. Folks will say anything and claim any source without any objective facts or bonafide references....

Let's just shake the rattles, hop up and down, and scream to scare away the bad mojo.
AbbySvenz · F
So you’ll trust a book that’s rife with inconsistencies, edits, mistranslations, and had large portions of it simply left out … rather than proven science that saves lives.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@AbbySvenz American medical journal fits your description to a T even though that’s not the publication you are talking about (I Assume )
AbbySvenz · F
Because there is so much science in the Bible 🙄@AthrillatheHunt
Fine by me. The Earth is over populated as it is. We entered culling of the herd territory a while ago. I can't wait to see what this fall and winter brings.
Colormegone · 70-79, M
[image deleted]
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Yeah I’ve noticed more black people being in commercials lately. Lol, Sorry that that was the only thing I had to add to this
@TurtlePink It's about damn time!
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Maybe hidden it in your peanut butter already!

Btw you definitely won't be the last person on earth..
Colormegone · 70-79, M
Was that the Herman Cain commercial? Oh… wait.
@Colormegone Yep, he died for his president.
Colormegone · 70-79, M
Or because of.@bijouxbroussard
graphite · 61-69, M
Everyone should have the personal choice to take the vaccine or not take it. I had the vaccine and am still here, 2-3 months later. No after effects (yet). We don't know what the long-term effects of this virus are going to be, so I'd like to reduce the risk of getting covid. Weaker lungs in 10 years? Weaker heart? I'd rather not personally find out.
The book is “Revelation,” not “Revelations.” If you can’t even get the title correct for the section of the Bible you’re citing, that duggests you’re also wrong in your other claims.

Let me guess, you also think Trump won and Biden has “dementia.”
I don’t know you. If you’re suddenly not here tomorrow, I won’t know the difference. But someone whom I did care about was spouting that same ignorance earlier this year, and we just buried him.
So yes, it’s your body, do what you want. I just hope you don’t take anyone else with you, but I know folks that believe as you do couldn’t care less about that. 😞
@bijouxbroussard people are manipulated into believing lies
Azlotto · M
I'm not taking it, either.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I hate needles so I'm not getting the vaccine. My mom boss made me a offer to give blood for a $100 dollars. I don't need money that bad.
I have not yet because the medical/pharmaceutical's have lied to us forever and people died as guinea pigs. It's a trust thing in my case. However, it's already begun , as I knew it would...we won't be able to enter buildings without one of these so...I'm forced to get vaccinated. Even though I spend 99% of my time in my home, alone, and communicate by phone and online. I'm safe and won't infect anyone but, I need a Walmart fix now and then. Hopefully, I won't die from blood clots or get the damn thing anyway.
graphite · 61-69, M
Funny skit that I hope doesn't offend anyone. Keenan Thompson is always a riot.
Azlotto · M
@graphite 😆😅🤣
Nobody actually cares wether or not you take it. Hurry up and die.
@BoredDarkLord I care very much.
People should be skeptical of reports they see and hear in the media, and investigate the origin of the pandemic and the safety of the jab, themselves. Then, if they want the "vaccine," that's fine. It's their choice.
minxy · 46-50, F
@BoredDarkLord Oh look, a perfect example of the attitude that's caused quite a few to be "selfish".
Vaccination for the good of others, yep.
Tres13 · 51-55, M
my immune system & God is my vax✌🏿
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Tres13 The two countries with the highest rates of vaccination are having the most outbreaks now. Israel and Seychelles.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Well natural selection at work :)
Lilymoon · F
Good luck with that ✌️
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
If you or your family members get sick you won't go to the hospital either, right? Why would you trust anyone at the hospital???
@Pitchblue They won't let unvaccinated people in. I know this for a fact. It happened to someone I know. He couldn't see his wife.
@WonderGirl1 The beds are full in a few States so they won't let regular ICU patients in.
What are you even talking about if they really do want to put a chip in you they can do it without you even knowing at any time you have ever visited a doctor
I'll take an i7 10th generation and 32gb of RAM, please.
@SW-User 🤣
@SW-User and an ssd. 😜
@WonderGirl1 my favourite type of nerd
Benjr134 · M
Ummmm I think someone hasn’t read revelations for themselves. You know it actually doesn’t say that. In fact the only time it talks about new governing body is when the devil, also known as the beast(who is associated with the number 666) is meant to be locked up. Meaning if this is part of that, then technically, by your own explanation, it’s Jesus who is doing it. Unless this is the end of that thousand year period and taking the vaccine or not, we’re all screwed.
Proof the Covid-19 Jabs Should be Stopped Now

Colormegone · 70-79, M
[image deleted]
Confined · 56-60, M

Fully vaccinated Southwest flight attendant dies from COVID-19
Confined · 56-60, M
I read in USA today that the vaccine may help you, but will not prevent you from getting sick.
Israel is mandating every one get a 3rd shot. Apparently the first 2 are not preventing spread.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Confined They are having deaths among the vaccinated.
Confined · 56-60, M
@cherokeepatti Who is testing positive for COVID-19 in Israel?
Unlike in many other countries, most of the people testing positive in Israel are vaccinated, reported The Washington Post.

But this should not be surprising, according to epidemiologist Katelyn Jetelina, per The Washington Post.
“The more vaccinated a population, the more we’ll hear of the vaccinated getting infected,” she said.
And Israel has one of the most vaccinated populations in the world. About 60% of the nation’s entire population of 9.3 million has received at least one vaccine dose, reported Reuters. Among adults, about 85% have been vaccinated which means that Israel’s vaccinated community is five times larger than its unvaccinated community.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
@Confined Yeah keep taking more shots, that’s going to help.
RannochMan · 70-79, M
Wow. These nutters certainly have got to you ! You don't believe this world order nonsense, do you?
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@chelseamonroe3] oh so young oh so naive . but you are right it is your choice and that needs to be respected
This has to be a Troll account. It's so hard to tell the Trolls from the Cons these days.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
world order 666
@SkeetSkeet no it's the New World Order
Hulk Hogan,Scott Hall,Kevin Nash 😁
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@inflatablebimbo she would
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