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]What does it mean, when someone from a super wealthy family likes being frinds with you? As someone coming from an normal/working class family i find this extremely strange. There is this girl that i met recently, we get on extremely we're quite atm, and she seems like a lovely person genuinely. But she was adopted by a very wealthy couple from what she's told me so far, not that it is a problem, she's aware as well that i'm not super wealthy but from a normal working class background. She's not the type boast or anything. But sometimes i question our frienship, like is it safe for me to be friends with her ? I dont know what rich people are like. We haven't had any issues so far, but something about our friendship scares me, I don't know how to exaplain it, Is it normal to feel this way or am i crazy?.
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KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
Maybe she is just a good-hearted person that doesn't judge a book by its cover. Never look a gift horse in the mouth have you ever heard that? True friends did not judge by color materialism or things like that. I would welcome the opportunity no matter where it came from to have a real friend because they are hard enough to find in this world as it is
in10RjFox · M
Give her the benefit of the doubt and not doubt her sincerity. It could be that she is in a golden cage having no friends and it's common for such people to befriend common people to experience simple life and do simple things.

As to your feeling it's normal and you will get over it soon. Just treat her as normal and go with the flow. Don't let things get overbearing on you.
Always pays to be cautious but at the same time, there are many more valuable qualities to a person besides how much money they have. Apparently she recognizes and appreciates those qualities in you.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
True friendship transcends class and wealth. Give her the benefit of any doubt. Judge her on the quality of her companionship, not on who her parents are.
I used to be friends with a royal from a country I won't disclose (third world backwater one in Africa), back in basic training, because we both were the same personality type and both had a grasp on statecraft and military strategy. He had a mansion in North Carolina. We'd get into trouble for little stuff, and be forced to dig ditches together, and when the drill sargent would come out to tell us our time was over we would just shrug at him and continue on digging and talking. Pissed the drill sargent off but what he gonna do? Make us dig more?
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
You seem to have an idea about super wealthy people that is getting in the way of a relationship with this person whom you get on extremely well with.

Is that idea or bias more important than the relationship?

Are you insecure about the relationship and preparing reasons and excuses for its breakdown?

Why not enjoy it for what it is? If it lasts wonderful, if it doesn't that is life:)
smiler2012 · 61-69
@Mshj1197 🤔you know to some people they do not care one iota whether you are rich famous popular with other they take you for the person you are. people who look down at you think because they are rich have influence are not worth bothering with them sort are snobbish and self centred and up there own backside
Samek · 36-40, M
Take her at face value and bury your self doubts. My intuition take is that the economic dynamic is making you feel insecure. Enjoy her presence in your life and if she breaks your trust then break the friendship.
Adrift · 61-69, F
Maybe your a friend that she feels that she can be real with.
people like to put alot emphasis on a person's name and the amount of money they have.
DunningKruger · 61-69, M
It means that she likes you. Yes, it's fine to feel weird about her situation, but if you like her, too, you'll learn to live with it.
It's not that strange to be honest. Be good to her as long as she stayed good to you.
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
If you click with someone you click and you will become friends.
I don't think their wealth should come into it.
Alex51 · 61-69, M
She is good hearted ❤️
kutee · T
rich girls like a bit of 'rough'
in10RjFox · M
@SandWitch born rich they live life at an elevated level and everything works for them and is laid out. So their understanding of low life would be pretty much skewed. That sometimes reflects as arrogance. Simple things like they have never waited in life in a bus stop for a bus. So then getting impatient gets seen as arrogance.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Oh, I see! I never thought of rich kids as them not having to work for anything! Thanks for that detailed explanation!
in10RjFox · M
@SandWitch true. So they never get hands on experience on anything for that matter. Even simple things like replacing a light bulb . .
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I think you’re waaaay overthinking this friendship.

Just let it happen. She probably does not give a crap about how much money you or your family have or don’t have
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
A lot of "rich" people have a loneliness problem. Part of being in the social circles for "rich" people includes keeping up appearances and behaving to certain standards.

Your friendship may be an opportunity for her to have a real and authentic relationship with somebody. Someone she gets along with for who you are rather than what you do or don't have.

I would give her the benefit of the doubt and let the friendship go where it may.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
Stop Overthinking and Enjoy your friendship .
Especially if she's adopted she probably glad to have someone like you .
Money isn't the bee all and end all in a friend in friendship . It does differ someone's personality either .
Stop Overthinking and enjoy your friendship .
We as humans analyse the shit out of life
SandWitch · 26-30, F
I have become close friends with a very wealthy self-made multi-millionaire girlfriend who's about our same age. The reason she was attracted to me was because I am not a wealthy person because I work for a living. Her wealthy friends do not work for a living!
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Mshj1197 · 26-30, F
We're both straight and female lol

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