Put some baking soda in the water when you are boiling them. It helps. And don’t use really fresh eggs either. After they are boiled, drain the water and cover them with cold water before peeling.
I always boil eggs the same way and sometimes they peel horribly and other times they easily pop out. So it must depend on the egg itself, not the process.
I boil my eggs for 15 minutes and place them in a strainer right away in the sink and turn on the Cold-water full blast to run over the eggs for a few minutes, then I peel then right away good and clean without any issues.
Just a dash of baking soda and salt in the water also the other thing you want to do is when cracking the shells don't just crack it roll it on the counter and press on it gently this gives a more even peel to the egg
@Rumination I will try this ..... I have been bringing them to a boil, removing from heat and covering to rest for 10 minutes. Then moving them to an ice bath for 15 or so minutes. However, this last weekend, they sat in the ice bath probably over 30 minutes and still were a pain to peel. 😞
Before boiling, poke a small hole with a pushpin on the rounded end (as opposed to the pointier end) and then boil as usual. This makes peeling unbelievably easy…like it will blow your mind🤯😆👍🏼 You’re welcome!😉
After I’ve cooled them down I crack both ends, put the eggs (1 at a time ) in a plastic container, put the lid on and shake vigorously. 99% of the time it is a success.
@skmokisses Please, let me know how you make out. FYI: after the boiling time( usually 20 minutes- and add a splash of vinegar when I place the egg in the pot where in boiling. As they boil I take a plastic container, fill it with water, place in the freezer. When 20 mins ends, the egg(s) go in the water in the container in the freezer. After about 25 minutes, I drain the container. Then proceed as described in first response.
put a little salt in the water. guaranteed. so this is what you do-salt the water, bring it to a boil then turn it off with the lid on the pot. beautiful yellow yolks
@akindheart So, I haven't tried the salt, but what I usually do it bring them to a boil, remove from heat and cover to rest for 10 minutes. Then move them to an ice bath for 15 or so minutes. Last weekend, they sat in the ice bath probably over 30 minutes and still were a pain to peel. 😞
I run mine under cold water after cooking. Then while still warm,I run the eggs on my sink,draining board..a hard service, rolling them to crack the shell..them hey presto..world everytime ( well 95%+)