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DMDawson · 70-79, F
1. I drink soda a lot.
2. I'm Old Lady Simp.

3. I'm Mona Lisa.
@DMDawson you can't be Mona Lisa.....
Unless that's your name 🤔

Thus I would declare you can't be a lady simp cuz a LADY can't be a SIMP by definition!! :D
DMDawson · 70-79, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger I was knighted "Old Lady Simp" by her Majesty The Queen.

poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F Best Comment
imma do this again since y’all brought it back😌

i have slept in a dresser drawer
i almost drowned kayaking
i have never been chased by the police
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@Jimmy2016 😹😹 no im not that bad and i would have no idea how to steal a car, it was just a wallet
Jimmy2016 · 61-69, M
@poisonouscupcake 🤔...Was it just laying around and you picked it up?
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@Jimmy2016 yeah i had never stolen anything like that before and i haven’t since
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
I secretly love Kenzie
I’m an ass person
I have a biting kink
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
@Scarlett 🤝
Scarlett · 18-21, F
@humidtiddies lollll
humidtiddies · 22-25, F
I almost died in a freak hot air balloon accicdent

I played basketball the guys from the
band Air Supply

I once hid in a coffin to hide from law enforcement
@MrBlueGuy tough one 🤔
I think the first is a lie
@TheBlackPowerRanger nope that actually happened haha
@MrBlueGuy then I vote the third 👀
Classified · M
I hardly played HeroQuest the way it should.
I've rolled 111211 (don't remember which order) with two consecutive rolls of three dice in Risk
The first few games of the Settlers of Catan, I've lost because I miscalculated trades.
@Classified I think that last one is rather odd >_>
Classified · M
@TheBlackPowerRanger It was a bit too different from the other two. I actually won my first few games.
Azlotto · M
1. I was married to a Jehovah's Witness.

2. I carry a cell phone everywhere I go.

3. I've lived through several tornadoes.
@Azlotto you don't carry a cell phone everywhere ya go :v
Azlotto · M
@TheBlackPowerRanger Man, you're good. . I seldom carry my cell phone.
@Azlotto thanks. I try 😅
Imsleepy · 31-35
I’ve been hit by a truck
I’ve been an extra in a movie
I’ve been married.
Scarlett · 18-21, F
Imsleepy · 31-35
Yeah, it was pretty awful. Obviously lol
I got very lucky to be honest. @Scarlett
Scarlett · 18-21, F
@Imsleepy ;-; dis is my excuse for staying in bed all day
ginnyfromtheblock · 26-30, F
i’m the heiress to a farm
i had seven pet gerbils growing up
my grandma was in the FBI
@ginnyfromtheblock you got me yo
That was a good one
Khenpal1 · M
@ginnyfromtheblock cool grandma 😁
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
i have had a threesome
i’ve rode an ostrich before
i cut myself (accidentally) every time i shave
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@poisonouscupcake you're the mom 👀
I side with you on that
BlueVeins · 22-25
@poisonouscupcake You may be my mom, but I am your dad so enjoy the firemen's closet, dweebus. ☺️
Scarlett · 18-21, F
I prefer sweet over salty
I am asian
I am the youngest in the family.
Scarlett · 18-21, F
@empanadas nah, I love you my dear <3
@Scarlett ay, you better chill out >_>
Nobody want's cooties up innis site, yo
@empanadas THAT'S NOT ME! I swear to God I dunno this chick 😤

But her extremely high energy does remind me of me too tbh ._.
TexChik · F
I am an out of work mom

I have been arrested multiple times

I have a serious skin disorder.
TexChik · F
@TheBlackPowerRanger well, you are wrong. Currently I do not have a job
@TexChik you don't have a serious skin disease 👀
TexChik · F
@TheBlackPowerRanger no my skin is perfect
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@missbeez 🤨
Two are impossible, logically
Unless I combine them and form the upper two into one series of two premises.
One where you tell the truth if you lie and the next being you lie only when you tell the truth. Since you tell the truth when you lie, you can exchange the lie with a truth, thus completing your statement from before. The same conclusion for lying can be reached but those can't be standalone sentences, hence, why I think those must be the truths, indicating you either lie when you lie or tell the truth when you tell the truth and both are possibilities.

