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SinlessOnslaught · M
The problem isn't calling these things a mental illness. The problem is society thinking that "mentally ill" means "hopeless, senseless, and should be locked up forever for the nurses to deal with."
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
Then what should it be labeled as? Anxiety and depression ARE NOT normal reactions to childhood. A child who is in abusive home will be more prone to develop these "illnesses". Being in an abusive home is not normal. Also, it is shown that anxiety and depression may develop in adults, who has no previous experience with trauma. Additionally, depression and anxiety is linked to chemicals in the brain, and there is a gene.
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CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@Wiseacre Ah, just what I thought. There is nothing to back up your opinion. 👌
Wiseacre · F
@CheshireAzur well, not doing research for this site..there are many professionals who agree with me.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@Wiseacre Hahaha. Yeah.. best way to form opinions, not doing any research, just go by "there are many professionals who agree with me". That's called confirmation bias. With a Bachelor degree in psychology, you should know this. Have you read their peer reviewed articles, or you just go by what media magazines post?
But you are wrong as they are not an illness they are a disorder and often anxiety disorders are far more complicated than altering environmental factors. However I agree we should be careful with the language we use as it can lead to negative connotations and perpetuate certain behaviours
Wiseacre · F
Of course it’s two ppl are the same, but overall,I do not consider it illness.@PepsiColaP
curiosi · 61-69, F
Yep, but the drug companies make a fortune selling pills that turn people into zombies.
curiosi · 61-69, F
@CheshireAzur Depression and anxiety are NOT schizophrenia. Schizophrenia in layman's terms is kind of like the brain is swiss cheese.
CheshireAzur · 36-40, F
@curiosi I was addressing your point of "drug companies making a fortune". Also, you might want to look up the DSM-5.
kodiac · 22-25, M
There is no normal reaction to abuse or neglect .It affects everyone differently. Changing lifestyle won't heal the scars left by either one.
Simple lifestyle changes and CBT may work. Equally, they may not.
Wiseacre · F
Probably not with bipolar.@SW-User
Nanori · F
Nooooo you just exposed so many who use that as an excuse to victimize themsleves 24/7
Thank you Tom Cruise.