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monellla73146-50, M
do whatever ya want 2

Basia41-45, F
That is not true. You check out who you like.
WaafaS26-30, F
@Basia It's not like I was going to jump on him right there!
MarsRedSky26-30, M
If someone calls you a sl*t over something so trivial, they鈥檙e probably just projecting their own insecurities.

I doubt most people would/should care.
Rhode5756-60, M
Me neither its old fashioned and in this day an age shouldnt happen . It pisses me off when women are called degrading names because they have normal thoughts and feelings . Why is a bloke a stud but a girl a slag its wrong . I have your back girl ignore those with dark age ideals and be your own person . Anyone who cant respect you isnt worth bothering with .
Matt8536-40, M
I've heard it said a slut is a girl with the morals of a guy..
Cause it's not lady like to lust over a guy, even tho all of us women especially me look at a hot guy and just want to tear his clothes off and ravish his body.
WaafaS26-30, F
@Anielka I feel like that sometimes lol
Envy is one hell of a drug
You definitely need to interact with better friends and culture then.

I began with a voluminous reply to this post, then gutted it because. it's one more thread like this. THE best thing I can speak to this is that.....checking out a girl or a guy is not and SHOULD not be a condemnation. Where the break comes, I suspect, is the way in which that "checking out" happens. We talking luscious eye contact in a posh bar and grill with friends in London, or..a shrimp house off a bayou in Loooseianna.
So many styles exist, yet the goals and similar conquest challenges reap their own rewards. Ultimately, in my book girlie, nothing ventured, nothing gained. Develop your own method of talking with that fan.
Magnolia2122-25, F
Guess it depends where you are. More women call other women sluts around here, and that's mostly out of jealousy or "perceived competition" as studies describe it.
Magnolia2122-25, F
@WaafaS Just an easy way for someone to insult someone else. Don't overthink it, it's their problem not yours.
WaafaS26-30, F
@Magnolia21 I didn't have the heart to say something back.
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Queendragonfly31-35, F
I'm pretty sure men who checks out women in public are more criticized than women because a women checking a man out doesn't contain they predatory rape threat
I check out hot guys, hot women, hot cars, hot weather and hot food. Don鈥檛 worry about it how will anyone know?
Amylynne26-30, F
a "slut" is a girl that has lots of sex

just now with youuuuu
@Amylynne or are you since you live with your mom I鈥檇 be a little awkward
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"What is 'double standard'?" for $500 Mr. Trebek!
Virgo7961-69, M
Proves they know nothing馃檪
You'll never arrive if you submit or cower. For the record, you shouldn't apologize for stepping in, acknowledging what you want, and [gasp] even offering an initial handshake if it's warranted, to express yourself. Real men....and I mean, the best men, will appreciate your etiquette. I think it's a pleasant surprise that, you conduct yourself, and your body language as a class act, and NEVAH be afraid, after that initial greet? walk away if, after meeting the man of your attraction, turns out to be a total douche. Walking away is your best defense.
Best of luck
You're not. And anyone who says you are is full of crap. I hope your friends aren't like that.
tallpowerhouseblonde36-40, F
You have to have sex with a lot of men to be considered a slut.If you are then wear the name with pride.
Theliberal36-40, M
It doesnt make you a sl*t it makes you human.
Jackson71124736-40, M
Well you know you not one so dont entertain it.
You utter Slut! Look away from me.
Kodel26-30, M
No idea why whoever made that insinuation took it that far. Anyone can check out any hot person. It only applies once we talk about actual sexual exploits. If you check out a hot guy, that makes you much like most other women (and vice versa with men towards women) out there.
Previously most women didn't used to be so much open & public about their feelings. So it is made in the notion of people because only sl**s used to behave like that in older times. Now the social setting are updated but people still carry that old notion.
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Looking at people doesn't make anybody a slut 馃槀

Lol but imagine someone only having sex in doggystyle all the time because they fear looking at the person would make them a slut lol
Who says you are ? Nobody worth listening to.
The world of double standards. But if your car breaks down in a pouring rain on the side of the road and need assistance, you'll be glad you're not a guy.
KA9ha31-35, M
I realised girls have funny ways to check out a guy in malls and crowds ...
One girl in a metro ,,rubbed her Butt on my front as she backed in the metro... with xxxx results...
Abstraction61-69, M
It's your culture I suspect. You're surrounded by people who think women are a passive possession. Because I don't know anyone who would say that.
1pebbles56-60, F
They have double standards. Just came from a relationship that he had a standard for him and held me to a different, higher education standard
Ceinwyn26-30, F
You are not. And they are should some people say otherwise then their options are beneath your concern. Bugs are more enlightened.
sadly there are many double standards that are not fair...if a woman likes sex w=she is a slut but a guy is hot or a stud...and more...
Dolimyte41-45, M
It's called a double standard, and you can just ignore it. It's the other person's issue if they don't like it.
Guys checking out hot girls are considered creeps.
WaafaS26-30, F
@Teirdalin But I am considered skanky.
@WaafaS No, you absolutely aren't.
WaafaS26-30, F
@Teirdalin By their standards.
Adogslife61-69, M
Congrats if you are a slut. Go after what you want. The man you choose will love you for it.

F everyone else.
That鈥檚 not true only dum ass guys say that shit that鈥檚 good for the goose good for the gander 馃憤馃槉
Canicu6970-79, M
You are not a slut byouncan check out all the guys you want. Sounds like someone is jealous
Sexism. People refuse to end sexism. We're not going to make that the goal.
There are so many double standards, it's sickening. Don't get me started lol
You might distance yourself from anyone who says this... this is a control technique.
originnone61-69, M
No doubt there are a lot of double standards. Personally, I'd be more than flattered....
Because most woman become mothers I guess. They have different expectations.
DunningKruger61-69, M
Because the world runs on double standards and hypocrisy.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
You say "Sl*t" like its a bad thing? Why do you care what others think??馃樂
You aren't, it's just that a woman envious of you noticed.
it is called systemic sexism.
we still have a long way to go
Because you don't know how to operate in stealth mode ..
Ramrod46-50, M
You checking out a guy does not make you a slut,no one says that lol
Because look at you, you slut.
WaafaS26-30, F
@BohemianBoo okay.....
@WaafaS 馃槝
th3r0n41-45, M
Definitely not a slut for checking someone out
StraCat41-45, M
It's 2023. Noone can check out anyone. It's assault. 馃槅

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