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Tell me something about you/ your life that helps me live vicariously through you.

4meAndyou · F
I discovered a pirate in my direct maternal line this morning. He was a privateer who supported Henry VIII. He lived in Leith, in Scotland, and his home was burned to the ground by disgruntled opponents during the Reformation. He and his three sons were forced to find a new home, and they moved to Thornbury, Gloucestershire.

Apparently there is a chapel in Windsor with a special notation regarding one of his sons, who was secretary to King Henry VIII.
4meAndyou · F
@MsAlaineEYes No. I have communicated directly with a Barton who now lives in Western Australia. He has been in communication with one Richard Barton, who is quite the expert on Barton family genealogy.

The Bartons of Thornbury moved to Gloucestershire because their home was burned. John Barton was the name of the privateer, and no one knows the names of his three sons, although we do find one, another John Barton, living in Thornbury at that time.
4meAndyou · F
@MsAlaineEYes I have definitely had my DNA analyzed...but I also have really old photos of two of my Barton ancestresses.
@4meAndyou Precious!!!! Thanks.
summersong · F
My apartment is like a museum, full of interesting and odd things, and I live in a city where you can get any kind of food imaginable.
@summersong New York? Your apartment sounds amazing. Too bad it would not be safe to do a virtual tour of all the beautiful things you have.
Im now retired and just work selectively....

Im loving it...

It feels like a more respectful life...🤗⚘⚘⚘

Lol... it's about age darling.... I have worked for nearly 40 years now...

TexChik · F
Ahh 0nly 19 for me @Soossie

Wait for another 21 more years... ⚘⚘
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
About an hour ago I returned from a 12 km long walk in the woods. I took a new unknown path along a deep ravine and as I stopped at one place and came to the very edge I heard some thumps. I had a good position with a nice vista and sounds came from the other side of ravine with a steep and much taller slope so I felt kind of safe. But I started threateningly stomping and kicking things to make noise anyway...just in case. I spotted a fresh foliage shining green against the sun so I was trying to capture some pictures when suddenly I heard some really odd sounds. I'd swear they were electronic. Okay, maybe just some odd sound distortion but then I heard a real animal roar. 😅 I've never been that glad to be on the other side of a deep ravine before. I trudged forward and saw a deer herd running away, apparently from the place where roars sounded. The problem was that they seemed to be running to the place where I aimed as well. So I just hoped there wasn't anything chasing them.
@CrazyMusicLover Lol what an adventure! 😂
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
@SW-User Lol, I just googled how it works. So apparently baits are distributed across the country by small planes (!) which scatter them at 150 km/h from the height of 50m. They are in the form of small pellets and warning indeed is primarily for dog owners but also for people who might pick up a pellet and leave their scent on it or in the worst case open it and come into contact with its content.
Would it hurt if they included this information on the warnings? How am I supposed to know all this from those three words? Also that it is a planned action not vaccination due to a found case of rabies.
@CrazyMusicLover Interesting to know! And absolutely, there should be a longer description or people may still get curious and touch it.
Sigurd · 41-45, M
Hmmm... I work in the ICU of a hospital around a bunch of Covid patients. I've seen a thing or two in my time there. 😁
@Sigurd I meant just being around the whole process of death, revival, birth etc is a sensory load for someone like me.
Sigurd · 41-45, M
@SW-User Oh! Yah... I can see that. I guess I never really thought about it in those terms. Then again, I never went into the hospital with it as a career goal; it kind of just happened. I was kind of eased into it, so it wasn't so overwhelming all at once for me.

