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ViciDraco · 36-40, M
The theory is not racial at all, though sometimes racists have used it. Racists have used the Bible as well at times. Saying that blacks were the descendents of Ham and thus rightfully deserved to be slaves.

Believing in evolution as an excuse for racism means that you do not understand either evolution or human "races" very well. And your diatribe here reeks of the same ignorance.
Either the universe is eternal or Something that created the universe is eternal.
Fallacy of the excluded middle AKA false dilemma.

Or time is a loop. Or our universe emerged from a black hole in some other universe. Or there are other possibilities we haven't yet imagined.


hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Prove it to be false wormwood or shut up. Your logic is non existent. Now to put you back on ignore.
Prove it to be false
You haven't got the FAINTEST clue how science works!!


BlueVeins · 22-25
The anglo saxon atheist people who followed him thought that they were the superior race and that they deserved to colonize the whole world because they were the superior race.

The idea you're referring to adopts the language of evolution, but has basically nothing to do with what the theory of evolution actually says. Darwinian evolution doesn't give any moral prescriptions at all; it's a purely descriptive model that seeks to explain the origin of species. Hence the name of his book, The Origin of Species.

Even then, evolution doesn't speak of "superior races" or even superior species. Species are just adapted to the environments they evolved in. Sure, some adapt better than others in those narrow parameters, but still, there's a reason why there are so many billions of species on this planet; none can garner anything close to universal dominance.

That actually applies fairly well to clades of humans. White people are better adapted to live in Europe because our light skin absorbs the scant vitamin D better, while black people are better adapted to live in Africa bc their dark skin protects them from UV light (and obv this applies across climate zones on other continents). But those differences are fairly trivial, now that we have gummy vitamins and sunblock.
BlueVeins · 22-25
@OogieBoogie Whatever happens, out of the seemingly unending possibilities. I'll do what I can to stop bad stuff, obviously, but watching history unfold is kinda like half of what i live for at this point.
@BlueVeins 🤣....ahhhh, like "what sheer abominall stupidy will arrise next?".... who do we blame for it?, while the plebian masses choose sides to impotently argue agaisnt instead of doing anything outlandish as 'putting thier pants on and uniting'?
Yeah ...IKR!

You couldnt think this shit up 😄
BlueVeins · 22-25
@OogieBoogie as you can tell from my activity on here, i just revel in being a part of said plebian masses.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
The full title of Darwin's book is "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life" Yes it is racist in intent and was intended to support British Imperialism.
@hippyjoe1955 Darwins theories were about ALL life on earth, not just man. 'Race' meant 'biographical ancestry'.

He was a man of his time, tainted by social standards that prevailed .

As we all can be .

So using the word race, to define gene differences between peoples and times was merely a simplistic term .

And it was a theory , not perfected, not finished, not even fully understood, but still a good basis for scientists to further study and refine.

We would not have the science to make vaccines today , if others had not found his theory worthy enough to research further.

Reading social perceptions into a book that was meant to be scientific , is like reading sprituality into a history book .

Maybe just see it for what it was , a way to explain how life jas gotten to where it is on this planet. 🤷‍♀️
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie Including humans whom he thought were divided in to advanced an primitive races. The white race was the most advanced race and the black race was the least advanced race according to his theory. The blacks of Africa were just one step above the monkeys according to Darwin. That is one of the reasons I don't accept Darwin's theories.
@hippyjoe1955 His book was written 150 years ago .
If you cant see past his poor social conditioning, to see the amazing ideas and concepts that are the base of his theories, then thats your perspective.

I could argue god was not all perfect or good either....he committed genocide, destroyed civilisations, needed sacrafice of blood and let his own kin be tortured . And thats before we even start on natural disasters and disease.

But to understand the essence of something, one has to stand back and look at its key message.

Dividing something into fractured elements, some of which may be imperfect, like man or god, we miss the true benefits of what its trying to teach : understanding .
The word race equated to species in Darwin's day, and praising Jesus has nothing to do with your horrible little lecture.
Northwest · M
Darwin was the first to publish on evolution, but evolution is not Darwinism.

This would be like semiconductor physics, and everything it spawned, is Shockley'ism, and it's hypocritical to be an electrical engineer, just because Shockley was a white supremacist.
Northwest · M
@Diotrephes I really don't want to make this a religious debate. I was only commenting on the inaccuracy of the OP's statement.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@SW-User The book of Wisdom was part of the original Bible and it was only deleted from the "Protestant" version in 1881. If you are reading the Bible with the Apocrypha then you are reading an incomplete Bible.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Northwest It's not a religious debate. The statement was inaccurate since people recognized the evolutionary process in action centuries before Darwin.
Really · 80-89, M
Present day racial and ethnic oppression are repugnant. Rooting them out is a worthy cause.

Somebody's theory about Darwin's mindset when writing his book more than 160 years ago is utterly irrelevant in the world of today.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
No, Darwin has nothing to do with racism. Racial (Social) Darwinism was developed by bigots much later and had nothing to do with Darwin except to misinterpret what he wrote.
Elessar · 26-30, M
It's not that anything conservatives touch and use for their agendas rots and is suddenly their property, lol. If tomorrow they'll unite under a pink flag do we ban pink?
Laffytaffy · 22-25, F
Race is a social construct there is only one race and that’s the human race.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Laffytaffy That's easy to say but harder to believe.

You walk into a roomful of strangers of various races, dressed about the same and of similar ages and the same gender as yourself. They all speak your language. Chances are you would approach someone of the same race as yourself. Observe that behavior the next time you are out and about.
Diotrephes · 70-79, M
@Laffytaffy It might be more correct to say that humans are one species with several races. All dogs belong to the same species but there are many "races" or breeds of dogs, which can interbreed with each other. Even a timber wolf and a French poodle are the same species.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
What is Darwinian evolution?
DDonde · 31-35, M
Don't think there's a single correct thing in this post
@DDonde To those who hate the truth.
@SW-User its sad that your truth is finding racism in purely scientific theory of an enquiring mind .

I imagine the ultimate truth wont be what either side thinks it is , and it may even be a little of both .

The sad truth here, on this post is, that religious types are arguing racism , while the scientific types are not.
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Really · 80-89, M
@canusernamebemyusername What, all of us?

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