Important update ...My body has betrayed me once again ! I am allergic to peanut butter ....once again I used to be many years ago ....then I wasn' I am again Wtaf ....ugh ... Guess it's back to sunbutter again ...pffft Ok ...complaining done for now Back... See More »
Have You Had a Peanut Butter and Onion Sandwich?How's about peanut butter and green olives? Asking for a friend.
I just have to know…Doesn’t anyone else beside me like chunky peanut butter ? Or is this just a "creamy" world ? (Yeah, that sounded wrong…) 🤨 (2)
Moroccan clarified butterMoroccan clarified butter, also known as smen, is a type of clarified butter that is commonly used in Moroccan cuisine. It is made by melting butter and then simmering it with a mixture of herbs, such as thyme and bay leaves, and spices, such as... See More » (1)