It does take someone who is empathetic, though, so I think you'd excel in that regard. The whole spirit of this thread is testament to that fact, I think. 😊
@Sigurd Thank you. That made me smile. ❤️
CabinFever · M
I built an off grid cabin in the mountains a few years ago. For the most part, its done, but I'm continuously working to make it better. I have it wired for 12 volt DC using 3 solar collectors, a wood stove, and I get my water (gravity fed down the mountain thru a pipe) from a spring. There are deer, turkey, bobcats and bears on the property. It about 2 miles from the nearest paved road. Sometimes I feel like I should've been born 100 years sooner than I was. Most of my free time is spent working there, unless I'm hunting or fishing. Its all very rewarding to me. I feel as if that is how people were intended to live...living, not just "existing" and working just to pay the bills. Feel free to picture yourself walking thru the forest, exploring like I do.. Oh, I found a fossilized scallop shell in a granite boulder not far from the cabin last weekend. It sits about 2,800 feet above sea level, so its been a while since the ocean was there. There is all kinds of cool stuff like that...Hope that helps?
@CabinFever You've no idea how much it helps! Loved this.
My family owns property in two different countries and I grew up moving around and now I live in a different country than them myself
@PepsiColaP That's really interesting. One of them has got to be Scotland. Did you like having the two countries to live in growing up?
@SW-User yes and no. I was very confused as a child merely because I was seen as a foreigner when I was in either of the countries. Other than the racism attached to it it was great for my development I think
I traveled a lot and now I am working at a call center for Covid testing
@SW-User Are you serious? How does that experience feel to you?
@SW-User It's fun. I really enjoy. I miss traveling but helping with this pandemic one way or another is nice
@SW-User Much respect! I can imagine people with all sorts of panic and anxiety and it needing a lot of compassion.
Currently not teaching while eating double chocolate mini Swiss rolls from m&s with a hot coffee while I mark books 🥴
@SW-User I don't know if I should feel jealous or happy I have none of that nearby. 😂
Trust, you wouldn't want to. I suffer from physical pain, depression and PTSD. I joke and play a lot, to hide what is going on behind the scenes
@SW-User yes. I pay a fortune to doctors and get pills i don't take because they make me a zombie
@PrivateHell What if you tried an alternate way of releasing PTSD and depression?
@SW-User i have a few ways. But in the end it is always there
TexChik · F
I’m not doing what I had initially set out to do because of life’s circumstances . However I am doing something I like and my life ( as a result of that decision) has been so much more than I could have imagined .
@TexChik I'm very happy to hear this!
WillaKissing · 56-60
I have loved and lost, and never had love returned to me like I gave out to a woman. Fought battles with in myself and on a battlefield thinking I had won, only to realize I lost a bit more of my humanity, sanity, friends in uniform right be side me with every foray. spent 27 years fighting a nations and other folks fights learning things no one ought too. Now I have found a great harmless to other's outlet in cross dressing that leaves my love life empty.

So I survived the worst, and learned to live my best life possible for me post survival.
@WillaKissing You have a strong spirit. Sorry isn't enough for the pain you've felt.
WillaKissing · 56-60
@SW-User Thank you! Even lost my 21 year old son to this very profession 10-21-2019.

Life is hard and cruel; yet meant to be lived, and Damn it I am trying my best.
Trippy · F
I play poker quite often.
@Trippy I got Texas Hold'em and when we could still socialise we played just for the fake chips. Still fun.
Trippy · F
@Keeper Gotta have one. They say if you've never been caught bluffing you simply don't bluff enough.
Trippy · F
@SW-User Sure.... The cards themselves are merely the vehicle upon which five players travel.
Coletracer · M
I am retired after building houses for 40+ years. I began rescuing abused and neglected horses and raising mini horses. That went well until the floods destroyed my pastures. So after giving away my pets to good homes, I'm now down to one old horse that's totally blind, and after he's lived his life out, I'll be out of the horse business.
@Coletracer It must have been so satisfying caring for horses. I'm sorry you had to give it up.
Coletracer · M
@SW-User Me too but it is what it is.
I enjoy living between dark and Light in the gray areas and I love to poke around forgotten corners
4meAndyou · F
@NightsWatch Your pigs are very fun to talk about. You could even post a photo for Aido. 😉
@NightsWatch I'd have a party exploring your mind....and yes please, post a photo for me that @4meAndyou speaks of.
@SW-User will do but it will be a bit I'm driving
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
I have a box collecting obsession...
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@MsAlaineEYes I recycle the packaging they come in...unless it's a really nice box...
@AntisocialTroll Wow, I am amazed!
AntisocialTroll · 56-60, F
@SW-User I'm a hoarder so there's quite a few...and other mad collections too, I do tend to forget it's only a one bed flat...not a stately home...
alan20 · M
After the failure of an extremely intense love affair when I was very young and idealistic and she'd come to mean life to me, I married in an attempt to numb some of the pain, and not from love. She's been loyal, we're still together, but in an emotional sense I died then. I've sometimes regretted not having what it took to put an end to life properly. I wouldn't ever wish to hurt my wife and my mind forces me to stay positive if that makes sense.
@alan20 Can you not find any joy in any part of your life?
alan20 · M
@SW-User Joy seems to be overstating it but I ENJOY going on holidays, Spanish culture, music - e.g. Rachmaninov, Debussy. I'm in email content with my first love again; in a very strange way we're still in love despite her fleeing to the other side of the planet. Now you know, sparring partner.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
I look 10 years younger than I actually am.
SubstantialKick · 31-35, M
@SW-User Family genes 😁.
@SubstantialKick 😑😂 Of course it had to be that, and not something I can just buy off the net.
Sigurd · 41-45, M
@SubstantialKick me too, actually. It can kind of make dating annoying, though. 😕
wackidywack · 22-25
I watch NBA while I'm teaching in class lmao
wackidywack · 22-25
@SW-User I just do 😂 there's a tab for the game and the zoom window just beside it haha ! I gotta see the games live ya know
@wackidywack Has a kid ever caught you out?👀
wackidywack · 22-25
@SW-User not at all, I'm pretty slick 😌
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
I am a collector of artifacts from all around the world.
@QueenandCrown That is amazing. Did you travel or how do you come to choose what you'll collect?
QueenandCrown · 41-45, F
@SW-User Through traveling, gifts, estate sales etc.
I sing and play the harp. You will feel peace, joy and being MOST ALIVE when I am writing a song, picking out harmonies, singing with others, recording and singing LIVE.
@MsAlaineEYes You're wowing me!
@SW-User Sorry; that's easy for me to do...🤪😂
@MsAlaineEYes Woooooooooo! 🤣
Hugging my cat.. Writing my thoughts. Keeps me sane ha.
@SW-User Oh pets can be wonderful! I keep telling myself I should take up journaling and then I put that idea on the backburner.
Is it easy for you?
@SW-User very easy... Have done it since I was a kid
My shoes are hard to fill. 😏 lol
@Watching Why, what size are you? 🤣
@SW-User crazy you 🤭
I was hoping you could do that for ME.
@PhoenixPhail you've been low key doing that by looking at my posts.
I have three children. A daughter 27 and two sons 25 & 17. I live in Scotland now, but I've lived in England, Germany and Ireland.
@SW-User Probably Germany
@SW-User Yeah I like Germany.
@SW-User Ot was probably because I was in my 20s though lol
Have been to 17 US National Parks and many more state parks in the 44 US states I've visited.

