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I'm 43 and I still can't drive, seems like I never will

I'm 43 and I still can't drive, seems like I never will. People call me lazy for being 43 and not driving.I received over 30 hours of driving lessons in 2003 , on an automatic car, and I sucked so much the driving teachers had to rotate with each other for each session, as I "stressed them out" (they may have feared for their life too, now that I think about it) , so I stopped. The faces the instructors made were not only discouraging, but desperate. And I felt worse every day, because I never progressed in classes, I made the same mistakes.

I don't see the point in trying again. I feel like I would be a real danger on the road, so it's better for anyone if I just don't. My boyfriend and my employees are driving me around or i am using an uber. I think it’s for the better I don’t wanna be a danger for others.
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Sidewinder · 36-40, M
I'm 38 (going on 39) and I don't drive, either.

The truth is that when I turned 16, I wanted to prove that I was able to drive, but when I was told that I'm not allowed to, I was emotionally devestated, feeling like my life just might as well be over from that point going forward.

A couple of days after my 17th birthday, (this was during the Labor Day long weekend of '03) my parents and I were at a friends backyard party and at the same time, there was another party I wanted to go to and I manipulated my parents into taking me there, threatening to "skip school for an entire semester" if they didn't take me.

At the time, I feared they would say "no" if I just simply asked them to take me there, so I felt manipulation was my only option to get what I wanted. (I'm usually not a manipulative person as a general rule)

It was only after they took me to the party, that I felt a pang of guilt beginning to set in.

Shortly after my 4th year of High School started, I gradually started succumbing to suicidal thoughts brought on by feelings of jealousy towards those who either are able to drive or those who were going to be able to drive. (along with some other unrelated personal matters I was dealing with at the time)

20 years have passed since then and I still harbor feelings of jealousy towards those who are able to drive, but I've managed to cope with it by walking to the places I want to go within my hometown.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I have 2 male friends in their 40s who don't drive. They simply don't need it in their life. If you spend most of your time in an European city, having a car can be a pain in the a**. Narrow streets, a desperate lack of parking places, paid parking lots are expensive as hell, regular traffic jams and there are reliable and convenient public transport options.

I did my driver's licence but I simply don't have reasons to actually buy a car and drive because it would only feel like an expensive whim. If I'd live in a country, it would make much more sense.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@CrazyMusicLover I don’t know any better, never learned to drive.
Adrift · 61-69, F
You can always get an E bike or scooter.
I knew a guy that got an E scooter and I have to say it was cool as hell.
He does drive but uses it to get around the cities so he doesn't have to pay for parking or take the bus.
JamieS · 46-50, F
If you think that you are a possible danger for others on the road, then leave the driving to others. You know your own self better than anyone else.

It is not a tragedy not to know how to drive. Enjoy your life as it is and don't stress yourself because of something so trivial.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
Can you ride a bicycle? A skateboard? You ever try surfing?
All driving is, like everything else, is understanding the rules and being careful to stay within them. Insurance covers the rest. Good driving takes years. Stay in the right hand lane, don't tailgate, look for patterns and be ready to stop at a moments notice. It isn't difficult.
RunawayKaz · 31-35, F
Yeah, i have an anxiety about driving and never learned either. Wasnt bad in the parking lot but im guessing highways are different.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@RunawayKaz I have so many fears when it comes to operating a car and being on the road.
RunawayKaz · 31-35, F
@LaLa81 Same. Plus i have social anxiety so the thought of communicating with other drivers via eye contact and gestures is horrifying to me.
Barefooter25 · 46-50, M
That's perfectly alright. Both of my grandmothers never learned how to drive.
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
It never ceases to amaze me, the judgmental ways of other towards people they know nothing about. There could be so many reasons for not being able to drive - medical or otherwise - that don’t involve laziness. So what if you never drive?
SledgeHammer · 46-50, M
I think you're a great driver....

Your profile pic is driving me up the wall..

Entwistle · 56-60, M
I'm in my mid 50's and I don't drive.I never have.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@Entwistle I know exactly how you feel! LOL
pikminboy · 31-35, M
but everyone can...

Im 31, i succeed the driving exam 2 years ago. I had a car, dont have anymore.
I've taught people to drive. If you haven't needed at this point in your life you probably don't. Not you couldn't learn. Your life is based on not driving
@LaLa81 yup, I made it into my 40's without ever having a credit card. Should've kept it that way
Adrift · 61-69, F
@Justafantasy I never had credit cards until later in life and people used to give me weird looks for that.
@Adrift me as well
Strict4u · 56-60, M
My mom was 51 when she passed away never drove but was gone more for someone who never drove
YoMomma ·
It's less stressful to learn in the country than in the city .. you just need a less stressful environment to concentrate in till driving becomes automatic for you 🙂
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virgin888 · 36-40, MVIP
lpthehermit · 56-60, M
it can be a tight fit with that steering wheel!! great curves!!
Yourwildestdreams · 51-55, M
Not missing much, driving is stressful these days 😒
Did you ever use a riding lawnmower as a kid, or anything to steer?
@LaLa81 I think some base level experience like that really helps.

There was a girl in my high school driver's ed class who, like you, had also never used a riding lawnmower, had her dad or mom let her steer a vehicle in an empty parking lot--nothing.

She really scared us (the teacher, a big bear of a guy who also taught gym/PE, and the rest of students in her group) and nearly wrecked the vehicle without being out on the road.

Bottom line,
I view it like working with electricity:
if you are afraid of it, just do NOT do it;
leave it to someone else.

So, while I think you COULD drive, I commend you for being able to see that you are not ready for doing it. Not everyone can be that clear-headed; it takes sober judgment and actual maturity.
LaLa81 · 41-45, F
@SomeMichGuy It seems so difficult. I know people who have got their license just after taking lessons, once.
@LaLa81 All except two in my particular group did. That girl was expelled, and a boy who was driving but was unable to pass the written work...
You're not missing much anyway
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Nightwings · 31-35, F
@Adrift I am not whining about teenage stuff, so I don't know what you're on about, and what do you mean by "turning over the keys" lol?
Adrift · 61-69, F
@Nightwings Dont tell me that I have to explain this to you.
Nightwings · 31-35, F
@Adrift Well I'm not a mind reader.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I see why u are a bad driver 30 hour's isn't much at all
Achelois · F
Driving makes you lazy.
Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Why are you so bad at driving?

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