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The 90s..what Era were you born and what do you miss??

I miss being a kid. Saturday morning cartoons, bike riding, rollerblading, going to the mall with friends, football games, movie theaters, blockbuster, disney movies, Jerry springer/ Maury show(You are not the father), good music, nice fashion, Nintendo, Nick at night, Nickelodeon, Dial up, AOL, playing outside, computer games, feild day in gym class! Anything else I'm missing? Whats your favorite part of being a kid? What I would give to go back and be a kid again and be around family thats not here anymore. RIP Grandpa.
Fairydust · F Best Comment
I was born in the 70’s, I miss the freedom we had, life felt more innocent back then.

I miss family that have died.

I was born in the 80s. I miss riding a bike, reading through book after book after book all day, being jealous that some kids could afford TI-whatever-number calculators, marshmallow treats at the student store, sitting by the radio for hours to hear and record my favorite songs, saving up milk money to buy better lunches, and the days when everyone didn’t have a camera, sitting on my mom’s van and talking with my sister while we stared at the sky.
Otherwise, I’m glad childhood is over with. 😅
@Colonelmustardseed Yay to 80s kids
I'm from late 1940's
Miss the all new cars that came out every September or October, each year model would usually be completely different than the last, sneaking peek at older brother's Playboy, riding horse in state parks, Surround sound Four speaker amp and turntable to play new albums, my 74 jeep CJ6, primitive camping place in the mountains when noone else camped and you partied all weekend, right now I really miss the work building something, and on.

List would go forever and alot of things I dont miss. Like making ... No thats a whole different list.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
1950s. What I miss is that almost everyone around me where I come from felt that the world was getting better. We had, or believed we had, better futures in the 50s, 60s, even in the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
I was born in the 60s and grew up in the 60s and 70s.

I remember eating Captain Crunch cereal and watching Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck.

I remember watching daytime soaps with my Mum during summer vacation.

I remember when Michael Jackson was a normal looking, cute little kid, not much older than myself.

I remember taping favorite songs from the radio and sharing them with classmates by the lockers during "free periods" in high school, while we played War and Old Maids.

I remember my friends crushing on David or Shaun Cassidy, while my hero was a German opera star (I didn't dare tell anyone).

I remember being an incurable romantic -- the kind that believes that love conquers all.

I remember when summer vacation lasted forever, and held the promise of many magical family outings by the lake.

Almost all of those dear friends and family members are gone now. And the lake haunts my dreams.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@SW-User Shaun Cassidy...😆

The da doo run run, the da doo run run
Coralmist · 41-45, F
Was born in 80s and grew up in 80s and early 90s. I miss all The New Kids on The Block pins, the fun neon clothes, jellies on my feet, my giant Barbie coloring book, my journal, cartoons at my Grandma's, the store Sears, and the times I spent with my friends.
Born in the 90’s….

I miss spending hours with my cousins trying to defeat Super Mario 3, staying up late at night after my parents went to bed to try to catch the scary movies, listening to the radio waiting for them to FINALLY play my favorite songs, recording hilarious cassette tapes singing and being ridiculous with friends/family, riding my bike down the gravel roads and coasting with no hands down the HUGE hill, spending hours playing at the creek, getting ‘beautiful’ with friends before the internet could tell us how ridiculous we actually looked, the big days of The Spice Girls, Backstreet Boys, Brittney Spears, etc….making awesome hideouts out in the woods with my cousin (we build some pretty advanced stuff 😂), collecting aaaallll the shiny rocks to decorate my ‘cave’ along the bluffs, spending an entire month each summer camping at the river with my family, riding in the back of the truck and then laughing at how hilarious our hair looked after, skip-its, making all the boys chase me on the playground during recess and playing like I was the preacher to ‘perform weddings’ haha, actually just school recess in general and our made up cheerleading club and all our stunts and climbing trees…and field day! Lol

The 80’s, 90’s and early 00’s were the best.
Allelse · 36-40, M
Born 1988.

In reflection? Not a whole lot. I miss being able to eat certain foods which now make sick, but I prefer being an adult and I love having access to so much information at my fingertips. I love that when I have to wait at the chemist or the doctors I can just look for stuff to read on my phone. For instance I've been reading up on the lives of the Roman emperors, relearning all this stuff I've forgotten. As a kid I didn't have that and I was under the control of a pack of psycho lunatics (my family). They had the power of life and death over me, do you have any idea how terrifying that is? And if I want to enjoy stuff from the 90s I still can, like rugrats or catdog or playing outside or old computer games. I hated being a kid, especially at a time where I was suffering with a disorder that nobody even took seriously. The most common reaction to me having ADHD by parents, teachers and other adults was "YOU'RE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!!! SIT STILL!!!". I don't have to worry about that anymore.
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Saaaaame. Honestly I think streaming and the internet ruined everything.

Cartoon network, that channel on sky which doesn't exist now that played old 80s and 90s anime, renting video games to find they were shit but you'd play them all night anyway.

