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I always lose everything i dont wanna lose

i made a new online friend not even a month ago, but i already love him so much, hes the purest person ive ever met in my entire life, im grew extremely attached to him, but now some things happened and he's gonna deactivate, dont know if hes making a new account but the thought of losing him is making me so depressed, ive been crying nonstop for 3 days already. it hurts so much
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The thing about on line people, is that even those with the purest intent are not really who you believe them to be. They may be fully open and honest with you. But they are not "complete" and you join the dots so to speak, and fill in the blanks of someone from your experience, not their life..
Then of course, you do have the situation where you open yourself to someone who isnt genuine at all, for any number of reasons. I am not suggesting you dont open yourself to caring. Just keep your guard up and dont invest too heavily..😷
marimarie · 22-25, F
@whowasthatmaskedman no i totally get what you mean, but he's not like that at all, he's lowkey a public figure (or was before the drama happened), now he quit that, idk how to explain it but he's truly genuine, definitely someone i dont wanna lose
If you two are that close, can he not provide an alternate way of contacting him? If not, I’d say it’s a one sided relationship.
@marimarie You do sound kinda intense about someone you’ve known less than a month. He might be picking up on that vibe and it makes him uncomfortable.
marimarie · 22-25, F
@OlderSometimesWiser no i actually hide it rlly well lol i dont say or ask him personal stuff, i actually keep my composure a lot. The reason why hes deactivating is bc he and his server got doxxed and harassed
@marimarie About all I can say is, if he really cared about the friendship he’d provide an alternate way to contact him. He could do that in various ways without compromising his online security.
InMyPrime · M
Online relationships can be fleeting. But I understand you may feel sad about losing a friend. It’s always difficult. While they’re not replaceable having new friends will help
marimarie · 22-25, F
@InMyPrime it feels wrong to make new friends, everything reminds me of him. He's still there but hes leaving soon
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well are you even sure it was a guy you were talking to maybe they left because they could no longer keep up with the lie and took your drama as a way out.
marimarie · 22-25, F
@updown2020 yes lolol im 110% sure
Rebirth · 26-30, M
I can relate, did you talk to hin about that?
marimarie · 22-25, F
@Rebirth not like this, it happened so fast too
Rebirth · 26-30, M
@marimarie sometimes it just happens. It seems that he understood you at a level that others typically dont.
marimarie · 22-25, F
@Rebirth yeah i think i can pretty much say he changed my life
Dont use other people to depend upon your happiness - its psychologically destructive.

I know it sounds counter productive - but its the truth .
If your happiness is because of them - then it means you'll do the same in a relationship, and that makes your happiness, their responsibility.
Which isnt fair.

Losing someone is sad, yes. But your level of emotional response is a warning sign.

Perhaps too much heart for others and not enough for yourself?


I know im harsh.....but this is a truth you dont want to learn too late 🫤
marimarie · 22-25, F
@OogieBoogie i know :( i just dont want him to leave, the thought of the possibility of never seeing him again makes me so anxious i start crying all over again
@marimarie the future isnt set in stone.
You dont know what it will bring.

Dont worry about the stuff you cant control .
Its pointless 🤷‍♀

Focus on the gift that you did get to know him.

People dont stay in your life forever.
marimarie · 22-25, F
@OogieBoogie Hopefully he'll come back
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