I will say it again.Read 7 habits of highly effective teenagers. Even if you are a 200 year old vampirey.
Allah told Moses, the best thing that one should pray for is good health.I disagree. Strongly. It's Gratitude. I will say it a million times. GRATITUDE. You can only lead, help, teach and preach by being an example. That's what I know for sure. Take good care of yourself, and be your own work of art. That's the best... See More »
NEW READ: 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TEENAGERSI recommend it, for anyone who wants to live a profound life. Not just for teenagers. :)
What You Should Do When Someone Is Being Jealous Of You And Thinking Bad For You In Their Mind.Make them more jealous lol
Dreams, much?I think I've figured out the answer to why some place or state that we want to be in is called a Dream. In a nutshell... You know how when we sleep in an impure state (without reading dua and seeking protection from Allah), then you're taken to... See More »
What do you understand from the lyrics of these songs?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ejga4kJUts Do you see shamelessness or do you see pain?
I Do Feel Regret.I fought with my persian cat once, because once, he made food and ate all of it himself. I was sleeping, and when I woke up, everything was gone. So, I got really pissed and told him stuff. Afterwards, when I was okay, I had cooked something and... See More »