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I can mansplain if you’d like

Is there something you don’t understand? I’m here to help. Mansplaining btw is graciously helping people, usually women, to better understand a variety of things
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@OlderSometimesWiser lol. What you posted, by the way, is a gif. A lot of people believe a gif must be animated but a gif can also be a static image
@StevetheSleeve I see what you did there dear.
Straylight · 31-35, F
My female brain does have trouble with subjects not related to baby raising. 🤔
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Straylight Self deprecation is often used as a humor device but probably should not be taken at face value. For example, you’re probably a great cook too
Lilymoon · F
What is the man code. I really wanna know 🤔
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Lilymoon Any self-respecting man would deny such a code exist. But it does. I’m afraid I can’t explain it to you for fear of losing my man card. It’s like a grown-up version of the No girls aloud! sign you might see on a tree fort
Lilymoon · F
@StevetheSleeve well damn 😠
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@StevetheSleeve if I didn't know that my family would disown me in a heart beat
LilPrincess · 41-45, F
@LilPrincess You're so very welcome :)
akindheart · 61-69, F
oh boy...i almost jumped at the chance. no thanks. I will translate on my own.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@akindheart I understand. Mansplaining is occasionally seen in a negative light, often because people mistakenly see it as condescending
akindheart · 61-69, F
@StevetheSleeve i guess that is why i answered as I did...but it always helps to know how you guys think because to be honest, i don't always get it...🤗
justanothername · 51-55, M
So how’s the mansplaining working out for you?
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@justanothername Exceptionally. You see, when people turn to you for words of wisdom it can be a boost to your self-confidence
justanothername · 51-55, M
@StevetheSleeve mmm… uh huh…
Thodsis · 51-55, M
I'm a bit confused.

What is the difference between explaining and mansplaining?

And why is there not ladysplaining?
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Thodsis Mansplaining and explaining differ in that women can explain but not mansplain. Men can do both. Ladysplaining does not exist as of yet
Thodsis · 51-55, M
@StevetheSleeve Ladysplaining needs to be acknowledged.

Without it there would be no possibility for some men to understand the functional difference between two seemingly identical pairs of shoes...
PatKirby · M
Yes would you please mansplain this, I just don't understand...

Jexie · 26-30, F
Why does mansplaining turn me on?
SinlessOnslaught · 26-30, M
@Jexie Because you're weird.
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
@Jexie It’s likely sparked by a predisposition to ascendancy
Jexie · 26-30, F
@StevetheSleeve Not totally sure what that means but it seems like mansplaining 🥴
So then, why do they call you The Sleeve? 🤔

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