I’m very busy.
rinkydinkydoink · M
@rinkydinkydoink Why thank you kind sir! 🙂
Ferric67 · M
Thanks 🙏
I was considering posting about my coworker's hemorrhoid problem....she's having a doozy of a time with them
I was considering posting about my coworker's hemorrhoid problem....she's having a doozy of a time with them
rinkydinkydoink · M
GerOttman · 61-69, M
Well you see that's the major problem with being brilliant. The slow witted majority usually don't understand my posts. Trying to explain them takes too much time and really, tends to make things worse. It's just easier to wait for someone else to post something and then tell them they are wrong!
rinkydinkydoink · M
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
I'll write one more post per day if you buy me VIP tks
rinkydinkydoink · M
SwampFlower · 31-35, F
Not me. I post too much.
rinkydinkydoink · M
Donotfolowme · 51-55, F
I already do *blush blush*
rinkydinkydoink · M
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Im the single most consistent . member on this site. Got some interesting stuff coming up soon. Stay tuned.☺☀
rinkydinkydoink · M
Lilymoon · F
rinkydinkydoink · M