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What makes us feel we need to share our opinions with communities and the world?

People put signs in their yards stating who they will vote for, people go online to debate/argue about the same.
Politics, religion and just about anything under the sun... people will argue about it all and even resort to be rude, insulting, etc.... and yet, it never makes a real difference in anyone's life.

Why do we feel anyone really cares about our opinions? (unless they are like minded)
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
It’s the lure of people being arseholes to strangers without any repercussions.

I’ve seen people say things here that if said in the real world would either cost them their reputation or job, maybe even charges.

But here there’s none of those things so you’ll get people being racists or encouraging violence or wanting to wound someone.

I’ve stopped taking SWers seriously. Too many of them are here to broadcast shite without consequences.
Carissimi · F
I don’t make jokes. I’m a very serious person. Many old people end up alone in old age, so that’s nothing unusual. I’m one of millions. @Ceinwyn
Carissimi · F
@Ceinwyn Where is the joke in what I wrote? 🤦‍♀️ You don’t have an argument, so you choose to insult me for being old and alone. Typical wokester.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
@Carissimi Since businesses have customers with all kinds of different opinions, they can't risk alienating them by allowing their employees to spout hate speech that could be associated with their employer. Saying "only biological women can give birth" may be true in one sense, but we both know that attitude is associated with hatred and oppression of trans people. So if someone is posting that on line and their employer decides that attitude isn't something they want to be associated with, the person could lose their job.

This has nothing to do with free speech as there are no legal consequences, but businesses are entitled to protect themselves from things their employees say that could be offensive and reflect badly on the company. You can have whatever feelings you like, but when you express them, there could be consequences.
Ontheroad · M
I must admit to commenting on other original posts that are, at least to me, outlandish, spreading misinformation, just plain stupid, etc.

I don't do it with the thought that I have a chance in hell of changing the OP's mind/opinion, but more to try and set the record straight for those who stumble across their post.

Is it useless and fruitless? Probably, but I do it hoping to keep the sane folks sane. I also don't invite anyone to read it or respond... if you don't want to read what I have to say, move right along. It won't hurt my feelings one bit.
@Ontheroad People seem to be seeing this as internet only and some taking the examples I gave as what to post about.
Thank you for your thoughts.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
@Ontheroad Even if I don't agree with absolutely everything, I think your post are well written. They sometimes get me to look at something from a different perspective.
@Riverman2 I second that.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
It's.mostly brainwashing by the media. Turning people against one another but at the core we really all want the same things.
@MyNameIsHurl Giving that some thought. Opinions go way beyond media... we all have opinions about so many things that others just don't seem to really care about or agree with.
Why do we feel the need to share with the world?
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
@SW-User people want to feel heard I guess
Morvoren · F
I come from a place we’re the only things people have in their yards are barbecues, solar party lights and and the occasional unsightly gnome.

I celebrate the vast distance of ocean between me and people who put signs up on their property to show who they vote for.
Morvoren · F
@calicuz That’ll be your stateside education.
calicuz · 56-60, M

Pretty much.🤣
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
we live in a time of shallow tribalism. anyo9ne that is not US is the enemy, an worthy of contempt or worse

it has not always been this way, i have watched as hostility has replaced every other way of interaction, I am sure you noticed as well.

we no longer discuss, just identify a person as "our side" or "the enemy"

people will argue about it all and even resort to be rude, insulting, etc.... and yet, it never makes a real difference in anyone's life.
there it is, we do not discuss we argue. because no one will speak to those we disagree with.

we CAN change each other's mind, but only when we ar civil and see each other as people, not team members
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
Others opinions were forced upon me (captive audience) so now it's my turn to reclaim some of that by getting my opinion out there too? 🗣️
@FloorGenAdm Hmmmm.... giving that thought...but WHY did anyone first feel opinions needed to be shared with everyone?
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
@SW-User Someone developed a paranoid complex and ran with it.
@FloorGenAdm And the rest of us followed?
calicuz · 56-60, M
Well, for me it's about intelligence and finding someone who is interested in talking about the same subjects that I'm interested in talking about.
I don't look for people to agree with me, but I do look for people who can debate their point.
@calicuz have you ever seen that happen?
calicuz · 56-60, M

@calicuz Lmao!!! Love it! lol
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Well..... theres no one else here to argue with except for my wife, and i can't win that one😏
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Because those who "resort to be rude, insulting, etc." are only interested in blaming others for anything/everything with their labeling and bumper sticker slogans rather than an honest sharing of opinions. It is a form of tribalism rather than building understanding and finding common ground within our communities and the world.
4meAndyou · F
For some reason, my mind turned immediately to sports, and the way people go nuts supporting "their" teams.

