WillaKissing · 56-60, M
It is there to post or share things or to save personal notes on. I think it was Originally for folks to post something to you that might be of interest or helpful.
The story about abuse I shared with you in a PM is posted by me on mine if a person really gave a shit enough to look and to try and understand more about me.
The story about abuse I shared with you in a PM is posted by me on mine if a person really gave a shit enough to look and to try and understand more about me.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Eh it’s a way to write a message to someone that’s public for all to see who bother to check the whiteboards. It’s hardly used I think.
Me too!
Oh we used to have them on EP so the people here complained they wanted one and so we have one.. but since its so obscurely placed people rarely see or use them
fun4us2b · M
I totally forgot it was there!!!
4meAndyou · F
I have my account set up so that creeps can't PM me. However, they can and do write on my White Board, which is public and permanent. Only I can erase my own White Board.
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
You have used it. 😁
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
@JackOatMon really
WowwGirl · 36-40, F
That's funny
JackOatMon · 46-50, M
@WowwGirl Yes.
HumanEarth · F
Let me show you my friend from GAG
it's for posting your inner most secrets
MasterLee · 56-60, M
For 12 year Olds
Keeper · M
Use permanent marker.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I treat mine like my own personal junk yard
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
Because we can't have a Black Board as it would violate Trump's anti-woke agenda. 8-)
NinaTina · 26-30, F
You can message them on it without having a limit on messages
@NinaTina thanks nina