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Just returned to say TRUMP2020😉🇺🇸

Pinocchio · 18-21, T
Y’all be like make America great again it was great before Europeans decided to come over and started slaughtering my people yup I’m Native American too
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
happy to say Trump lost i mean everyone saw that coming

just saying
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
I wanna like the guy but I can't bring myself to support anyone who funds jihad.
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BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@MagnifiqueGirl Oh, Vucic!
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Dan193 · 31-35, M
I feel like more and more people are not afraid to be open about it.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Well, no, Iran is not as large or wealthy as Saudi Arabia and doesn't fund nearly as many terrorist organizations. Saudi is Sunni and Iran is Shi'a. Sunni terrorism is by far the more relevant. So, you are just flat out wrong on that one.

Also, the money Obama gave to Iran was Iran's money that we stole from them when we assassinated their democratically elected president and overthrew their entire government to install a tyrannical dictator who abused human rights for decades, simply because he gave us cheap oil.

Uh, yeah, he definitely violated the Emoluments Clause. Which is not called the "emblements clause" by the ways. Trump made $73,000,000 in one year from foreign investors in his hotel businesses. News flash, that's illegal.

Yeah, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all outsourced shitloads of jobs. In fact, Obama held the record for most jobs outsourced in one year of any US president ever, at 87,000. Then Trump broke that record in his very first year as president by outsourcing 93,000 jobs. So you're telling me it's perfectly fine to outsource jobs because Obama dod it too?

All time low? We have a 21% unemployment rate. THAT'S an all time low to you? Are you fucking dense?

You're really gonna tell me to "get out more" and talk to Americans when I live in America and you don't. You're denying proven verifiable fact. You're making shit up and saying that the unemployment rate is lower than ever and that Trump isn't violating constitutional law.

Peace deals in the Middle East? With WHO? We had a peace deal with Iran and Trump pulled out of it. We're in nine wars in the Middle East right now. We're committing a fucking genocide in Yemen. What peace deals in the Middle East are there? Don't just make shit up outta nowhere.

Kosovo isn't a country, dunderhead.

Funny that, I just texted to you proven fact and you got triggered and cried fake news. I got this information from the Trump Organization and their official statements and press releases, as well as the US State Department, US Department of Labor, the Congressional Budget Office, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security. So, that's all fake news? Trump himself is fake news?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick Well all the billions that Obama gave them went into sponsoring terror abroad and making nuclear weapons. Your hero is a zero.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Making nuclear weapons? Guy, the reason we gave them that money back was specifically BECAUSE they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. The IAEA conducted fourteen consecutive inspections of every nuclear facility in the country and found zero violations. The FAS conducted an additional ten, with identical results. You're factually incorrect.

My hero? Are you fucking kidding me? I despise Obama. Do you have any idea what he did to my country? How fucking dare you call that slimy warmongering pencil dick "my hero "
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
When I cast my vote for Mr. Trump I imagined myself flipping off the liberal media who couldn't brainwash me.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@MrSmooTh You're not gonna get me to vote for someone who funds jihad.

Unfortunately that's Trump right now, and it will be Biden if he wins the election.

It matters not. I'm a convicted felon, and therefore not allowed to vote. I committed a federal offense by participating in mail fraud when I was nineteen years old.
MrSmooTh · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick That's actually badass.
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
@MrSmooTh no its dumb because now she cant participate in alot of things it must be very hard to find a job also
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dommagic · M
Congrats? I mean I hope you’re wrong but I’m man enough to say good luck
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
@dommagic if he wins office im gonna be looking at america like what dude got impeached that has only happened like two times before him so like obviously he sucked at his job anyone that votes for him im not sorry y'all are just plain dumb
Why it has to be Biden, from a highly and widely respected over many decades, CONSERVATIVE leaning publication.
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
I’m not the one that is brainwashed you are because you think that Trump will stop it he is the very reason why other countries wanted to kill us and end of story story
pride49 · 31-35, M
BlueVeins · 22-25
@TheOneyouwerewarnedabout can u link me fam?
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
[image deleted]
PSuss1 · 56-60, M
...and the first 20 days of 2021, don't forget 👍
Good luck with that 😂
Yes! Trump 2020! 🇺🇸🎉
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
Wtf are you on
TJNewton · M
And i'll say DumbfuckTrump loses by a landslide and ends up in the nuthouse or prison where he belongs
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Pinocchio · 18-21, T
@Dan193 sorry you break it you but your old too
Pinocchio · 18-21, T
@TJNewton anyone that thinks he did a good job is living in a dream world because I’m woke and I see things way differently
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@Pinocchio I wasn't talking about myself

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