And I don't think you're naked, so yeah :v
Tell me if my analysis is correct
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Slymbo · 61-69, M
I've been to Asia many times.
I'm a fat old man.
I love golf.
@Slymbo I dunno what many is in your books so I take it you're not an old and fat man 👀
Slymbo · 61-69, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger Sorry mate. The lie is I hate golf.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
I have been interviewed live on a TV news segment
I have met and shook hands with a Vice President of The United States
I helped a friend bury a body.
@2ndtimeguy you haven't been interviewed?
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CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
My eyes are two different colours
I've never been to the southern hemisphere
I don't know the names of all the people I've slept with.
@CheshireCatalyst I think you never went down south brotha :v

Either that or your eyes are two different colors
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger the first two are true
ReneeT · 61-69, M
I've sang on the radio
I've run in 35 different states
I've had some of my poetry published
@ReneeT you haven't had poetry published
ReneeT · 61-69, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger Guess it may have been a little obvious.
I have a penis over 12 inches long, I have deadlifted more than 600lbs, I went to MIT
@MalcolmY I dunno if option one seems biologically feasible, so I gotta pick that one
@TheBlackPowerRanger I went to Harvard.
@MalcolmY 👏🏾
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
you’ve never been arrested, cos i know you’re cute af
@poisonouscupcake gimme your 2 truths and a lie!

Plus, I have gotten arrested before 👀
poisonouscupcake · 22-25, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger imma need a story time😶 and yeth!!
@poisonouscupcake 👀
Not cuz I'm dangerous gurl 😪
But cuz some people just like to harass others
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
1. I don't have a spleen.
2. I don't have a sense of smell
3. "I don't believe in love" is my favorite Queensryche song
@SarahAndSamantha I think that song isn't your favorite
SarahAndSamantha · 46-50, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger you got it. It's my second favorite after "eyes of a stranger"
theAlchemist · 56-60, M
I've made art on and off since 1988.
I sleep in a queen size bed.
I'm related to the man in the pic -
@theAlchemist you sleep on something else than a queemn sized bed? 🤔
theAlchemist · 56-60, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger Wrong. I am not related to the man in the pic.
The lie is that you are cute.
@InOtterWords only a twin would know this
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
I have two tattoos
I’ve never been to Asia
I swam with both sea turtles & dolphins
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@empanadas thanks I’m too indecisive & pain intolerant for them 🌻
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit so, technically it was true?
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@TheBlackPowerRanger it was true I have never been to Asia. But it was possible I spoke about planning a trip there before. We just never went.
empanadas · 31-35, M
i jumped out of a running car
i scuba dived
i have a crush on here
@empanadas lmaaooooo

But have you skydived before?
empanadas · 31-35, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger haha my bad, yeah i never skydived. i plan to though every year but something always gets in the way
@empanadas ain't no way a brotha's out there doing things like flinging his body off a plane for no reason but exhileration :v

There are just some things you can't do
empanadas · 31-35, M
another one:
i have been shot at
i swam with sharks
i have been to New Zealand
@empanadas just like you know me too well 😂
If I tried it with you, I'd fail
empanadas · 31-35, M
@TheBlackPowerRanger not even my family's knows i have been shot at
@empanadas that's wild tho. How'd it happen?
I nearly drowned once
I used to be the drummer in a band
I once fought a man who had only got out of prison that day
@SW-User no, I needed to hear that. I appreciate that you ACTUALLY can see I ain't cute. If I had a penny for every time I got called cute bruh 😒
I'd fill up the Grand Canyon and make it the Land Where In God You Trust
@TheBlackPowerRanger tbf I only made a wild guess. Mostly because most people usually wouldn't describe themselves as cute
@SW-User fair point. What type of guy wants to be cute anyways bruh 😂
I'd rather look tough and hit the gym any day than be a pretty boy
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Sherlock, we've solved the case!
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@sspec you don't alqays ride slow

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