The chef at work was the best cook. Followed by my brother and family friend. My mother and both grandmothers cooked nice meals but they’re no chef and didn’t particularly like cooking.
My mother was a good cook, but my father was a boring eater which constrained her. She was an exceptional baker - probably the reason I didn't try to compete and stuck to savouries lol
@rinkydinkydoink Haha yeah he was a bit of a Gordon Ramsey, he flapped a lot but I'll give him that his decorating, cooking, anything he took a hand to it all got done with military precision, LOLZ 乂^‿^乂
Sorry to hear that. My mother - except for the last couple of years of her life - cooked for a family of 7 on a Clare Jewel which was a coal/wood burning stove/oven. The miracles she produced!