I just looked it up, for just 20$ you get 4 of these on Amazon then just add some bit of food. Open the door and once they go in, it closes behind them. You then drive them to a place away from your home to release them where they can find food. They are not lucky enough to have been born human so they need to hunt because they need to eat too. You don't have to kill them.
Just looking out for the little creatures.... my name and all..you know?😄
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@smiler2012 Yes, they can be a nuisance and destructive and that's why we can't live together😄 So we need to help them find a more natural habitat.
Yes, as fellow dwellers of this world, we don't have more right to live than they do. Live and let live ☺
Yes, as fellow dwellers of this world, we don't have more right to live than they do. Live and let live ☺
smiler2012 · 61-69
@LilMissAnonyMOUSE exactly
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Matt85 · 36-40, M
noooo be nice to the mousies 😔
swirlie · F
Are you crazy? Mice are rodents that carry disease. Under no circumstances should you ever handle mice feces with your bare hands because mice carry a deadly virus similar to what bats carry in their feces. Mice are destructive and will chew through wiring on a home and once you have a colony of mice living in your attic, your house will devalue to the point that it is unsalable.
Are you crazy? Mice are rodents that carry disease. Under no circumstances should you ever handle mice feces with your bare hands because mice carry a deadly virus similar to what bats carry in their feces. Mice are destructive and will chew through wiring on a home and once you have a colony of mice living in your attic, your house will devalue to the point that it is unsalable.
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
I would never use that on them
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
@Jenny1234 me neither ! Looks scary
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
@CheezeburgerBrown I’m glad to know you wouldn’t use that
Lilymoon · F
Poor meeces 😥
Piper · 61-69, F
Of course it's inhumane. I've not found it 'too much trouble' to use a humane catch and release trap, those times I've had a mouse in the house.
Piper · 61-69, F
Well @swirlie, those mice I've caught in a humane trap and released, have not returned to my house. You seem to be assuming that people would not release a mouse or mice far away from houses, in a habitat that seems suitable for little creatures that do survive outdoors...before they enter houses.
Adult mice have limited vision, but are not "blind".
Adult mice have limited vision, but are not "blind".
swirlie · F
Why would I assume that you put a virus infested rodent in your car to drive it a safe distance from your home to then remove it from your car and then set it free from the trap which you've probably been handling with your bare hands?
Adult mice as well as young mice are blind from birth because of incest within the mouse colony, which happens when the adult male mates with his own female offspring, who then mate with the other male offspring as well, often producing litters of mice one after the other which is what builds the mouse colony.
In a mouse colony, which typically survives in the attics of homes, every mouse is genetically related to the original male and female who ended up in the attic in the first place.
This is why brothers and sisters of humans shouldn't have sex together because the offspring will almost always look like a circus freak and will almost always be either blind or deaf or both. That's why all mice are blind.
Why would I assume that you put a virus infested rodent in your car to drive it a safe distance from your home to then remove it from your car and then set it free from the trap which you've probably been handling with your bare hands?
Adult mice as well as young mice are blind from birth because of incest within the mouse colony, which happens when the adult male mates with his own female offspring, who then mate with the other male offspring as well, often producing litters of mice one after the other which is what builds the mouse colony.
In a mouse colony, which typically survives in the attics of homes, every mouse is genetically related to the original male and female who ended up in the attic in the first place.
This is why brothers and sisters of humans shouldn't have sex together because the offspring will almost always look like a circus freak and will almost always be either blind or deaf or both. That's why all mice are blind.
Piper · 61-69, F
@swirlie Somehow, I've managed to survive handling a humane trap with a mouse in it just fine. Nothing bad happened to me. Maybe the mice I've released got eaten by a predator, but at least they had a chance to survive.
Nothing I've ever read about mice, confirms that they are actually "blind".
We do agree that incest is not something humans ought to engage in, for many reasons. Good grief.
Nothing I've ever read about mice, confirms that they are actually "blind".
We do agree that incest is not something humans ought to engage in, for many reasons. Good grief.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I like that it’s guaranteed . Send me 14.
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Thevy29 · 41-45, M
They're not that effective on young spinifex hopping mice.
smiler2012 · 61-69
@CheezeburgerBrown 🤔no it is like a smaller version of a man trap and they could make a real mess of a mans leg if caught in one. so what will it do too a little mouse no that is far too brutal
HannahSky · F
Use the old fashioned wood traps and toss
That's a guillotine!
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
@Furiosa Furreals ! 😳
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
That’s so inhumane 🥹
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Lilnonames · F
I got cat that catches them
swirlie · F
I use mouse traps all the time, not like that one but like the old fashioned wooden kind.
CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M
@swirlie I bought 2 of them .. but he managed to get to the peanut butter without tripping the trap .. so I had to go a step further
swirlie · F
Oh! The kind I buy has a yellow tripping mechanism on it that smells like food, so you don't have to put bait on the trap, otherwise you end up with what you're talking about!
Oh! The kind I buy has a yellow tripping mechanism on it that smells like food, so you don't have to put bait on the trap, otherwise you end up with what you're talking about!
swirlie · F
The problem with that mousetrap is that it has an inherently poor design to it.
The purpose of a mouse trap is not to "trap" the mouse, but to actually kill it instantly, which is how the old fashioned mouse traps work that are made of wood and are precarious to 'set' in the first place.
That mousetrap in your photo does not have a mechanism to kill a mouse, but only traps the mouse within the assembly itself.
The question as well as the true issue then becomes, what do you do with an injured mouse after it gets trapped in that thing?
The purpose of a mouse trap is not to "trap" the mouse, but to actually kill it instantly, which is how the old fashioned mouse traps work that are made of wood and are precarious to 'set' in the first place.
That mousetrap in your photo does not have a mechanism to kill a mouse, but only traps the mouse within the assembly itself.
The question as well as the true issue then becomes, what do you do with an injured mouse after it gets trapped in that thing?
MethDozer · M
They're okay. They are by far easier to set but the spring in them is a bit weaker than the classic snap traps so they don't always snap their neck cleanly and some get out.
I have no empathy for vermin my home. I won't torture but they will all die. So no qualms about lethal traps, and they are preferred.
I have no empathy for vermin my home. I won't torture but they will all die. So no qualms about lethal traps, and they are preferred.
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CheezeburgerBrown · 36-40, M