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Your teenage child comes to you and confesses that....

Poll - Total Votes: 33
Talk to your child about the risk of drug use
Discipline the child
Seek input from an expert in handling these issues with children
Something else
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they have been experimenting with drugs. You are torn between wanting to protect them from the risks and dangers of drug use and wanting to maintain a trusting and open relationship with them.

How will you handle this situation?
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Rambler · 61-69, M
In my experience the likelihood of your teenage child coming to you and confessing anything is close to zero.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
@Rambler i don't disagree. But let's say in this case your teenage child did. How would you respond?
Rambler · 61-69, M
@TheunderdogofNY sorry, the reality of this for me was a lot tougher than any of the scenarios.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Something else. I had four teenage kids and each one was a different proposition and different at different ages. I would have to read the situation. They usually know that drugs are harmful I don't think it's lecture time. It's listening time.

But I wouldn't react. My first response would be one of connection. Acceptance of them as a person and reaffirming the open door of communication because that's the golden pathway that doesn't always appear. I would want to know what was drawing them towards drugs. It could be the peer group. It could be anxiety, depression or dark thoughts. It could be misinformation. There's no prescription without a diagnosis.
Kids test you. They put out a piece of questionable information and if you overreact in their eyes they won't tell you the deeper issues.
@Abstraction How old are your kids now?
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Lyfis2live 20s and 30s.
sree251 · 41-45, M
How? There is no how. It's a situation beyond parental control. Why would they confess anyway? This doesn't make sense. It's like a drug addict confessing to a bad cop.
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
@sree251 To be fair there are many things happening in the world today that don't make sense. Not probable but definitely possible i think.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@TheunderdogofNY You can say that again. Taking drugs is the least insensible of all. Imagine your teenage son came out about his identity. He strips before you showing a beautiful set of boobs replete with a reconstructed .......I can't even say it.
Oh boy that's hard ...

First ..I would hug him and tell him that I love him . Then thank him for being so open and honest with me . Thank him for trusting me enough to tell me .

I'd be honest and tell him the reality of the drug use continuing ...tell him the possible consequences of it . Then tell him that i am here to help him not use drugs anymore ..I am here to support that decision but I will not support the decision to continue it if it does in fact continue...
Domking · 61-69, M
Just appreciate that they are talking about it with their parents
See, we are only as sick as our secrets. The moment they start hiding it, they might progress deeper into these type of things. These type of problems grow in the dark, and tend to cure in the light.
I am.not saying that one will not mark drugs as dangerous or anti-social activity. But flying off the handle & ,raving and ranting, blaming this and that person will only convince the kids that he/she shouldn't have confided.So, behave cool, assertive, firm but cool.
And plan a family outing, some fun activity in near future
4meAndyou · F
I would have keeled over and died of shock if my teenage son had ever confided in me about anything at all. He was VERY secretive. When he became an adult, he finally told me that he had experimented more than once with shrooms....after it was too late for me to do anything about it. I was shocked that he would do something like that.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@4meAndyou Sounds like you are a good mom. Your story is convincing. Teenagers are exactly like your son. They live in secrecy even when they have nothing to hide. Were you like that when you were a teenager? Or did you confide in your mom?
4meAndyou · F
@sree251 I was exactly like that...🤣🤣🤣
Open communication with teens is vital. Keeping it open. Be honest. Do not nag or yell or force your ideas upon them. My son was fine as a teen. He told me some things now that I never knew about him then. He also was grateful for my being open and honest always. Parents are back ups and a source of info for teens as they explore the world.
Adogslife · 61-69, M
It would depend on the drug. If I knew the drug, I’d explain the pluses and minuses.

Generally speaking, I’d explain partying within the context of their goals. There’s nothing wrong with some fun, but you can’t ever lose sight of the risks and your greater aspirations.
Spnk8 · 36-40, M
I would first talk to him/her and let them know of the dangers of drugs and ask why they did it or want to and id let them know im glad they told me and came to me ofcourse but would also make it clear that if they continue it ill have to punish them cause i care about them and their health and i dont condone drugs.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
I would ask a lot of questions and do a lot of listening. If they cinfessed spontaneously, I imagine they must already be pretty worried or confused about the situation. They probably don't need a lecture on the dangers of drugs right at that moment.
Torsten · 36-40, M
i dont even know how i would react. I certainly wouldnt encourage it. I just cant imagine my son doing that. He is 14 now and well complete opposite of me at that age, which is great. so yeah not something i think i have to worry about
Iwantyourhotwife · 22-25
I would have to honor them being open and trusting of me. I know how hard it is to display crookedness and poor judgement before the people you wanted to always make proud

It would need to be tactful but firm because my child cannot continue hurting themselves because they turned to the drugs seeking happiness. They have to wake up to the truth
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
They need intervention. If it’s something like crack or meth and the authorities find out you are obligated to put them in rehab since they are underage or risk losing custody of them.
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
Depending upon the drug
Do some Quick research
Then bring my drug failing see the results of that type of drug
Perhaps also seek professional help

Depends upon the circumstances
Notanymore · 41-45, M
What age ranges?
TheunderdogofNY · 36-40, M
@Notanymore let's say for this scenario 15 years old.
Notanymore · 41-45, M
@TheunderdogofNY 15 is a bit would depend on what kind of drugs, who they're hanging out with, and their reasoning behind it. If it's just smoking a bit of weed, that'd be easier to handle than freebasing or injecting.
Orca4950 · 70-79, M
One followed by 3, followed by new distractions for the child plus a tour of the wotst drug neighbourhood in town
DeluxedEdition · 26-30, F
all of the above
ArtieKat · M
Ask for half of their stash and then get stoned together!
plungesponge · 41-45, M
Hire a goon to "sell" them drugs but actually it's a sting operation where they get mugged
I’d beat his little ass then take his drugs .. then overdose on them to teach him a lesson 😌

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