Just knocking on everyone's house and being outside all day, it was easier to just be in the moment then. I miss it so much.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Born in 90s, I only miss my enthusiasm and will to create when I was younger. I recall the excitement over some computer games when I was 11-12 and feel like that's no longer possible now. There's too much of everything everywhere, constant easily accessible visual stimuli and never-ending competition to make the best graphics.
80s baby. I miss the sunshine and summers at my grandparents. Watching Ghostbusters on vhs in their front room with the curtains shut so the light wouldnt reflect off the screen. The huge dark wooden TV cabinet and the lace doiley on top that my gran made. I miss riding my bike up and down the road behind our house with the neighbour's kids and telling each other scary stories about the houses and people in them.
Pfuzylogic · M
70s , going to all of the Rock concerts and smoking weed with the cops ignoring you.
Pfuzylogic · M
@Goldengirl22 “Stripes” with cross eyes for a humorous twist 😁
@Pfuzylogic one of my favorite movies.
Pfuzylogic · M
Bill did make up a hilarious cadence!
Somexyz · 36-40
90s. I loved playing with friends. Hide and seek. Dancing during festival nights. Finding some broken gadget and trying to make something out of it. Watching cartoons ( which are were shown for a limited time , not like today).

I don't need to go back. I just need my old friends or may be new friends, who are still kid at heart.
Babaloo64 · 41-45, M
Listening to stories from my Grandpa
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DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Born in 1980 so I remember the 80s VERY well. I miss the music, the styles (not that stupid neon stuff, but the New Wave/Goth big hair and oversized dark clothing), and the epic movies that were made during that time.
smileylovesgaming · 31-35, F
I was born in the early 90s. I remember my mom was sick of us and told us to go outside or we had to do chores. Of course we went outside and spent pretty much all day down in the creek. That was our play ground back then. I remember I asked my mom for one of those sand buckets and shovel like u get for the beach. Omg we had such a good time with that. We built a wood raft and took it down the creek. I remember taking our bikes over to friend's houses and play games and dolls. I remember the old desktop computer and that ring tone. We was all was behind with the new game systems but we didn't care. I loved Mario and Zelda.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Grew up in the 80's.

I tell ya what I miss. The seasons.

We used to have 4 distinct seasons here Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring.

Now maybe we got a few fall and spring days here or there, but really it whipsaws between hot and humid, cool and dreary, or the monsoon season.

For the first time in my lifetime, we did not get any significant snow this past winter.

I've lived on the East coast since the mid 80's and it upsets me greatly how terrible the weather is now...and its only getting worse...
spice1 · M
I was born in the 60s, grew up in the 70s and live thru the 90s, one thing I miss is the music when artists actually had talent.
Fluffybull · F
Music, comics, magazines, pony club, getting my first bike, having loads of time to read ☺️
PassingThrough · 41-45, M
The 80s and 90s were my time. I miss the cartoons, the toys and the overall fun of the 80s
Aww, that's a nice wrap up of what influenced you as a child, and missing your grandpa...
I was born in 84 and really miss the 90’s and early 2000’s.
Bleak · 36-40, F
Born in 80s
Grew up in 90s

Miss playing video games with my siblings.
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Gen X - I prefer being an adult (now I've retired).
chasingThursday · 36-40, M
I miss my friends from the street I lived on and from school. I miss Sundays at grandmas with my cousins, I miss Fox Kids, Blockbuster, going to my dad’s place every other weekend, my action figures, wiffle ball, The X-Files, the arcade, the local sub shop that had the best pizza burger subs. I miss my childhood
Born in 70's

I miss the 80's
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
60s. I miss Saturday morning cartoons, too. I also missed over-the-air stations signing off at night and signing back on in the morning with the national anthem. It was cool. As a kid I played baseball, rode my bike everywhere, had "outside" cats because I was allergic, and loved projecting Super 8 films(this is BEFORE even vcrs were a thing). I discovered music and the drums, and well, that was that.
Running around while playing on terrace.
Steve42 · 56-60, M
Late 60's. Music. Social gatherings.
I was a child during the 60s. I remember my mother explaining that a bad man hurt our president…then years later another bad man hurt Dr. King, whom some of my uncles had met. Some of my classmates had older brothers gone to Vietnam, and a few never returned.

The music was great; The Beach Boys, The Four Seasons, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones…Motown.

We didn’t have video games; we watched tv, I rode my bicycle, rollerskated, my friends and I played cards, went to movies and to the mall.
AnommonA86 · 36-40, F
I don’t miss anything really
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I'm older Gen X, 1970, I remember the days before internet, when the street lights told us to get our butts home, Atari 2600 games, the arcades that served food and drinks, when a newspaper cost 20 cents, the Sears Wish Book at xmas time, ten speed bikes and track racing your friends at the high school, riding in the rear of station wagons while facing backwards, and no seat belts required, drive in movies, sugar in all sodas, and all glass bottles, a milky way bar cost 15 cents and was a lot bigger, soda from the machines were 20 cents, the air smelled fresher, the rivers and lakes didn't stink, you could take your own .22 rifle to school after hunter safety week was over to shoot it inside the gym to qualify for your patch, and manners and respect towards Elders was not questioned.
@NativePortlander1970 Everything is getting smaller.
@Spoiledbrat That they are
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