In the same spirit of semi-fanatic loyalty, people will support their religion, their political choices, and so on.
@4meAndyou Yep. I once was given a jacket with a sport team logo.
I wore it to go grocery shopping once and had a man get nasty about it because he doesn't like the team. lol
Maybe we just need to keep such stupid things to ourselves. I
I didn't even get what he was mad about until a daughter explained it... it was just a jacket within reach when I was leaving.
4meAndyou · F
@SW-User Wow. Intense, and you're correct, (at least as far as sports goes), stupid.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
Great points. I know that I have never changed my mind based on a sign, a heated argument, or being insulted. I am pretty sure that I never changed another person in that fashion either .
I wish I could do better at the old saying, "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care".
smiler2012 · 56-60
{@breezeybree2] 😆it is human nature to debate question but you are right not on the way on some on similar world do that is totally unacceptable in some cases .again you are absolutely correct an opinion is exactly that but without it similar worlds would be rather in a pickle otherwise 😆
Northwest · M
Different reasons for different people. What compelled you to share your opinion here?

That aside, political yard signs serve a clear purpose: name recognition. Same thing product/service ads serve.
I'm learning it isn't a good thing to give my opinion much anymore... online or daily life.
If it's not going to make a positive difference and matter, I'm not bothering anymore.
And seriously, with or towards people in communities and such, people we don't even know... it just doesn't make sense to me to bother.
Northwest · M
@SW-User Many people feel the same. In my opinion though, if people have something constructive, or useful to share, they should. Despite the fact that some people will not like it, as it may not fit their narrative.

Some people are all about the noise, that’s what the block button is for.
Carissimi · F
Like attracts like. We want to find kindred spirits, and those who share our values etc;. If we don’t, we feel alone in the world. Often, it’s easier to write something online to share your thoughts (without interruption) than it is in person. It is a form of release.
The First Amendment guarantees freedom of speech because the free exchange of ideas is necessary for a free society.

Besides, you've answered your own question. Here you are, sharing your own opinion.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
Opinions... why I have a need to voice mine... 🤷‍♀️ don't know...probably to find like minded folks... or its telling something about what matters to me and my life.
@ShadowWorker I've been learning that many times, opinions shouldn't be shared when it's just going to cause hurt, fights, and upsets. Too often it changes nothing.
I think your opinions are good ones and we seem to agree on a lot of things, but there's many in daily life and internet who argue and disagree... and it doesn't seem to fill a real purpose.
ShadowWorker · 61-69, F
@SW-User huh.. I guess a person has to pick their ...battles.
Yup... everyone should respect other's opinions.
What goes around..comes around. If you want respect for your own thoughts and must in return do so for others. If you can't..that person needs to look deep inside..cause they are hypocrites.
The interweb is the only one that will listen, regardless of negative or positive feedback i surmise.
@checkoutanytime People put banners, flags and signs in their yards too.
Riverman2 · 56-60, M
Guilty 🙋‍♂️. I am claiming the insanity defense.
antonioioio · 70-79, M
That is so true,
Theirs a story about a famous Irish politicion Daniel Ó Connell
After an election he met a man on the road breaking stones,
The man breaking the stones asked, who won the election Mr O Connoll
Daniel replied
It's all the same to Sir, You will be still breaking stones tomorrow
The only sign in my yard
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Self expression is an act of freedom.
It's natural.
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
I'm not politically minded or religiously, in fact I dislike both immensely, especially the far right and left of both. I come on here for a bit of relaxation and a laugh, and I have a good laugh at the pathetic arguing and rambling, by some really brainwashed idiots (mostly Americans from the deep South) on this site and others. Some of the bantering at them from people in other countries is hilarious, I love seeing it and giving it. 🥳
@Unquestioned Yeah... but I was wondering about people needing to somehow show opinions. And I see you have opinions, but not really about what I asked.
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
@SW-User You mentioned politics and religion. I don't argue about them or give an opinion, I just take the piss out of them.
Lilnonames · F
In my opinion, opinions are just that opinions
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@MarmeeMarch That could be a good possibility.
Maybe we need something else that fills that spot in a more positive way.
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@MarmeeMarch true, but also is the opinion who people think will do a great job.

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