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Just returned to say TRUMP2020😉🇺🇸

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Dan193 · 31-35, M
I feel like more and more people are not afraid to be open about it.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 Why would someone be afraid to support the majority party? That's silly.
@BlueMetalChick As this post, and by strong implication the above comment you’re replying to, is about Trump, since when did he ever win a majority of the votes?
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick Because of the media narative that's been so skewed and negative against him, that if u speak about him for one of the thousand reasons, they pin you as the worst person in the world, won't talk to you, dehumanize you, call u racist and just ruin your career.
Or remember that period with the hat, that if u wore it, people straight up bullied you and accused you of oppression and just insane things, when you were just supporting your candidate. That's why people can't talk about it, and just vote in secret.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@TopOfTheWorld I said majority party, not majority opinion.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 The media does not reflect the attitude of the people. Even if the people do oppose Trump, it's not for the reasons the media pretends it is. Corporate media is even more beholden to the establishment than state media is.

Take a look at the situation in Syria, for example. The media relentlessly insulted Trump's actions in Syria when he chose to bomb them. But it wasn't under the notion that he was violating constitutional and international law and supporting a rebellion that is comprised mostly of jihadists. The media said Trump was making a mistake by not bombing Syria MORE. And everyone, even anti-Trump people, thought that the media was fucking retarded in doing so. Because they were.
@BlueMetalChick yes you did and, as many of his followers probably don’t even realize that Trump was only ever the choice of the minority of voters, I’m making that point.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@TopOfTheWorld No, I did not. At what point did I ever say majority opinion? I specifically said majority party, which means the party that is currently in power. Show me where I said majority opinion.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick Maybe they don't influence everyone, but I feel like they influence a lot the young generation. Because in the media goes not just the news, but all the major tech companies, tv shows, all the late night shows. Basically the 1% that everyone seems to be so against, they control all of that,and they paint this narative of Trump being a buffoon, because they don't need a wild card in office, they'd rather just continue having their puppet politicians.
@BlueMetalChick you’ve misunderstood my reply to you. BMC “I said majority party..,” ToTW: “yes you did..” ie yes you did say majority party.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 Well, I'm 25, so I'm not sure if I count as being young enough. You might be talking about people like 14-21. But as far as people my age, at least in my region of the country, we despise the media, distrust them, and believe that their reporting is almost always influenced by who they are taking money from.

Now I certainly believe Trump is a buffoon, but I find myself becoming increasingly frustrated with media outlets because their attempts to portray Trump as an idiot are always on the wrong side. They criticize him for having attempted to engage in peace talks with North Korea because he's "being cozy with dictators" but they completely ignore his actions in Yemen, furthering a genocide. So it seems as if the media is about as untrustworthy as Trump himself.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@TopOfTheWorld Oh, you are correct. I did misunderstand your reply. Despite having lived in the West for a decade now, I still sometimes lose track of my English.
@BlueMetalChick it’s not your fault at all. With hindsight my reply was ambiguous and could easily have been interpreted either way.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick and Biden is one of those puppets. Just look at the second debate. He's a poser. Like the couple of times when he shifted the subject onto "you, the people at home", like he cares so much. Idk seems very manipulative to me and just almost insulting to my intelligence.
And people fall for that, especially brainless kids, that just got their age to vote.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 Well duh. Honestly, most of my problems with Trump are the same ones I have with Biden, and Obama, and Bush. Sure there's differences between them, mostly on social issues, or the environment. But when you examine the bedrock of their establishment, it's all the same shit.

