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Was your mother the best cook or was it

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The chef at work was the best cook. Followed by my brother and family friend. My mother and both grandmothers cooked nice meals but they’re no chef and didn’t particularly like cooking.

Would you agree a good cook would make the cabbage of their cabbage rolls tasty, of course, but also easy to cut (even with just a fork) or bite into?
ArtieKat · M
My mother was a good cook, but my father was a boring eater which constrained her. She was an exceptional baker - probably the reason I didn't try to compete and stuck to savouries lol

That was one helluva comment 😂

"A boring eater!"
Tumbleweed · F
My mom hates to cook. She always has. My father always liked it, that's where I get it from.
seaglass · F
My uncle was the best cook; he's a chef. My mother burnt most things and said often that she hated cooking

sorry... u got me laughing!
seaglass · F
@rinkydinkydoink I condone your laughter 😌
DearAmbellina2113 · 41-45, F
Cantsayno · 56-60, M
My mother! I loved her cooking
exexec · 70-79, C
My mother was a good cook, but my wife is a great cook.
Lilymoon · F
No she wasn't which is probably why I'm not either lolz
Achelois · F
I’d have to say myself, she’s pretty good 🧑‍🍳
AdaXI · T
My stepdad was due to him being totally obsessed about everything being right, LOLZ

Quiet! Step-papas are THE BEST!
AdaXI · T
@rinkydinkydoink Haha yeah he was a bit of a Gordon Ramsey, he flapped a lot but I'll give him that his decorating, cooking, anything he took a hand to it all got done with military precision, LOLZ
metaldog · 51-55, F
No her father was
Atlotto · M
No...Her mother was.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
My mother was a terrible cook. I dreaded dinnertime.

Sorry to hear that. My mother - except for the last couple of years of her life - cooked for a family of 7 on a Clare Jewel which was a coal/wood burning stove/oven. The miracles she produced!

Like this only ours was yellow -

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