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What is your go-to for back pain?

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Walking …


True … walking helps the supporting muscles and stiff nerves relax and gradually become stronger to support the spine ..
Rockyy01 · 51-55, M
@Soossie exactly. I have a bad back since my 20s in a car accident.

I’m sorry to hear…. Hope that it will get better …
4meAndyou · F
I have pain in my lower back. However, I found a product called Heal and Soothe, which takes a very long while to work, but it does help a LOT. The product is a mixture of a LOT of different herbs, like turmeric and devils claw and about 40 others. What it is supposed to do is dissolve fibrin.

Fibrin is the name for tiny little scabs that form in arthritic or damaged joints, and the fibrin itself is what causes most of the pain.

I take two of these every morning. In addition, I take Boswellia, Vitamin D3 with K2, and two tylenol.

If it's not a horrible rainy day, then this takes care of almost all of the pain...unless of course I have lifted something horribly heavy.
4meAndyou · F
@4meAndyou I should add that for the past two months, I have been taking 5 drops of Tulsi, which is also known as Holy Basil, in a glass of water every morning, and the occupational therapist treating the tendonitis in my wrists thought that since it has anti inflammatory properties, (while also being gentle on the stomach), that the Tulsi may have helped ALL the aches and pains I was having.
Laying on the floor, lower back pushed flat, legs up against the wall.
Naproxen and codeine mix
HumanEarth · F
Video tape rentals

Actually, I just ignore it for few days till it goes away.
I have a habitat of working and living though pain as a way of life.

I will not stuff like Tylenol, Ibuprofen, or even Aspirin. But I will take birch bark from a tree and scrap the inside and boil it in water and drink it.

Its Appalachian Mountain Aspirin. I learned this in my survival course I took in my 20s and it works better then that store bought junk.
Vanishing · F
@HumanEarth any tree? Can you explain that?
HumanEarth · F
The Birch Tree
HumanEarth · F
That the tree where the bark peals off like sheets of paper
DrWatson · 70-79, M
@AbbySvenz That certainly can't hurt. I'll try it next time!
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Opium based medicine but doesn’t really work
Vanishing · F
@Havesomefun2 no it doesn't
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
@Vanishing know that god my back hurts alot when ever i do something
Aspercreme spray
fun4us2b · M
@SW-User Good stuff, I use on my knees when they kneed it! Works really well.
@fun4us2b I agree, it worked well o my back too
fun4us2b · M
@SW-User Active ingredient is Lidocaine....which is prescription...
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Tramadol 4x a day
Use to be sleeping on a concrete floor, no pillow, flat on my back
Neoerectus · M
Hot bath, heat, ibuprofen, and finally, tizanadine (muscle relaxant). Neck pain, actually...mild degeneration acts up sometimes.
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DrWatson · 70-79, M
I have some stretching exercises that help, over the course of a few days.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Losing weight is something which helps maybe?
Vanishing · F
@therighttothink50 im pretty skinny lol
@Vanishing my knees have a magic number for weight where they stop hurting.
Barny52 · 56-60, M
Walking helped me but sometimes can’t
If you're experiencing joint pain,
you're probably holding the lit end.!
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
A bit of yoga will work it out.
JimboSaturn · 56-60, M
Tracos · 51-55, M
CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
Many multiples of methods. Normally start witg Turmeric to cut the inflamation. Ask me another time. I can tell you lots.
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CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
Massage ,Chiro, meds, tai chi,masturbation, buo freeze, ummmm
Penny · 46-50, F
yoga, jacuzzi or hot bath, advil or aleve depending on kind of pain
TexChik · F
It depends on where in the back.is hurting.
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
Cracking my spine.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
southern comfort
Call in sick.
Take muscle relaxers.

That's what I did, anyway.
fun4us2b · M
Havesomefun2 · 56-60, M
Mudkip · 31-35, M
Sleeping/laying down in a fetal position always helps
looping · 22-25
i usually punch my back a few times then keep it moving (i don't get out of my chair)
Katie01 · F
Getting it blown out
Vanishing · F
@Katie01 wut
Ben-Gay and 2 ibuprofen
Usually it means my lower back slipped out so I do stretches until it gets back in and feels better
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Moneyonmymind · 31-35, M
Tylenol and a can of coca cola, the caffeine enhances and accelerates it.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
@jackjjackson Works for me!
DrWatson · 70-79, M



I would end up slouching in my chair! 😂
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
As if you would know 😂 @DrWatson

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