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To Tip or not to Tip, that is the question.

Front or house staff are annoyed they have to share tips.
Having previously worked in restaurants in the past; I fail to see why someone carrying the meal to the table expects or gets the tip & not the poor sod who's made the meal in 100+ degree heat in a dangerous kitchen.

I think 'ALL' staff should share the tips with the exception of management/supervisors.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
The idea of tipping is a bit of a nonsense.

Customers think they’re tipping because of the quality of service provided front of house.
Without realising of course that unscrupulous hiring practices means that most of those kitchen staff are also paid bare minimum.

The unfair expectation being that the customer will contribute to their pay (on top of the bill !) AND the ADDITION of an EXPECTATION of a tip being around a PERCENTAGE Of the total bill !

Laws need to change to protect the poorest in the industry.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Picklebobble2 I completely agree. I also object to a service charge being added to the bill & then there's still an expectation to tip.

They need to:
Get rid of automatic service charges.
Get rid of tipping.
Pay their staff a living wage with decent conditions.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@L33TH4X0R The service sector as a whole has a shocking reputation over many decades for being exploitative to those working within it.
BalmyNites · F
I always deduct the standard service charge - I’ll only tip if the service has been friendly & efficient, not because some corporate giant has added it to my bill
Platinum · M
Agree, but I never ever expected a tip....but in restaurants staff are not paid well and need tips to make up their money, but it's totally wrong as it just puts the price of food more expensive....@BalmyNites
BalmyNites · F
@Platinum You could say that, but why must the customer make up the shortfall in wages? As you say, it’s wrong & eating out is already very expensive - more so since the lockdown lifting, as restaurateurs strive to recoup losses 😏
Platinum · M
@BalmyNites prices have gone up....the government supported them but they are greedy...
Mindful · 56-60, F
It depends on salary... is everyone paid the same? The type of eatery matters too. If everyone is paid same Then yes they should have shared tips. There used to be a huge discrepancy in pay. The cooks pay is sometimes higher than everyone else’s. I admit I know nothing about who gets paid what at eateries now. On other hand-Salons stylists only get paid in tips? I’m not sure anymore.
Mindful · 56-60, F
@L33TH4X0R it’s good that it’s being talked about
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Mindful I couldn't agree more. Things like this should be a topic for discussion rather than the Kardashians.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
@Mindful Ditto about Salons. Plus, unless they own the Salon, many have to Rent their space.
Elessar · 26-30, M
Minimum wage enforced by law, and consistent fines + closures whenever safety and hygiene violations are found out - that's how you eliminate the need for tips.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Elessar Minimum wage is not sustainable in todays society.
You're supposed to work to live; not live to work.
Elessar · 26-30, M
@L33TH4X0R Agreed, imagine being paid *less* than that and having to rely on donations as well, which is the present situation.
dakotaviper · 56-60, M
Knowing that most wait staff get paid much less than minimum wage, I usually tip around 15% to 20% of the bill. Plus, in regards to those that do get paid minimum wage (many do nationwide), a tip is put in a container and generally divided amongst the entire staff except the managers at the end of each work day.
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@dakotaviper This IMHO is how it should be.
MrMonotone · 36-40, M
It's all in how it's set up by the someone who has lived with many servers and bartenders...sometimes you're server is making 2.13 an hour and the guy back there on the line is making 16 to 18 or more...not all places...but some places...if they make the same split the tips...if not a division isn't unreasonable
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@MrMonotone I can accept this. I think the tips should be for all staff. If a Chef is on a higher wage; they should get a cut in tips. But as I see it, the back house staff on minimum wage should share the tips equally with the front of house staff.
Platinum · M
When I owned a restaurant , all tips were put into a box or if included in the payment , and shared amongst all the staff equally........
Platinum · M
All equal....they were paid equally except the chef and everyone was happy....@L33TH4X0R
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Platinum There should be more like you in the business.
Platinum · M
Always tip. When I was in service industry all front of house always have a small percentage to boh.

Plus in smaller places especially bars with a kitchen it's always helps you to tip out the barback and kitchen. Because they be more willing to help you out.
Ingwe · F
tip for all to share
L33TH4X0R · 41-45, M
@Ingwe Completely agree. I've worked in front of house & back of house at different times; both occasions the tips were shared among ALL staff as they all put in input & worked as a team.

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