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Joke...she got you by the.......⚾⚾

I met my recently divorced friend for a beer last week

Obviously, I asked him how the divorce went.

"She got the best lawyers in the country, so I lost my kids, my house, my car and my dog," he said. "I have to pay half of my paycheck in child support and the other half in alimony. She gets most of my 401(k), and I even had to hand over my family's heirlooms. But I can't complain."

"Oh, so there's a bright side to all of this?"

"No, the settlement also says I can't complain."
That's closer to the truth than people think. I've watched guys get crushed by the system, it's a rough way to go...
bookerdana · M
@UnderLockDown Sad but true
PatKirby · M
With the distinct possibility of losing everything while simultaneously becoming an indentured servant workhorse on a plantation for life, the juice is definitely not worth the squeeze.
calicuz · 56-60, M
bookerdana · M
@calicuz double dayumm

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