Was pro level at social distancing well before Covid came along. ;-)
@Stillwaiting You must love National Parks. That's an amazing number!
@SW-User My family and I love the outdoors .. we do other stuff too, but that is a passion we share
I'm a pop culture nerd!!🤓
@SW-User Nooooooooo! I love goofiness and goofy people and goofy thoughts in my mind.
Despite what I say, I love laughing like a loon at the oddest of times. 😂
@SW-User I'm probably quite the goofy one that says off the wall things on a regular basis. For crying out loud I laugh at my own jokes!! 😂🙃🤣
@SW-User Love it! 🤣
okaybut · 56-60, M
Do I need to talk about the Chipmunks? Lol
@okaybut 😂 I've already lived through that. Now tell me something else. Did you manage to stop the big one eating the little ones food?
okaybut · 56-60, M
@SW-User No...the critter feeding center is a battlefield. Bosschip is losing his grip. The birds are now throwing the seed onto the ground. The Racoon is damaging things when he gets ripped off by no nightly food... I think the critters need to take the wokeness EDI training program I had to take? 🤔
@okaybut I'm going to call you Dr Doolittle from now on! (Just splash some water on them, they'll wake up!) 😂
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
I have been riding motorbikes since I was 5, it's something I feel I can do as easy as breathing and it blows all of the cobwebs away
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@SW-User I lost a lot of skin over the years so I don't know how impressive it was, just something my stepfather gave us to keep us out of the house I guess, But I love riding bikes
@Bushmanoz Well you were 5, so losing skin is part of the deal. It could have happened on a bicycle but no, you had the motorbike! Impressive to me. (I also dont know how to ride one, lol).
Bushmanoz · 56-60, M
@SW-User Well thank you, there is also this side of riding
Keeper · M
I have people fire hockey pucks at me on occasion 🏒
@Keeper I hope your ducking game is on spot.
Keeper · M
@SW-User just don't blink, you'll be fine 👍
Camelia · F
I vicariously live my life through everyone else.

You can’t.
@Camelia I can siphon some vicarious living second hand. Or is it third at this point?
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@xuxuguinhu9 Well that took a different kind of turn.
Reflection2 · 36-40, M
Always a helping hand.
@Reflection2 How did you last help?
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Unquestioned · 70-79, M
@Stereoguy You need to travel again my friend. The media is your enemy.
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@Unquestioned Cuntish and proud! Okay!
@Unquestioned Sounds like your a "ball breaker" for men and a source of jealousy for women; go girl. I'd be proud of that moniker too...
Unquestioned · 70-79, M
@MsAlaineEYes Men ''real men'' annoy me. I love women, they should rule the world.
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@WonderGirl1 Your tolerance must be high!

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