I know a lot of young people were disgusted with Biden's attempt to be "cool" by playing Despacito on his phone and getting him and Kamala Harris into a video game. A lot of people my age and younger thought it was so fucking patronizing and insulting. Like when Ben Carson tried to "secure the Black vote" by making a rap video.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick You saying about Yemen, but while Obama was in office, they conducted military opperations in other countries as well. It's not like with Biden that will stop.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 Unfortunately yeah, that's completely true. We've been in Yemen since Clinton was president.
Dan193 · 31-35, M
@BlueMetalChick at the end of the day, the media is really against him, and that tells me that he needs to stay in office.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@Dan193 But does it not matter to you that despite the media hating him, he is still doing all the wrong he can? Adolf Hitler hated Josef Stalin, but that doesn't mean that you should think Stalin was a great guy.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick What wrong is Trump doing? Please let me in on this great evil.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Well let's see. Funding a myriad of jihadist groups including Al Qaeda, Al Shabaab, Boko Haram, Nathional Thowheeth Jama'ath, and the Al Nusra Front. Supporting the Yemeni Genocide. Selling weapons to the world's largest Muslim terror state, that being Saudi Arabia. These are all violations of the Conventional Arms Transfer Policy, Foreign Assistance Act, Presidential Policy Directive #27, and the Arms Export Control Act. Violating the War Powers Act of the Constitution by escalating all seven of the illegal wars he inherited from Barack Obama, and starting an additional two on top of that, all without congressional approval, against nations that did not attack the United States. Violating 1st Amendment protections to freedom of speech by pushing the AAA which assigns a legal punishment to boycotting the Israeli government. Violating 4th Amendment protections to unreasonable search and seizure by signing legislation that allows for the collection of metadata on any and all American citizens without a warrant, among other spying activities. Violating 8th Amendment protections to cruel and unusual punishment by conducting torture and "enhanced interrogation." Violating the Emoluments Clause of the Constitution by profiting off of his hotel business specifically through the office of president. Committing tax fraud by lying to the Internal Revenue Service, reporting that he paid $27,000,000 to an architectural firm in Hawaii and a drafting company in Vancouver when in fact he gave the entire sum of money to his daughter. Signing legislation which prohibits negotiating for better drug prices with pharmaceutical companies. Outsourcing 370,000 American jobs over the course of his four years as president. Furthering civil asset forfeiture, which should not be legal. Not to mention he revoked healthcare from nine and a half million people, and defunded the Department of Veterans' Affairs.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick The largest terror state is Iran and Obama sent BILLIONs there in Cash. Never broke any emblement clause but Biden made millions selling his political office to foreign nations. Outsourcing jobs? Seriously? You need a much better source of information. Clinton, Bush and Obama outsourced jobs hence the rust belt. You might have heard of that. Suddenly under Trump unemployment is at all time low. You really need to get out more. maybe go talk to the black lady down the street who was able to get her small business going thanks to Trump. Maybe go talk to the black fellow down the street who had his drug sentence commuted and is free to help raise his family again. Maybe go to the middle east and enjoy the peace deals that Trump has negotiated. Maybe go to Kosovo and see Trump lake. You have no idea what you are babbling about but I see you are a great consumer of fake news.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Well, no, Iran is not as large or wealthy as Saudi Arabia and doesn't fund nearly as many terrorist organizations. Saudi is Sunni and Iran is Shi'a. Sunni terrorism is by far the more relevant. So, you are just flat out wrong on that one.

Also, the money Obama gave to Iran was Iran's money that we stole from them when we assassinated their democratically elected president and overthrew their entire government to install a tyrannical dictator who abused human rights for decades, simply because he gave us cheap oil.

Uh, yeah, he definitely violated the Emoluments Clause. Which is not called the "emblements clause" by the ways. Trump made $73,000,000 in one year from foreign investors in his hotel businesses. News flash, that's illegal.

Yeah, Clinton, Bush, and Obama all outsourced shitloads of jobs. In fact, Obama held the record for most jobs outsourced in one year of any US president ever, at 87,000. Then Trump broke that record in his very first year as president by outsourcing 93,000 jobs. So you're telling me it's perfectly fine to outsource jobs because Obama dod it too?

All time low? We have a 21% unemployment rate. THAT'S an all time low to you? Are you fucking dense?

You're really gonna tell me to "get out more" and talk to Americans when I live in America and you don't. You're denying proven verifiable fact. You're making shit up and saying that the unemployment rate is lower than ever and that Trump isn't violating constitutional law.

Peace deals in the Middle East? With WHO? We had a peace deal with Iran and Trump pulled out of it. We're in nine wars in the Middle East right now. We're committing a fucking genocide in Yemen. What peace deals in the Middle East are there? Don't just make shit up outta nowhere.

Kosovo isn't a country, dunderhead.

Funny that, I just texted to you proven fact and you got triggered and cried fake news. I got this information from the Trump Organization and their official statements and press releases, as well as the US State Department, US Department of Labor, the Congressional Budget Office, Department of Defense, and Department of Homeland Security. So, that's all fake news? Trump himself is fake news?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@BlueMetalChick Well all the billions that Obama gave them went into sponsoring terror abroad and making nuclear weapons. Your hero is a zero.
BlueMetalChick · 26-30, F
@hippyjoe1955 Making nuclear weapons? Guy, the reason we gave them that money back was specifically BECAUSE they wouldn't make nuclear weapons. The IAEA conducted fourteen consecutive inspections of every nuclear facility in the country and found zero violations. The FAS conducted an additional ten, with identical results. You're factually incorrect.

My hero? Are you fucking kidding me? I despise Obama. Do you have any idea what he did to my country? How fucking dare you call that slimy warmongering pencil dick "my hero "